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About Tegra795

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    fallout 4, skyrim

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  1. I don't like the new UI, please revert it back to old one. The only thing that I like about this new site update is quick mod search fuction look.
  2. You post some very good points, I really like it, although I need to, well give you bad "news" regarding one your point about information sharing. One of the modder (I won't name it) who is in CC post this regarding this issue (quote): - I've signed a contract to work with Bethesda, but I cannot reveal anything about the details - No, I can't talk about anything related to my work there, the Club, or the Trailer Sooo yeah, this sound like NDA to me, the "new secret veil" is coming to life pretty fast. PS: please don't blow your mind, keep calm
  3. In response to post #36417095. #36458210, #36566465, #36641935, #36645695, #36720205, #36734620, #36746815, #36750525, #36781000, #36793725 are all replies on the same post. Well it will function as mod(or is it?)... for skyrim i think, but for morrowind ? I don't know.
  4. In response to post #36417095. #36458210, #36566465 are all replies on the same post. I kinda get why you need skyrim, but morrowind ? how and why ? I don't get it, since they can't import assets from morrowind and they have to build from scratch.
  5. Well It doesn't work for me :sad:, tried manually and the texture won't appear/replace for me . Is there any INI setting I need to edit or something to fix texture problem showing up in the game ?. EDIT/update : well seems I manage to fix it by downloading fallout 4 configuration tool by bilago ( http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/102/? ) and launching the game direcly from this app(seems bypasing the launcher alltogether),
  6. Any work around including texture mods ?(not esp base), since update I notice that texture mod doesn't seem to work(like pip boy texture or armor retexture).
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