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About TheLoveDrug

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  1. Hey, i made a custom wardrobe but its a static piece. How would i make it so when you walked up to it it said something like search wardobe and when you click on it, it brings up the inventory screen?
  2. Hey, i made my own pieces of furniture and i was wondering how to make the search function like when you go up to a nightstand or wardrobe it will say "search wardrobe" then the inventory pops up. Thanks.
  3. This one kinda sounds like what your looking for. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18215
  4. Hey, is there any way to stop items from twitching/flickering when they are interlocked? Thanks.
  5. That would be entirely up to the creator of the of the Oblivion mod that contained the assets, but I wouldn't bet on it. Well it says use freely with given credit.
  6. Sorry I should of explained more, if someone created new meshes and textures for use in oblivion can you transfer them to Skyrim since they are not Bethesda property?
  7. Is it possible to use Oblivion resources such as furniture and clutter and transfer them to skyrim to be used in the creation kit?
  8. I would love to see someone make new stained glass to add to player homes with themes like, church, dovakhin, alchemy, enchanting, etc. Also Exterior windows for homes would be a nice addition.
  9. Hey, I was looking to add a few rabbits to my house mod but I did not see them in the creation kit. Ive searched through the entire thing and cannot find a rabbit thats not dead. Maybe I accidentaly deleted them sometime down the road, Can anyone else find them or tell me what their under? Thanks.
  10. Is there a way to make a specific path for a npc? I have a npc in a small room and i want him to sit in a chair for awhile, then work on a workbench, look a a bookcase and repeat. I tried defaultsandbox but he just sits there, all the time.
  11. How would I add custom armor and weapons to a npc i created in the creation kit? Thanks.
  12. I've tried those mentioned above and also the iFloraEmptyAlpha and iFloraFullAlpha. No Luck.
  13. Hey, I have valves that have water pour out of them (12) that I want the water (FXWaterfallThinSpray2048) to initally be disabled but if you pull a dwemer lever the water re enables. And then if i turn the lever back to the way it was they disable again. How should i go about doing this? can someone write a script or guide me through a way on how to do this? Thanks!
  14. Is there any way to change the time it take harvestable flora (Like Mountain Flowers And Deathbells, Etc) to grow back? The Normal respawn rate is 30 days I believe and i would like to change it to 1 day but did not see where i could do that. Does anyone know or have any ideas? Thanks.
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