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About mshane951

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  1. Alright yeah I found the fix the dxd9.dll but this presents a new problem, the interface essentially lost its entire stabiltiy, it lags terribly when I open the main menu, shooting is alot more laggy and there are many new issues. I don't want the out of memory crash or this so I am trying to find a middle ground and its just not working for me.
  2. Alright after some very careful sorting the stutters were fix, does anyone have ANY CLUE on how to fix this godforsaken out of memory error? Please, its really bad. Plugin limit cannot be the issue so don't say that since I know its not true. I am at 121 active plugins. My updated modlist is below.
  3. Hello, Recently I starting dealing with these "long" aka up to 2 seconds long micro stutters every 15 seconds when travelling out in exteriors. Its nothing game breaking and as soon as I enter an interior it is gone, I know it is LOD of world-spaces related but I am not sure how to fix it. I played around with new vegas stutter remover to try to fix it however it does not seem to do the trick, crashing is rare happens on average of every 2 hours or so nothing that is of concern. I am under the assumption that mods are the cause particularly those who affect the exteriors widespread such as NMC's texture pack. Not sure if this matters but I am below the "hypothetical" plugin limit which does not really exist but is commonly thought of 130ish plugins at 116. In case the size of my game matters, it is about 30 gigabytes in total roughly 21.3 gigabytes of mods. I went way beyond this is Fallout 3 which is roughly 40 gigabytes with 180ish plugins and the stutter there is minor nothing like here. Its probably some sort of mod conflict or so, so if you know this type of issue take a look at my modlist and plugin list. Thanks Edit: I am running through the FNV4gb.exe which helps with stability.
  4. Forgot to mention that one of my plugins there "crippled limbs overhaul" is created by me so I can just send you that if you are interested.
  5. Take this in consideration I have extensive modding experience and made my games feel completely new if you are up for challenge try these mods and seriously tweak the settings to make it more difficult. For example I have endurance of 4 my hp is only 132 and I am level 25, dt is extremely ineffective as well, blocking a max of 55% of damage you can do all this with MCM and it seriously makes it feel afresh. Just a suggestion though also you wouldn't know but my new forum I posted completely overhauls combat. You use enhance camera turn on third person arms and third person ironsights enable fake ironsights your set it seriously makes a differience. Your choice though that is my suggestion. Look at my list and see if it fits you well, I did the exact same thing in Fallout 3 with 160 mods and 178 active plugins (yes above the plugin limit it is all ram related there is no such thing as plugin limit or mod limit it is non-existent) New Vegas consumes more RAM than 3 so you get out of memory crashes. Fallout 3 is more stable and can handle more punishment if you know how to mod it right there is no limit as you can actually make it go above 2gb even though it rarely does unlike New Vegas. Regardless of the sense I can send you that as well if you are interested. Hope for a good afresh experience like mine! -Mshane951
  6. Hello, to begin with many of us use the enhanced camera for its general functionality, what the vanilla setting in the ini does is what I mean by that. This being the simple lower half with 1st person animations aka the 1st person labeled .kifs in the meshes folder. I would assume that a good chunk of us don't even bother with the .ini however if you do you can use the .male or third person animations in 1st person, opening to many new first person animations and a new style of gameplay. These animations also flow way better if you were to download and look at the compressed group of screenshots I have taken. So I am a devotee towards third person animations in 1st the two lines you see on the screenshot from the .ini are usually set to 0 and 1 respectively. There, they are set to 1 and 0 which completely changes the way gameplay is function. Link to Screenshot of Animations: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2l8gnjlx91ib1ws/aiming%20animations.zip?dl=0 The whole point of this topic was to describe the rather unknown and interesting aiming with third person arms and iron-sights. Obviously the game was not meant to be this way so it has some weird parts to it and fake iron-sights must be enabled. So from the dropbox link above, just copy and paste it into a new tab, is aiming animations in 1st person shown from Modern Pistol Animations from Fallout 3 which can easily be ported and Asurah's Animation pack which is for the two handed weapons. This makes me wonder, the pistol animations line up realistically and perfectly with the gun clearly being visible and possible to aim through in real life with that current stance. However, the rifle animations you can barely see the gun making it seem that the gun is too far to the right. This appears to be evident if you look clearly in third person the gun does not line up with your eyes. I consider this issue since this feature is rather interesting and fun to play with, opening up new gameplay opportunities. So I care to see if there is such a two handed animation mod for third person that i can use in 1st that actually lines up with my eyes. Rather than me aimlessly shooting without looking through the sights. Thanks for reading, I wonder what you all think. -Mshane951
  7. As the name applies ran into a non-game breaking issue, helpless falling adds in a script where when you fall you go into ragdoll mod, while if I am in midair it will work however if I land on ground it kind of just stops the camera and I dont exactly get knockdown. The same can be said for explosions as those don't knock me done either, I know that is strength and endurance based and I have below average 4 for both so this is where I am stuck. Weird little bug here if anyone got the know how on how to fix it it will be great, this is not your traditional problem so I have to get creative here. If you want to see my modlist and load order its attached, maybe you had the same issue.
  8. My specs which are currently the same as the last post but with massive fps improvements: Amd Radeon RX 580 4gb of vram GPU (overclocked by 5.5% and memory speed clocked from 1500 to 1920) (ranked 51st on userbenchmark) Amd Radeon Ryzen 5 1400 3.2 gigahertz 4 core 8 threads processor (overclocked from 3.2 gigahertz to 3.6 gigahertz per core) (Rank=200 on userbenchmark) 8 gbs of ram clocked at 1200 megahertz per stick (2 4gb sticks ddr5) Runs very well with 170 plugins, 120+ mods and 2k textures
  9. MEAgreed, :), it also worked better than usual beforehand its called patience lad.
  10. you said something about a private discord? Lets do that It will be useful to get more live help if you know what I mean, also I already have mo2 but it is version 2.2.0 should i get 2.2.1?
  11. I will get started right now! Thanks, do 8 just remove the esps for the unmanaged mods? Because they are not in fallout 3 mods folder for mo2
  12. Yeah Yeah, I get it, I give you a link to the my most recent save file through dropbox since it is a bit to big for nexus, sorry I did not understand thank you for your help! Also regarding the MO 2 separate installation, the unmanaged mods I mentioned how would I copy those into the mo 2 separate installation since the only thing that is somewhat there is the esps, I only have around 15 mods "actually" installed to MO 2's interface. https://www.dropbox.com/s/k59jnhfmxmf8qpa/Profile%201%20Save%201.fos?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/nduh2ugmo8am1eq/Profile%201%20Save%201.fos.bak?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/52si2vpqed640d1/Save%201738%20-%20Mary%20Woolstone%2C%20Megido%20Wilderness%2C%20210.26.40.fos?dl=0 These are my most recent
  13. Kitty, my save game evidence, this is from MO2 directly, I also forgot to give you guys my mod list which is an important asset to how my game works, note that this current order has close to "zero" crashes and what I see is framerate related issues, however, this game barely takes up any of my memory or cpu at 1,200 mb on an 8gb ram stick and 5 to 10 percent usage of my cpu. If stats isn't enough the computer is a desktop so it is normal for them to get loud during fps heavy games, well my computer is not loud at all it is almost like it is not trying to run the game. Note that a lot of these mods are also "unmanaged" which could be seen as a negative thing since I had to copy all of these into my FO3 goty edition to port over New Vegas weapons to Fallout 3. Again, unless true evidence can prove this I don't see how any of the non-graphical mods will drop my fps, this not related to crashing, game incompatibility, etc. only and I mean only fps related issues. I wish I can delete some mods but I don't see how I can with most of their non-esp related stuff in the normal fo3 directories. This is probably how I got past the maximum amount of mods, I will delete those esps I deem unimportant but nothing else. Also remember on the top page what my specs are, they are more than fallout 3 can handle and many much newer games can handle on ultra.
  14. Yeah thank you i had this playthrough since September i will show you my playthrough when i am at home "at my aunts" house thank you!
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