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Posts posted by jetkast

  1. Yesterday while I was modding fallout. I ran into few issues where mods didn't seem to be working correctly. So I decided to reinstall fallout 4 alongside all of the mods. I did all this while Vortex was still open. But when I closed and reopened Vortex again fallout 4 had been removed as a managed game and didn't even appear as I searched it up or when I looked over it manually in the unmanaged selection. I can find Fallout 4 VR, but not Vanilla Fallout 4. Pls help...
  2. I was kinda thinking that the body would also count as an equipable space to place things kinda like a bag so that the worn clothes and armor would simply take up Encumbrance depending on their size, scratch that.


    But I also just thought of something else,

    What if armor and clothes would give a set amount of space depending on their size and otherwise if the person isn't wearing anything he couldn't carry anything either, unless of course equipped with a bag, swords when sheathed would still take up inventory space, but just by half the value then they normally would.


    (Imagine that with the "Armed to the teeth" mod ^_^)


    Necklaces and rings would be wearable but take up space by half their size value just like the swords when worn, which would be a great addition to any Unlimited wearable rings and amulet mods or a mod that simply lets you wear more than one ring and amulet,

    I mean,

    Where do the people keep their stuff,

    In their stomach?


    I'm also very glad to hear that this may be somewhat possible :smile:

  3. I've found it rather unrealistic that your encumbrance is solely based on the carry weight of your items in your Inventory.

    So I thought it might be more realistic if there was a secondary effect on your encumbrance called inventory space.

    The Inventory space could have various stages of negative effects when exceeding its value or just simply affect the player in the same way that that the max carry weight does,

    Except it would always stay at the same value which could depend on which race you are.

    This means that each and every item would have to have a value of space it would take in your inventory along with how much it weighs.

    An automatic calculation engine may be required for this to work properly with other mods that add new lootable things into the game that would determine the item's size as soon as it's picked up, it may have to make those calculations by the current weight of the Item,

    For example,

    If an item has a weight of 0.1 it may be at the size of a lock pick and if an item is as heavy as 0.5 it may be a potion though that kind of system could be rather inaccurate and incompatible with many other mods a much better method would be to get the X and Y of an object mesh and directly determine the size value of the item though I'm unsure of how much effort it would take to make something like that or if it's even possible.

    A compatibility patches could be made so it would work with mods that add bags into the game so that the bags would add more room in your inventory depending on their size

    So I think that's as how far my idea goes, now the question is, how possible is it, is there something else that could be added, is there another way of doing this or is there already a mod I missed that does this?

  4. I just downloaded the Popular Immersive first person view mod by Meh321, and I kinda found that being able to change freely to TPV broke a bit of the immersion.


    So I thought that it would be rather swell to have a different sets of spells differing from hold button casting to single casting duration spells that give the player the ability to switch to third person view that wouldn't be possible otherwise so the mod will also have to disable the freedom of switching to the third person camera.


    It would be rather swell to if Argonians would have a racial power that lets them change into the third person view for a set amount of time just to add something extra, not that I specifically like playing Argonians myself :P it could be called something like "keen senses"


    I would also like that each of the spells has different kind of visual effects and special effects such as "detect life" and "night eye" or something like that, the Argonians "Keen senses" spell could even have both.


    Thanks in advance :)


    Link to Immersive first person view by Meh321 >>> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49036/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D49036%26preview%3D&pUp=1 and please Endorse his awesome creation Muhahaha XD


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