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About vvbnspdj07

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  1. The LOD generation will always overwrite the previous one without problems?
  2. I just did, the LOD definitely changed, but not the water tower. How did you remove it in your plugin? Deleted, disabled, moved under the ground? Show screenshot of watertower ref from FO4Edit. I selected the tower on creation kit and checked ''initially disabled'', saved and activated the plugin on NMM. @Edit: Upon marking ''initially disabled'', ''hide from map'' and rescaling to a size too small to see, it actually worked! Can I edit this same plugin to do this with other static objects and then run FO4LODGen so the LOD matches the changes?
  3. I just did, the LOD definitely changed, but not the water tower. Do you think its possible to remove all the LOD from the world, so its like a mist or something instead?
  4. Start FO4LODGen.exe with the command line parameter -o:"c:\Output" I know this is the step I missed but I just don`t know how to do this. And say I get it right, can I keep editing the same plugin for disabling static objects and then reloading the LOD on top of it?
  5. ''All generated LOD files are put in the right location if you didn't provide any command line options to redirect the output, you don't have to activate anything. LODGen.txt file is a temporary service file created in Edit Scripts folder outside of Data.'' Now that I forgot to redirect the output and ran the program anyway, can you tell me how to undo it so I can try again? I'm getting horrifying graphical glitches now. @Edit: I'm convinced the glitches are unrelated. Water Tower still there though.
  6. How do I activate the LOD changes after FO4LODGen.exe does its thing? All I got is a txt file named LODGen
  7. I'm trying to remove the Concord Water Tower near Sanctuary, but it keeps returning to vanilla when I move far enough. I've tried marking for delete, disabling, resizing, pushing into the ground, etc... with both console and creation kit. The result is always the same: https://imgur.com/a/HunDG
  8. I have the mod on 1.21 and the scripts for 1.22 . How do I update it? It's a single file. When I try to merge them this is what I get: Error [modpersistentappearances]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(2332): Could not find function 'GetAbilities'Error [modpersistentappearances]game\player\playerwitcher.ws(9122): Could not find function 'GetAbilities' Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.
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