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About baltic1284

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  1. The body i can see right now, i was using the hair that had physics and it just sat on the ground so removed that mod, and used a body that all the goods needed and still nothing. So i just installed it all and said screw it wait for the nest elder scrolls whenever that comes out lol.
  2. The bodu i can see right now i was using the hair that had physics and it just sat on the ground so removed that mod and used a body that all the goods needed and still nothing. So i just installed it all and said screw it wait for the nest elder scrolls whenever that comes out lol.
  3. The HDDt and physics areas have been updated tried again and still nothing so i just uninstalled the game and such and mods and all if stuff dont work right then why try
  4. Ahhh ok see what I can do just for my use
  5. o n the CBBE the latest one they have on the site so far and u just updated CBP to the latest along with CBBE SMP but I have to wait for HDT SMP to update for those two to work together right. SO I just turned off CBBE and such and am just using CBP for now. DO have another CBBE question with the body builder part there is a armor i use called New Legion when i look those armors up not showing up to be modified to the body of my character, is there a way i can add theme so that body builder will have theme or is that something the mod creator has do.
  6. Yeah first thing I did I am also using vortex alaso but yeah I ran FNIS how CBP is working but CBBE and the CBBE SMP stuff isn't working think it requires HDT but 100 sure on that. A lot has changed since Oldrim with this new 64 system.
  7. Ok guys after about 6 days of trying i cant get any phsics out of the CBBE body prset even with CBBE Physics requirments o got it to work a little but things where way messed up so i come for help. I have CBBE body in the game i dont mind purging the mods whatever that does from what i said it closes theme and such and you have to re install and avtivate theme but i want CBBE for body slide ability and the Physics to work so i need ehlp with it any can help if they want.
  8. I did i may check again just in case but i use SKSE and put in there might have missed it.
  9. DOes anyone now how to load and or install the HDT SSE mod, been trying never seems to work i have the 1.5.50 framwork and the 1.5.50 physics. when i put theme in my NMM they dont show up at all in the load order and i even put theme in my data folder doesnt seem to work.
  10. Anyway you can upload the mod to the special edition side of nexus
  11. Here is an odd thign to happen my mods wont show up in Fallout 4 at all. none of theme yet i made the proper file changes needed for it and yet when i activate theme in NMM they dont show up in the game properly. Does anyone now how to fix this.
  12. according to discription of mod maker that isnt needed at least threw SkyUI.
  13. I downloaded a respset here http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73004/?, I am wondering how do you get the presets to load it is loaded in NMM and ready to go but no option to load it in the race menu options.
  14. In response to post #39909305. #39910355, #39912505, #39913875, #39914805, #39915370, #39919085, #39928575, #39931090, #39940405, #39954020, #39964950, #39971575 are all replies on the same post. will you fix the NMM to launching problem I have been having and have reported mulriple times on.
  15. if i could rember how to access thee again i ma having the same problem again
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