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Everything posted by Shayaryn

  1. Because there's a little seam on the arm that I can't seem to get rid of. Other than that, it's fine, but it's not up to my Nexus release standard. If you don't mind the arm seam, you can get it here.
  2. If you want to use the chain version, it'll work with HGEC because no skin is showing. Otherwise, it's very easy to assign the silver textures to the HGEC version with Nifskope. That particular silver texture is only in my version, but really all I did was desaturate the original textures in Photoshop and scribble some parts with a purple brush.
  3. Looks like Shell of the Artifice. Specifically, my UFF version. AurianaValoria1: I like to use cgtextures.com for stock texture resources. The best thing about it is that it's free.
  4. The outfit in that "Darius" screenshot is a Witcher rip, with a few tweaks. Without going into the detail of who uploaded and how it got around, the archive's called Witcher v1.3.7z. 4chan's /rs/ section might be a good starting place. It's not exactly a private mod.
  5. Since I figure this one and the other ones from the pack will come up more than once, it's a Sims conversion from a place with a poor reputation, converted by a very nice guy who has already shared quite a few hairs on that site. I'm not sure if I should say the name of the site, but it's not a gaming site, though it was shared on the video games board. I can at least say that it was originally a Newsea Sims hair. AKA - practically unfindable. *rofl* No, not at all. Just at a place that I don't want to say because I'm worried about people that haven't heard of it wandering in. I'll give you a hint: it's believed that users of the site are the ones who have hacking the PSN over and over, and users of another board on this particular site are known for wearing Guy Fawkes masks and protesting scientology. If you go to the video games board and find an Oblivion general thread there, just ask and you'll likely get a link in moments.
  6. Since I figure this one and the other ones from the pack will come up more than once, it's a Sims conversion from a place with a poor reputation, converted by a very nice guy who has already shared quite a few hairs on that site. I'm not sure if I should say the name of the site, but it's not a gaming site, though it was shared on the video games board. I can at least say that it was originally a Newsea Sims hair.
  7. I think one reason most Japanese modders host their mods on their blogs is because of the language barrier; many of them can't speak English, and have gotten some nasty comments from native English speakers about it. Another reason is that they don't want their mods hosted where they can't support them properly. I have a bunch of links to Japanese blogs bookmarked, and I should be able to share them here because it's all original content; some of even have links to Nexus mods. Narulivion: Has links to many Nexus mods, and is the home of MBP2ch. Kumakumakokuma's blog: The origin of the lop-eared elf race. Hosts the race and its resources, as well as original hair meshes. Ryk's blog: Personal blog of the modder Ryk. Hosts very high-quality female clothing mods, some of which are not available on Nexus. Zeoblivion: Blog belonging to a Japanese modder who's been very busy lately. Hosts some very cute outfits and a high-quality player home. Tona's blog: Not updated very often, but check every once in a while if you want to see what Tona's currently working on. Tete's blog: Another Japanese modder's blog, with some cute outfits. Homura's Diary: Personal blog of another very talented Japanese modder. You can find many others by following the links in each blog. Google Translate comes in very handy with these blogs, but for the most part isn't necessary.
  8. And your point is? I could ask the same about your first post actually, but I think that people have avoided linking Japanese sites with ripped content and I haven't seen one without it. Actually, there are very few Japanese sites with ripped content. Some have very bizarre sexual mods, but few have rips. Most Japanese Oblivion blogs either review or link to mods, or are the personal blogs of modders who make original content, such as Tona and NPR, who share their mods here. Japanese modders tent to share their mods through their blogs, which are linked to other blogs, and Japanese modding forums. If you can find one blog, you can find them all, and the files are typically easy to access and not passworded, unlike with certain Korean sites, Russian sites, and Chinese sites. Most of the ripped content comes from Korean and Chinese sites, though Chinese sites do have some original content as well. Russian sites also commonly host rips, but not all of them. That isn't to say that no Japanese sites have any rips at all, but I don't see a problem with linking to Kumakumakokuma's blog and Narulivion.
  9. If you don't like the vanilla hands, I'd advise against HGEC, since it uses the vanilla hand mesh and has fairly low-poly feet. The Girl Next Door is based on HGEC, but has much better hands and feet. Fantasy Figures, Robert's Female, and BAB all have improved hands and feet over the vanilla version. I prefer Fantasy Figures, myself. It has more support than any other female body, aside from HGEC. While there isn't as much available for it compared to HGEC, I'd suggest using if if you don't like the vanilla hands and feet. Or, you could use TGND, since it uses HGEC textures, though the better hands and feet will only be visible when naked or using an outfit made for the body, and you may have to use the equippable hands that come with it when using outfits made for HGEC.
  10. Yeah, I noticed that. I use my own modified version of FF00, seen here, but I couldn't find the clothes, either. For either mod. I took a look in the construction set, and the container the items are in, a small sack, is there, but doesn't show up in-game. I had to duplicate the container and move it to get it to show up in-game. It's odd, because it shows up in the right place in the CS, but not in-game.
  11. Oblivion modding is very different than NWN modding. Even modded hair in NWN2 is rigged, but the only rigged hair for Oblivion is in wig form, and I've never seen a wig that doesn't make ears disappear. For cosmetic mods, I like Beautiful People. It's a bit outdated, but it has a bunch of races, hair styles, and hair colors, and works just fine for me. The Corean, Sulwha, and Saram races by idkrr have some very nice hair styles. There's a ton of race mods out there, but if you want the best, Nexus has a feature that lets you view mods in order of downloads. If a mod has a ton of downloads, it's probably good. I'd also suggest the Lattamer race. You should also install Improved Facial Textures, and if you want, Enayla's Facial Textures on top of it. It makes faces look much better. MUCH better. Now, for body mods, HGEC is great if you're fine with thick wrists and man-hands, as well as freaky shoulders. Sure, there's a lot of variants, but they all have massive, ugly hands and low-poly feet. If you want a female body that has attention to detail, try Robert's Female of Fantasy Figures. FF has much more support. HGEC has a ton of variants, but it doesn't really matter, since as soon as you put a top on that character, it will replace her upper body mesh. Say you install the c-cup variant, and you put on an outfit for, say e-cup. Instant boob-job. It's rather strange. Robert's Female and Fantasy Figures don't have that problem, since they come in only one size. They also have much more feminine hands, and normal, non-freakish shoulders. If you don't like shoulders that sit at a 90-degree angle, with the HGEC normal body, or huge bulky shoulders, like the HGEC fighter body, try Robert's Female or Fantasy Figures. They're both closer to the female bodies in NWN2, as well. HGEC is by far the most popular body replacer, but RF and FF have more accurate anatomy. Normally I'd be quiet about this, but he asked about cosmetic and game-play changing mods and the responses are mostly saying "get HGEC!" Seriously, I don't give a crap about what body mod other people use, but this is a guy asking about basic mods, not just body replacers. He might as well know that HGEC isn't the only female body replacer out there, and there are alternatives that have better anatomy, which is important to some people. If you like NWN, there's an Underdark mod in the works, and several drow races. If you're a fan of the Baldur's Gate series, there's a romancable Viconia companion mod. There's an arcane archery mod, too. LAME (less annoying magic experience) and Supreme Magicka makes mages a lot more useful, though spellcasting still isn't as fun as NWN2. There aren't all that many mods that make it similar to the NWN games, though. Oh, you'll also want to download some utilities. Oblivion Mod Manager, BOSS (better Oblivion sorting software), and Wrye Bash can get your mods working together without conflicts.
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