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Everything posted by Pru777

  1. Hi Tragthemercenary, I haven't used the Ryzen 5 1500x but having built a new pc about 18 months ago and based it around the i7 6850 I really wished I had waited until the Ryzens had come out. But hey that's why hindsight is always 100%. The Gforce 1050Ti will knock spots of Skyrim especially over old rig. A good place to have a look at your components for yourself is www.cpubenchmark.net...it will make you depressed tbh and fall off your chair at the prices of some of the bits n pieces. One thing I have spotted about your choices is the Sata.... if you could grab a cheap SSD to drop Win10 onto you will see a huge increase in performance. If your mobo has a slot for a SSD all well and good but if not you could grab a board for a pci slot and slap it in there. Hope this helps. Best Wishes to you and yours, Pru777
  2. Pru777

    Hello Friends

    Hi Everyone, just thought I would introduce myself, Pru777. I have been rpging since about 1984 when a gal bought me DnD "The Keep on the Borderlands" and playing games on the computer since I put £5 in a new fangled arcade game called "Gauntlet" again in the early 1980's. I went out the next day and bought a Atari 800XL and have been gaming ever since. If you know me from WoW please forgive me my sins. My favourite games are all of the Mass Effects except Andromeda, the Dead Space series, Wizardry 8, Morrowwind, Half Life, Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back. I probably like a stack more but as I have spent the last 35 years drinking holes in my brain they do not readily spring to mind. I am new to modding but as I have just knocked up a new rig thought i would try and push my gaming up a notch. My new rig based around a i7 6850 (i know it should have been a i7 6950 but the prices are stupid), Asus Rampage 5 Edition 10 and a single Asus 1080 GTX I put this lot inside a Corsair 900d (the really really big case) and now wish I had a taller desk. I am going to upgrade the 1080GTX to a 1080Ti asap and SLi a second when cash allows BUT first a Occy Rift headset and VRing all of my gaming as far as possible. I have a K95 RGb, Evoluent Vertical mouse (needed as I have a completely knackered mouse hand complete with trigger-finger index finger) and a pair of not-matching 40" 4k monitors. I have no kids, a very tolerant, gorgeous and talented wife and two beautiful black cats (Higgs and Boson). I would wish you all love and peace but who the hell needs it. More Power to Your Sword Arm! Arioch, Arioch Aid Me!
  3. Pru777

    Hi Folks

    Hi Everyone, just thought I would introduce myself, Pru777. I have been rpging since about 1984 when a gal bought me DnD "The Keep on the Borderlands" and playing games on the computer since I put £5 in a new fangled arcade game called "Gauntlet" again in the early 1980's. I went out the next day and bought a Atari 800XL and have been gaming ever since. If you know me from WoW please forgive me my sins. My favourite games are all of the Mass Effects except Andromeda, the Dead Space series, Wizardry 8, Morrowwind, Half Life, Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back. I probably like a stack more but as I have spent the last 35 years drinking holes in my brain they do not readily spring to mind. I am new to modding but as I have just knocked up a new rig thought i would try and push my gaming up a notch. My new rig based around a i7 6850 (i know it should have been a i7 6950 but the prices are stupid), Asus Rampage 5 Edition 10 and a single Asus 1080 GTX I put this lot inside a Corsair 900d (the really really big case) and now wish I had a taller desk. I am going to upgrade the 1080GTX to a 1080Ti asap and SLi a second when cash allows BUT first a Occy Rift headset and VRing all of my gaming as far as possible. I have a K95 RGb, Evoluent Vertical mouse (needed as I have a completely knackered mouse hand complete with trigger-finger index finger) and a pair of not-matching 40" 4k monitors. I have no kids, a very tolerant, gorgeous and talented wife and two beautiful black cats (Higgs and Boson). I would wish you all love and peace but who the hell needs it. More Power to Your Sword Arm! Arioch Aid Me!
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