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Everything posted by Preacher

  1. Good game on its own...nice combat, decent graphics, but ITS NOT A FALLOUT GAME!!!! NYGAAAAAARGH!!!!!!! Fallout games are gritty and noir, open-ended and engaging. Not commandos, with guts, gore and power armour.
  2. Preacher


    At the risk of being charged with thread necromancy and repeating myself (I already put in quite a lengthy diatribe under Fallout 2 discussion), but I can't help myself BEST...GAME...EVER!!! (except maybe planescape torment)
  3. Evening all... Been a while, about 12 months, thought I'd pop in and see how the old Barfly's doing...the adventures I've been on, the places I've seen, the people I've been...aah, but thats a story for another time... *Just to let you know that if anyone is stuck on an RP or needs some ideas/background stories, I'm back for a good while now.* *Raises glass* May the Barfly Stink for many years to come! *Swiftly drains tankard and lobs it at a half-orc standing at the bar* *Makes swift exit*
  4. Preacher

    Fallout 2

    Warning: Rabid Fallout Fan Coming through... The best thing about fallout was that it was the first modern-ish PC game to step away from the fantasy swords and sorcery settings of rpgs up to that time and still create an engaging crpg with a compelling storyline, an engaging world that is familiar, yet different (post-apocalyptic Northern California, in case non-fallout players are reading this) , a system that was all its own, the SPECIAL system, the gritty, dark humour of the first game continued into the second, coupled with (ruined, some might say) easter eggs, monty python, star trek and hitchhikers' guide references, and so much more... The combat system is a lot like marmite - you either love it or you hate it. Personally, I think it suited the game at the time, but I doubt it'd hold much water in the marketplace now. Shame, really, because doing away with it entirely would enrage the hardcore fallout fans (and believe me, there is nothing worse than a mob of angry fallout fans!) As for fallout 3 - well...don't get me started! We've been waiting for a decent sequel for fallout 2 for nearly a decade* *Fallout tactics was a good turn-based strategy game on its own, but in doing so they completely rewrote the role and status of one of the "factions," the Brotherhood of Steel, and in doing so, invoked much wrath from the fallout community (the devs, Black Isle, actually locked all their forums for about a week because the mass flamings crashed their servers!) I'm not going to rant any more on this, I know Dark0ne's sick of hearing it anyway :P So if anyone wants to check up on the continuing saga, go to No Mutants Allowed and see it for themselves. They're like a one-stop-shop for all things fallout. www.nma-fallout.com EDIT: Sorry if I got off topic there...its like lycanthropy, I just kind of lose it. Btw: Planescape Torment rules! ^ |
  5. Its my duty as a scholar... :D PC: "Heh heh heh, hey Pemenie, they're like...you know...heh heh heh" Pemenie: "Will you SHUT UP about the darn cliff racers already!" PC: "Heh heh heh...heh...err...nice boots..." *Slash* "Guuuuuuurk!" ??? Man, I gotta stop coming on here late at night, things get weird... ???
  6. Two cliff racers mating, that was pretty weird... You know when a cliff racer gets stuck behind a tree? Well, there were two stuck behind the tree...kinda looked like...you know... :embarassed:
  7. Good to see you getting an education dude - though i doubt they can teach you anything you dont already know! Just got to uni too after a Gap year bumming around, travelling yadda yadda. Its been about 12 months since i posted on here. Good to see the stinking barfly's still going strong. Like you I'm pretty stacked up now but I'll still pop in and add my two seplims when its needed. As far as security goes, uni halls tend to be pretty relaxed about the amount of bandwidth you use up/what you use it for. Gaming is a bit more of a problem, but there's a group of us up here working on it as well. If we make any progress we'll let you know! I think they're open to the idea of a sort of "LAN gaming society," so its all above board...but we'll have to wait and see. Well thats it, good luck with your studies, and i'll leave you with the preacher's top cullinary tip: "weetabix and curry sauce is surprisingly tasty"
  8. "Why do you think brawling is accepted and often encouraged, within the walls of the Stinking Barfly? The building is protected in such a way that it will remain the same no matter what happens, just as I will always remain. It is both a blessing...sighand a curse. But no matter! Next round of drinks on the house! :D
  9. "Thanks but I don't need the money," beamed the barkeep, as the others looked confused, "Look." Everyone looks to where the damage should have been, but everything is back to the way it should be "Maybe I should explain..?" He asks, looking at the rather startled expressions on people's faces.
  10. "Okay listen up everyone!" Bellows the Preacher, and the Tavern goes silent, all eyes fixed on the landlord. "The one rule in this fine tavern is that there are no rules, so drink up, have fun, and go mad!" And with that, he picks up a handy barstool and lobs it towards a miserable looking group of people supping their ale quietly in the corner...
  11. "Excellent, go on..." A small crowd begins to gather around Raven as the story continues... "We could continue here, or if you'd like to go to some place more suited for storytelling (ie a new topic)...take your drink if you like, this place won't fall apart the second I step out the door!
  12. Turns to Raven "Ah Raven me old chum! Good to see you lad, here you go, have this one on the house!" Swings a giant tankard of frothing ale in Raven's direction "Long journey? Last time I saw you you were off on some kind of treasure hunt. I'd like to hear that story, if you have the time...
  13. Introducing Preacher Name: Preacher Pronounced: Take a guess... Age: 45 Race: Human Weapon of Choice: Fists Fighting Tactics: Having raised himself dodging town guards as a street rat since he was 12, Preacher has worked hard to ensure that getting into fights is not a regular occurence. However, once riled, he will defend his friends and his tavern with his life. His sheer size is generally enough to put any normal human being off the very idea of causing trouble. Attitude: Friendly and charming, but at the same time he is very stern and disciplined, almost fatherlike. Exceedingly loyal and trustworthy.
  14. Hey everyone, Preacher's the name and storytellin's the game. If you ever need any ideas to get an RP thread off the ground, or a story's getting a bit tired and needs a pick-me-up, I'm your man. This forum is basically a waypoint for adventurers between quests. Just relax, put your feet up and relax with a tankard. Tell stories, meet people, share ideas, any problems, give us a shout, I'm just behind the bar...
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