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    Fallout New Vegas and Halo 4

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  1. 1. Armored, since normal laser weapons are better suited for damaging soft targets. I would think of this as a long-range welding tool. 2a. Weapon mod kits should be similar to the standard ones. -Focusing lense: Secondary lense to increase range. Found in Helios One. -Better Electronics: Decreases ammo consumption slightly.Found in that fiend-infested Allied Technologies Office-Scope: Self-explanatory.Same as the Laser rifle Scope, I would assume. 3a. In the same vein of thought as #1, fleshy, living enemies should ignite and flee, and Robots should hit critical heat, causing ignition and circut overload, destroying their inhibitor. 3b. Repair at 30 or science at 50. 30 would be for knowing how to properly use a welding tool with repair, 50 would be understanding the proper aplication of heat necessary to cause ignition. 4. 100, representing the percentage. Just seems nice that way. All recycling weapons should do that. 5. Long enough to get the feel of the continuous laser, but short enough to prevent it from being too powerful. Twenty seconds unmodded would be sufficient, with the modified version taking thirty. 6. Spot Welder. Increases the chances of scoring a critical with continuous beam weapons by 10%.No effect on other laser weapons. 7a. Opthalmoscope, duct tape, wonderglue, magnifiers, and standard laser rifle. 7b. I think the return rate should be higher, since it will be taking 100 per 20 seconds of continuous fire. 7c. Each overcharge and max variant should take five of the corresponding microfusion cells and 50 diode lamps to make 50 Max/Overcharge Diode Lamps. 7d. Default would be great, but increasing critical chance would also work well. 8. As gory as possible, though the wounds will be burned, removing blood from the equation. 9. I would say that the player should have to fight to obtain the parts of the weapon, as well as a blueprint.Makes a nice adventure mod with a good reward. 10. The unique variant should be a more practical version, with half the ammo drain as the original, slightly lower damage, and higher critical damage. Nothing else would really need to be changed. 11. Oops, I think I already answered that. :x 12.I'd say all three. You'e doing something that'll be a bad idea in retrospect, but could save your life potentially. 13. Fight a robot equiped with it. Like Mr. Conleys cranky uncle Jimmy. 14. When I look at this weapon, I think of the mining tools from Deadspace, so borrowing the orange and yellow color scheme would mesh well with the design. 15. Yes. Make a MemeBlaster. Plaset it with all the memes you possibly can. :tongue:
  2. Hello! Thank you for taking interest in this thread. As you know, I am looking for a texture artist to assist me with a custom-mesh revolver rifle. I have worked hard to get the rifles mesh looking prestine, and I have been in touch with a very talented animator to assist in giving the rifle a truely magnificent animation. However, the problem lies in my short-sighted decision to texture the rifle myself. I personally have very little experience with texturing, nor much talent. So, therefore, if you are interested in assisting me, it would be greatly appreciated! Of course, you will be given credit for your work, and I would be more than happy to return the favor after the texturing has been completed. Below is a screenshot of the rifle, as well as a link to a somewhat recent model of the rifle. http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u1/fightmanred/ScreenShot28.png http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u1/fightmanred/ScreenShot22.png DeathwishFinalAllmods (View in 3D)https://p3d.in/model_data/snapshot/mPJdN I've done a small bit of work on the mesh and texture since these were uploaded, so if you would like to see the most recent one, I would be happy to oblige. As you can see, my textures reflect my lack of experience, however, that's why I'm here! Please, if you wish to help, email me at [email protected]
  3. Hello! I reeeeeaaaally need some help with getting a couple of animations to work properly. I created a rifle for Fallout New Vegas, and pasted it over the model for the single shotgun, moved the parts to fit correctly, and it looked great at first, but now the hammer jumps from the back of the gun to inside the frame/cylinder of the rifle. Any idea what might be the issue?
  4. Hello again, I'm currently looking for a small number of actors to fill roles in my mod, A Trip To The Bank. The mod has grown substantially over the past few months, and now requires six characters to be voiced for it to feel complete. The characters of Ryker, Conley, Constantine, Kaitlynn, and Slade Fawes are all still available. Ryker was one of the NCR Veteran Rangers who led an assault on The Nevada Grand, whom, despite being a great shot and handy with tech, was seen as just another ranger by his superiors. His family on the other hand held him dear, and enjoyed his enthusiasm when it came to kicking butt for the good guys. Little did he know that they sent him and a small team on a suicide mission into the bank to prove a point. The bank was impenetrable. His squad was killed, and he was severely wounded, forced to hide in the bathroom stalls. However, he found something; A vent just large enough for him to climb through. Inside, he would meet Beckett, An Enclave Lieutenant who had been surviving by the skin of his teeth. His audio logs, with the exception of the first are of his conversations with this man, and how they overcome their differences to achieve a common goal. (Beckett's voice actor has already been cast, and is ready for work.) Mr. Conley is one of the many bots secured by the wealthy owner of The Nevada Grand, and was one of his prized possessions. Of all of the machines from the Prime-Beta series, Mr. Conley was the most costly due to his auto-repair subroutines, top-of-the-line hydraulics, and rare AI core source. In his prime, Mr. Conley was used by The banks owner in robotic death-matches. He faced many a robotic monstrosity, but always came out on top, resulting in a massive winning streak of 86 consecutive wins before his core began to overheat. However, his fighting days were cut short when P.E.T.A.I. (People for the Ethical Treatment of Artificial Intelligences), forcing him into an early retirement. For the rest of his days he wandered about the bank, entertaining guests with his new musical hobbies. Even after the bombs fell, he continued to play his tune to a crowd that would never come. Constantine an Kaitlynn are both survivors of the great war. He was an engineer for Robco who was working on both the Prime-Beta series as well as the Robo-Brain series of robots under contract with the United States govenment in a facility known as The Black Cathedral. She worked there as well, one of the scientists studying the effects of the Forced Evolutionary Virus on humans. They met in the lunchroom. He fell for her wit, and she fell for his goofy charm. On what seemed like a normal day, the sirens blared, warning of the chinese nukes on approach. Even if they survived the blasts, the radiation would kill them. There was no vault to hid in, no escape routes, just doom approaching on the horizon. In their desperation, Kaitlynn injected Constantine with the virus, causing him to begin to change just as the bombs hit. When he came to, he was alive, but in great pain from the constant changes. However, she was still out cold, dying slowly. He knew what he had to do. He took her to the labs and removed her brain for insertion into a robo-brain AI core. Knowing that she would be safe, though as a disembodied version of herself, he trekked out into the wastes, carrying her on his back through all the pain, all the combat until he reached the Mojave. He knew that there was only one place other than the Black Cathedral and Pentagon that had received any of the Prime-series of robots, and that was The Nevada Grand. Once there, he was finally able to give her back a body of some sort. With some work, he attached her AI core to a re-modeled Prime-Beta guard, and was finally able to feel as if he had done the right thing. With Constantine being the only one left alive beyond Robert House himself who could control the Prime-series robots, they made the Nevada Grand their home. It was happy for a time. But as Constantine consumed more food, and became more radiation, he grew. Eventually, he became unable to leave the Bank Vault where He and his lover had set up their home. For a time, He was able to instruct Kaitlynn on how to maintain the Prime-series AI cores, but after some time, they malfunctioned, causing them to attack anything on site, including them. Since then, they've been contacting everyone and anyone who could possibly help them escape their home turned prison. Slade Fawes was a businessman and a good one at that. From where he stood, he looked down on all of the people who called him names and terrorized him for being intelligent. Now, he had everything, and they had nothing. He could buy any movie prop, any machine, any vehicle, any home, anywhere. Yet, even when he had everything he thought he wanted, he was still missing something: companionship. He was still alone, and he became bitter. If any of these characters tickle your fancy, then send me an email at [email protected].
  5. We now have someone who is working on the scripting for Conley. However, we now need a voice actor who can do a good imitation of a 20th century englishman, somewhat similar to Animeme's Overly-Manly-Man meme rendition.
  6. ello, I am the project lead for A Trip to The Bank, coming to the forums to ask for help. We've reached some of the final stages of the mod, and we've come a long way since the Alpha version of the mod, but we have come to find that we need the help of someone who knows a bit more about scripting than I do. The mod has a custom, unique and, from what I can tell, rather simple companion. "His" name is Mr. Conley, and he is a machine from the Prime series of robots, but is unlike the others due to his history. Originally, he was used by a wealthy bank owner in robotic brawls, and held a record of going 86 rounds undefeated before the fights were outlawed for AI abuse thanks to the aggressive lobbying of PETAI. His name comes from the man in the "Old-Tyme Brawler" meme, who was a boxer who held the same record. After losing his ability to fight in the ring, his AI adapted to a new hobby of playing the piano. He now sits inside his owners bank, playing in a lobby to a crowd that hasnt come around in a few hundred years. I've already gotten his mesh completed. C.I.B. supplied the human-sized Liberty Prime mesh and animations, and I have played around with a few meshes to give him a tux, top-hat and a brawlers mustache. Do you think you might be able to help me bring him to life? http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u1/fightmanred/Conley.png
  7. I've been wanting this as well. However, the gun would be quite the challenge to craft.
  8. My expertise is quite limited. Only thing I can offer is that you should look at the scripts for the brotherhood and NCRs dogtag quests. I believe you only need to change the faction , quest, and quest item variables to make them work with another faction.
  9. I'm currently looking for a pair of voice actors. One will be playing Ryker, a violence-loving, gun-slinging, metalhead Ranger who has just watched his entire squad die at the hands of The Nevada Grand Banks Security robots. The second is Beckett, a pessimistic, sharp-tempered, and highly intelligent Enclave Sargeant who has grown to see killing as nothing more than a chore. If you think you might like to play one of these characters, email me at [email protected], and we'll see what we can do.
  10. I am currently searching for two voice actors for my Fallout New Vegas mod. If you have listened to me ramble on about my plans for this mod before, then you may remember that I intended to add a group of audio logs and notes around the bank, left by Ryker, a combat-crazed, optimistic Veteran Ranger of the NCR, and Beckett, a no-nonsense, realist who sees combat as nothing more than the chore, who is a Sargeant in the Enclave. As far as the timeline is concerned, these notes and logs will be dated 2279, two years after the First Battle of Hoover Dam, and two years before the near-death of the courier. If you are interested in either of these, then please email me at [email protected].
  11. To put it simply, I would like someone to splice a small number of armors for me so I can use the pieces from them to add onto another armor. The specific armors that I would like to have spliced are the Papa Khan armor, which can be found in the BSA files, the Advanced power Armor (Otherwise known as the Remnants Power Armor), and I would also like the Legates armor spliced. Preferably, I would like the armor pieces to be separated. My main idea is to add a few bits of armor to the left arm,while leaving the right arm light-weight to make the whole armor a bit more practical. Please, message me if you would like to help. If you do, I will add you as a contributor to the mod it is to be used for, which is this one: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/48595
  12. sure i'd like to :)
  13. hi how do you do ? thanks for your friendship :)
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