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  1. Starfield has dozens of cockpits which look great and could serve as a flying vehicle skin, insted of immersion breaking UFO mod.
  2. Just simple as that, fty a ship in a planet atmosthere like in space. Probably will not be possible untill the creation kid releases.
  3. [Mod Request] Blood and gore, Corpses don't vanish. Please make it a reality.
  4. More bombs, fuly loaded guns, lore loot by defoult. To make the exploration rewording and interesting.
  5. Is there any way to put rings in the main game?
  6. My wishlist: 1) gear mod (we need more outfits) 2) Darrell main character mod model (from TWD) 3) slower progression (for thouse who like to pay over 100h) 4) drive a car? (would be cool, but probably imposible) 5) more side quests 6) jump mod (to jump anytime, like it shold be in 2021) 7) no cap or bald head for MC 8) more hords and zombies Thanks,
  7. Disabled armor mods and it worked for me.
  8. After installing the mod "Random Encounters", when i buy things from the merchants the game doesn't take the money away, so now its like am just taking things from their inventory, but i still can sell things and get the gold for it..( In fact, it kills my game since there is no need in money..Can anyone please help?
  9. Is it possible to take down the sunny weather from the game, or make it rare? With this mod the game will have the proper dark fantasy look.
  10. Can someone bring the winter in W3 like in this abandoned mod made by KNGR? http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/18/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fwitcher3%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D18%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  11. No leaf, to make the game more like the dark fantasy. After loading the game, for 3 sec all the trees aroud were without leafs, looked cool, but then they appeared again.
  12. Can someone make fall in W3? Thanks for atention.
  13. Can someone unlock the area that's filled with the fog? And add the mobs there?
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