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Everything posted by Mauri23

  1. Awful awful redesign...how can u have so much bad taste and be equally inept to accept this piece of crap.
  2. Hi, it happens to me too. Premium user, files longer than 800 mb at 400kpbs, smaller files at 4mbps. This is bullcrap.
  3. It would be cool to have Cora's armor on Female Rayder casual/armor, best armor in the game. I would pay for it.
  4. well it seems showracemenu does not work anymore :pinch:
  5. You. YOU. Have my children. In all honestly this was really annoying me. Haha Thanks so much for your help friend. <3. Thanks man!!
  6. Does anyone know how to enable console? thanks.
  7. Try loading without mods if it loads normally, it's a mod problem.
  8. It apperars but it doesn't say the author nor has any description-
  9. Yeah i google it and only that cames. But as you say is a compilation and not the mod. Thanks anyway.
  10. Hi i found that this mod conflicts with heartfire so i removed it, but i forgot where it came from. Does anyone knows? thanks.
  11. I found the culprit, it is betterskyrim.esp. You have it too @robotchicken so it's surely your problem too. Could you tell me from what mod that esp is? cause i cant remember.
  12. Hi i have the exact same issue, i checked your mods and i have some of the ones you have but none that could edit the terrain that way. So i think it must be a mesh or texture we screwed up or something.
  13. Are you using CHSBHS body? I had the same issue and it was that mod.
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