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Everything posted by Deleted4666244User

  1. i still say mede did what he thought was right. Do i agree with it? no, it is wrong to sign freedoms away, but it is not my place to decide what the leaders can/can't do when they are backed into a corner after a brutal war.
  2. facing Paarthurnax? that is a real SKY-RIM! sorry, had to do it :whistling:
  3. not saying that at all, just saying that in some cases, Giving up some rights is better than forcing hundreds/thousands of civilians to give up their lives to protect those freedoms, like when the cost of the war is too high to justify the reward of keeping it.
  4. He isn't going to feed them? He isn't going to provide them with weapons...or training? Or maybe he'll erect 12 foot high steel link fence around an area as big as Groom Lake (Area 51) with signs that say "We'll kill you if we have to!" to keep the roving bands of Thalmor from getting close enough to hear about long trains of food and clothing and medicine and so forth arriving...much less actually getting a peek at what's in the valley below. Go on...pull the other one. Yes Mede made the right call if you reckon appeasement, collusion and betrayal of friends and citizens the right call. Betrayal of some rights is better than costing untold amounts of Citizens their lives. THE PEOPLE OF SKYRIM SHOULD BE THANKING MEDE FOR HAVING THE BRAIN POWER TO REALIZE THAT CONTINUING THE WAR WOULD COST THOSE PEOPLE THEIR LIVES!!!!
  5. i was proving a point that mede made the right call in Signing the WGC, as not doing so would cost more innocent lives than necessary.
  6. Mede could allow some legionaries to "retire" with discreet orders to train "mercenaries" then recruit them suddenly. training an army without actually training an army.
  7. i do not if Ulfric was right, or if he was wrong. i do not have any info on how the duel was set up, what rules or limits they had. so no judgement from me on Ulfric himself. i side with whichever side is better for my character.
  8. lets look at the WGC this way-Mede had two options when it came to the WGC: Continue the war, drafting multiples of farmers/merchants/mercenaries/ETC. and probably cause more unrest in the Empire, when those children/parents/spouses/etc. are killed in Action. Sign the WGC and hope that they can prepare for war in a secret way and catch the Thalmor off guard and force them to surrender all territory back to Empire, including Alinor. so, now which choice looks like it will save more lives in the LONG run?
  9. hmm, maybe i will keep Beast form and start a werewolf-vampire war by killing Harkon on my wolfman crusader/battlemage. hope i do not decide to use Dawnbreaker for fun instead. ;D
  10. i do not have any beef with Paarthurnax, i just think that he and the Greybeards are useless after a certain point. the Blades help you by hunting evil dragons with you, Greybeards, they give you a few free words and give you locations to other words, which you have to go out by yourself and get, then you have to kill a dragon just to get a soul to unlock it. I do not see that as them training you, more like you training yourself. at least i am on PC so i can mod in a better solution to the Mr P debacle. oh, and Paarthurnax, he sits on a mountain ad watches while you fight, only helping when you need to Meditate on three words, two of which are useless if you do not use the words the meditation are for.
  11. the problem i have with the stormcloaks, not just ulfric, is that they are nord-favoritist. have you guys ever seen a non-nord in the Stormcloaks besided the DB? no? i rest my case.
  12. everyone thinks about the WGC as a cop-out, which it may be but look at it this way: if you were in his position would you want to be hated by millions of civilians because you drafted their son/daughter/wife/husband/whatever and ordered them to their death? or hated for taking the "easy way out" and protecting your people in the process?
  13. not voting because it depends on what kind of Character I am role playing Noble warrior valuing Strength and Honor-i would side with the Stormcloaks Sly and stealthy rogue-Empire for purely business reasons Wise mage-neither side, just want to read my books in peace.
  14. Name:Maria Theresa Gonzalez Gender: Female Age: 28 Race: Hispanic Combat Style: Ranged and Ranger hand-to-hand Specialties: Sneak, unarmed, guns, survival, speech Weaknesses: Everything else Likes: walks in the waste, killing legionaries, hunting, cooking (weird) Dislikes: Ghouls, Slavers, Raiders, cold-blooded Murderers Wants: a quiet life where she can live in peace Fears: Dying a violent death before she was ready Friendly Factions: NCR, BOS, Followers of the Appocalypse, Great Kahns, various other factions Enemy Factions: Raiders/Fiends, Legion, White legs Companions: Rose of Sharon Cassidy (by the end), ED-E Love interest?: currently debating between Cass and a female doctor living in New Reno Parents: Father alive in NCR territory, Mother fomer BOS member (deceased) Early life: Maria was born to a retired NCR ranger and woman from the BOS. she was eight when she realized that she was different. but is was not until she was twelve when she realized she was a lesbian. Teen years: At thirteen, she came out to her parents, who, while shocked accepted her immediately. Her mother died three years later. At eighteen, she got a tattoo of the BOS symbol on her hip to remember her mother. She met a woman in the army three years into her term of service. the girl died during the first battle of hoover dam, and Maria was descharged due to a injury that left her left leg near crippled. How did he/she become a courier?: She became a courier after her discharge, working for the NCR delivering packages. She got together with Catherine in New Reno, but details about their relationship after they met again are shrouded, as neither want to talk about it. She then signed on with the Mojave Express when the game begins.
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