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  1. I see. Sorry, OP! I'll quietly bow out, sorry for hijacking. I just kind of assumed the problems were related.
  2. Well, I'm not the OP, but I'll give my piece. 1) I have bFloat enabled and the typical shadow tweaks for an ENB to run in my .ini, and the Z-fighting tweaks detailed here: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Z-Fighting. 2) Done and done, I cleaned my mods long before this problem started happening. 3) I don't think this is the problem, as I have only one texture running, and that is SMIM. (Which isn't really a texture at all, I suppose) I suppose running the official high-res texture pack counts, but really, it should be able to handle that. This is similar, I think, to people's inability to leave Solstheim, which is happening in my boyfriend's game as well. I'm about to run the game vanilla and see if the problem still occurs, be back soon. EDIT: I'm back. I ran in and out of Markarth with zero mods (and god was it scary). The game DID NOT freeze. Therefore, I have to conclude that this is mod related. Time to test!
  3. I have the same problem. It just started happening today. Here are my mods, courtesy of BOSS. Here's a list of mods the two of us have in common: My boyfriend also has the problem. Here are the mods he has in common with us. Time to start testing, I guess. My problem started when I went to Marcath for the first time via the "A Night to Remember" quest. I didn't start having the problem with leaving until "The Forsworn Conspiracy" quest started. My boyfriend did not do "A Night to Remember," but did do "The Forsworn Conspiracy." There may or may not be a connection, I'll be testing. P.S. I use no texture mods besides SMIM. What you see is what you've got for my mods. I agree with AH1, the problem does not seem mod related to me. I also doubt that it is a hardware problem, as this behavior doesn't happen anywhere else for my boyfriend or I, or, it seems, the OP.
  4. This already exists. The mod Immediate Dragons (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9621) makes it so dragons are appearing from day one. There are also alternate start quets that prevent the main quest from automatically starting. So really, we're almost there. The only problem is the creation and implantation of the Dovahkinn. A modular Dovahkinn would be cool, but I think just starting with the dragonborn from the trailer would already be an amazing start. Anyone have any ideas how you would tie an added NPC to dragon spawning? I don't know anything about modding, but I'm sure it's possible! Anyway, seconded! ;D
  5. I'm having a problem with water flickering. It only happens in the rain, and only at a distance. I've tried removing all of my rain/water mods besides Climates of Tamriel and have tried resetting the .ini. I haven't been able to reach any conclusions by disabling CoT, as that makes the rain stop. This is a new mod set, so I'm not sure if this happens with vanilla rain or not. Here is a video of the problem: http://youtu.be/ln8RP13jvEA Here is my massive list of mods, courtesy of BOSS: I also use the Texture Combiner Pack. Thanks for any help. :)
  6. Well, I did install all of the optional files. I think the problem is I was missing part of Skyrim Realistic Overhaul, so maybe I was missing the _n.dds portion? Either way, I'm reinstalling as we speak, so it's kind of a moot point now. I managed to get my hands on a full copy of SRO now, so hopefully I won't bork anything this time! :P P.S. I love the TPC so much and would not trade it for the world! Thank you. :)
  7. That would be Dovahkiin's Hideout. It's incompatible with Hearthfire at the moment, unfortunately. :( Pull that and see if that resolves it.
  8. When you say "wipe," do you mean you deleted the local content and reinstalled? If so, this is not enough. When you reinstall, Steam will restore the files as they were when the local content was deleted. Because things like hair and running animations don't always require an .esp and simply replace a vanilla file, they wouldn't necessarily show up under any sorting programs. To get a true clean install, delete your Skyrim folder manually. Then use Steam to delete the local content, and reinstall. Hope that helps. :)
  9. Recently I ran the lovely Texture Pack Combiner. I've had lovely results, but am now missing some textures. (Guess I messed something up.) No big deal, I can fix that. One that I'm having trouble with, however, is the stick you use to stir the cooking pot. (See the screenshot for what I'm talking about). What is the file name of this .dds? I've looked through most of my texture folder, and I'm stumped. Additionally, does anyone know a mod that retextures this stick, so I can identify what I messed up? Thanks guys! :)
  10. Hello everyone! You know how when you body transforms into a monstrous shape that your clothes don't really fit well anymore? Well, I would like a mod based around this concept for vampire lords. What I'm looking for is something causes all your items to unequip your items when you transform into a vampire lord, such that when you return to your normal form, you have nothing on - no weapons, no clothes, ect. I feel this is more immersive than coming out of your supernatural-creature form without so much as a wrinkle in your blouse. The idea for this came from a bug that my boyfriend experienced in his game, wherein all his items were removed whenever he transformed into a vampire lord. However, this "bug" somehow fixed itself when he updated his mods, and is gone now. He would like it back, and I want it for myself too! Haha! We know it's possible, we just lack the know-how to create it. Thanks in advance for any interest! :) I would really appreciate it if someone could help us out.
  11. Well, I don't know anything about modding, but I can say that the Ultimate Follower Overhaul marks all followers for marriage. Maybe if you add that mods you could marry him without having to mod it yourself.
  12. Have you tried using the Imaginator to turn down sunlight? I was having that problem with another shading mod, and that resolved it for me. Additionally, are you running any other shaders/light mods with it? If so, you might want to pull those and see if that resolves the issue.
  13. Hi guys! So, I'm one of those types to hound the Hot Files list, checking out that fresh mods all the time. I was wondering, is there any way to see a list of past Hot Files? I would be interested to see the trends of what files were Hot at different times. Mostly, I'm just interested in seeing which mods were popular awhile ago. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks! :)
  14. I had this problem after installing Apachii Sky Hair. Unfortunately, I don't remember what the conflict was... You could look and see if it's a hair or body mod thing though.
  15. Do you have bFloatPointRenderTarget set to 1 in SkyrimPrefs.ini? You have to set that value if you're using the Medium or Full Pure ENB files. But no, I'm not sure why disabling crossfire worked. If you don't have that .ini edit, try adding that change and re-enabling crossfire.
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