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Everything posted by 2p1k3

  1. The idea is simple but would probably take a lot to pull off. Anyone who has ever played Mass Effect 1 probably remembers the loading screen of the Normandy flying through a wormhole. The image was an animated graphic of the ship just sliding indefinitely through subspace. So the idea I had was simple. A loading screen of the Frontier grav jumping to a new system indefinitely... or rather, until the loading screen went away.The next idea is for the ship to be the ship our character is currently flying. I've uploaded a screenshot of the loading screen that inspired me to type this idea out. It would be so much better animated.
  2. In my characters first universe, Neon's Ship Services Technician decided to commit self harm, & jumped into the ocean under Neon. Is there a way to force them to respawn back in their office? After quicksaving, I jumped into the ocean after them but stopped making any progress in finding them... they appeared to be under water based on the quest icon. See I have a Star Parcel to deliver to them, so I was able to force the game to give me the npc's location. Is the character of mine stuck with a missing SST, at least for the first playthrough? Or is there a way to fix them?
  3. OK, well for me it is running on an SSD. Hopefully XBox's PR people sat Mr. Todd Howard down and explained to him that saying it is the customer's fault, even when it is, earns them less money. In addition, playing the game on the same PC through XBox has none of this intermittent pausing. However, it seems that BSG knows of the issue and are working to resolve it because subsequent patches have lessened it. So that suggests that presumably it is caused by more than one problem.
  4. Yesterday the minor problem with the last one became known to me. The build limit was already reached with the outpost, but by deleting some items I got 'room.' Yet when trying to rebuild the build limit gage seems to fails to fill. Initially it led me to believe that this method was not working. Just posting this incase it helps another with a similar issue. Thank you for sharing your time & energy. I think the second one would be ecloser to what you are looking for Hope it help
  5. Seconded. There is an attempt at a console command being shared but that way has yet to work for me. Among other cool ideas that I didn't know I wanted... this is a mod also known & wanted by me.
  6. The mod [Undelayed Menus] makes the issue better. Without the mod, whatever is the issue manifests as npcs' staring into the protagonist's eyes for prolonged periods of time, before responding to the dialogue choice. Now they respond somewhat normally, but their lips fail to move as their voice plays.
  7. Thank you. The game is on a SATA drive that runs Cyberpunk 2077 just fine. An Example: The protagonist walks up to [ship Technician A] & initiates dialogue. Then during that dialogue, whenever protagonist makes a choice on what to say, it takes a myriad of seconds before the technician stops staring into the protagonist's eyes silently, & responds. That is how all dialogues progress. I've had NPC's even turn away from me before responding. The response occur though, so it isn't completely game breaking…
  8. whether this would be a mod request or the issue has already been solved is a mystery to me. Problem: There are Long pauses between the time a dialogue is entered or a choice is made, & the voice file actually plays. The next choice in a dialogue-tree waits until the voice is played before showing the next dialogue-tree. I have Starfield through Steam. Could the Steam program be causing the problem? is there already a solution to this somewhere? For sharing your time & energy, grateful am I.
  9. How can I edit the tools listed in Vortex? I can see how to add one but there are a few that has bad links, such as saying there is something in my Steam folder when GoG's Anniversary Edition is installed. Thank you for sharing your time.
  10. How do I get Vortex's Loot application to see GoG's Anniversary Edition? Vortex sees it just fine, but when I boot up Loot it refuses to see GoG's Skyrim: Anniversary Edition. This problem is preventing me from seeing what errors & conflicts suggested by Loot. Thank you for sharing your Prana.
  11. Hopefully others find use for this image, created by me. It was created to use as shortcut icon for the SkSE loader, on the desktop of mine. For sharing your time, grateful am I.
  12. How does one do this? The Outer Worlds was purchased via MS Store, however the game files keep insisting that I don't have 'ownership' of my own computer... which is irritating as MS own solution to this problem spectacularly fails. That is both for both files, "The Outer Worlds" & "IndianaWindowsStore-Win64-Shipping". Both "ResetPermissions" & "Take Ownership" was downloaded and used but the folder and file still refuse to recognize the PC & this copy of Windows Pro are owned by me. Sssooo is everyone using Epic Store's version of the game? Or does there exist a solution that actually works? Many reported solutions have already failed. Obsidian may say they support modding their games, but Microsoft has obviously failed to get that memo.
  13. This existing mod allows you to add camping rations. This existing mod allows you to adjust how often your companions find a want to "rest". :pirate:
  14. [Mod Request] Dynamic Seasons For instance, the part of year when snow starts falling both increases and decreases. As well as, the time of year when snow begins to fall, and when it stops. Adding in fall and spring would be fantastic as well, however that probably would involve adding new art assets and thus be a lot more work... Fall, would have red/orange/yellow leaves one the ground. Spring the grass would be green, instead of the browning that occurs with grasses in Summer.
  15. Nexus has its own Discord server. That is as good a place to start as any, think do I. Seemingly most users and modders use Unit Mod Manager. The home page for the tool has hyperlinks for where novices can go to get started. There is another programmer who created his own tool, but apparently only he has written a couple mods for it. Seemingly he was confused on the little detail, of reimplementing U.M.M. when OwlCat updates Pathfinder: Kingmaker.
  16. [Mod Request] A Key Binding to Toggle Stealth What the title suggests is all that is desired for me. The existing list has been combed over by me. Yet, seemingly the people testing at OwlCat fail to put ranks in stealth because the list is bereft of this simple keybinding.
  17. Does anyone know of a way to level without selecting new spells? My Wizard/ArcaneTrickster already has all the spells for the level they want to award one to her. Thus the game is preventing me from moving from that page.
  18. Good Morning... and if I don't see you again, good afternoon, good evening, and good night. :)
  19. The title should give the basic idea. However to be clear, this request is free of any change to the voice dialogue for Aloth. There is just a want for some help from someone far more skilled than I, to change the ingame model for Aloth. Anyone who has added additional Player and Adventurer portraits should be able to figure out how to change even Aloth's portrait... and that applies as well to me. Of course, someone 'could' change the voice along with it but that would take more time and resources than is perhaps warranted by the size of the audience such a mod would help. The attached are what was created for the personal use of mine. They are only to show the extent of the skills of mine, instead of suggesting some sort of limit.
  20. For sharing your time and the Force, grateful am I. ð IDEA: Compiling a pack of weapons and armor of say the top ###, of any given yearor biannually, would be a wonderful idea, think do I.ð SUGGESTIONS: The authors/nexus could even make an event of it where members can vote on which weapons and armor to add. Furthermore, they could set up things such as votes from members who have donated money are worth more, for that poll.ð¤ COMMENTS: Recently an issue has arisen in my playing fallout 4, that issue is there are more mods that I want on my Load Order than FallOut 4 allows.𤬠Typically the mods that get installed are weapons and armor. The reason this is an issue, is because an array of weapon choices is preferred but me. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, equiping residents and traders of my settlements with better equipment, is a playstyle of mine. Having more interesting and better equipment through modding is great, but doing 100 people in Nano Armours is a bit surreal.𤪠How difficult this idea is to arrange and accomplish is unknown to me. Yet, nothing ventured is nothing gained.ð
  21. Does anyone know if Nintendo will let Bethesda games alter and add scripts such as XBox One? For sharing your time and the Force, grateful am I. Sorry for the necromancy, just thought this was better than creating a new thread. SSE is the hope of mine, because it is precisely an upgrade 64'bit game engine. Why Oldrim is even a thing is beyond the understanding of mine. 'Lack of funds' is a questionable reasoning, as at the time of release they offered SSE free for those who one Shad all the DLCs. Bethesda has already been 'porting their games to the Nintendo Switch, so suggesting the system is somehow inferior is just silliness, think do I. Yet, it would be smart for Nintendo to create and release a gaming 'host' program to be run on a PC, that also connects to Switch. That way they are able to further complete with XBox One, Steam, and GOG. Increased competition is always a good situation for consumers. Sony has deliberately handicapped their console, by having a regressive policy concerning modding through Bethesda.net. Hopefully soon, they will fix that and update their policy.
  22. Thank you! The name of the mod failed to pique my interest, so I never looked at it. Previously, it didn't seem to apply; Great to know that it does.
  23. There are a couple mods that remove the origin/species restrictions for marrying Alistair. Would a Dragon Age Origins modder be kind enough to make a mod removing the restrictions for marrying Anora? Perhaps a more helpful solution would be a single mod that removed the origin/species restrictions for either Anora or Alistair. For sharing your time and Force, grateful am I. May the Goddess forever alight to you a path of happiness, love, and joy on your self-determined life path.
  24. This exact same problem has also visited me. It appears regardless of whether Quick Start is hit with just what the program has already detected... or specifying games that have failed to be detected. Giving N.M.M. Full Control in Permissions and Run as Administrator generates the same results. The exact error is: No games were detected! Nexus Mod Manager will now close.The "trace program" is seemingly having a fatal error; That is said because it is failing to tell the main program the games it actually does find. [uploading a reference screenshot was tried but was not allowed.] That creates the problem because most mods on Nexus seem tailored to use with N.M.M. The program is loved by me; Because a programmer is from from the qualifications of mine. The time spent trying to divine how to manually install each addon is a very significant deterrent of using any mods. Grateful for you sharing your time and Force, am I. May you ask the Goddess to eternally alight your self-determined path.
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