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About zulu9812

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  1. Can texture mods from Oldrim be used out of the box?
  2. I'm looking for the mod that offers different face paints for Cicero. There was a split personality version, which was half red half green. There was even a face paint that made him look like the Joker from The Dark Knight.
  3. For the last couple of years, I've played Skyrim with the Skyrim Redone mod. But now, after hard drive failure, I find myself constructing a new mod list and I thought that I would take the opportunity to sound out the community about an alternative to SkyRe. What I like about SkyRe: The perk system, especially the Frostfall support (the Survivalism module) The Reproccer system, for making separate mods fit the SkyRe stats. Racial abilities overhaul Enemy scaling What I don't like about SkyRe: The huge number of compatibility patches that seem to be required, even when using Reproccer Some scripts seem to be frequent causes of crashes The mod author has moved on and isn't updating any more (and no, that's not because it's perfect) Other overhaul mods that I use: Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade Epic Gameplay Overhaul Frostfall + Wet & Cold Immersive Armors Immersive Weapons Organised Bandits In Skyrim (OBIS) Weapons & Armor Fixes Remade What I'm looking for: A good enemy scaling system, maybe even de-leveled Exciting & tactical combat As few scripts running as possible Compatibility with separate armour & weapon mods Perks that are useful and make me feel as though my character is really progressing So, now the big question. Is there a mod, or combination of mods that can give me what I'm looking for? Or am I best off staying with SkyRe?
  4. I'm trying to enter Ustengrav to get the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller for the Greybeards. I've tried entering with a follower and without. I've tried entering three times now, and crash every time. The last 3 papyrus logs (i.e. Papyrus.0.log, Papyrus.1.log and Papyrus.2.log) end similarly, but not exactly. Here's what's going on in the logs: Papyrus.0.log Papyrus.1.log Papyrus.2.log You might have noticed that the thing that all 3 logs have in common is that "requesting transfer for Actor 00019E10" failing. Well, Actor ID 00019E10 is a kid named Gralnach, who leaves at Heartwood Mill, miles away from Ustengrav. It seems very strange that this error is the last one before Skyrim crashes. Is this why I can't enter Ustengrav? Can anyone help?
  5. I’m sure that I’m not alone in being frustrated with the low speed of the Skyrim Nexus lately. For me, it’s been compounded by the fact that I’ve had reason to wipe my hard drive and start Nexus Mod Manager from scratch, with a brand new mod list. Clearly, this was a bad week for it. But, nonetheless, I have sat here trying to assemble a new mod list from the Nexus for the better part of three days. Trying and failing, I might add. Wasting my time, banging my head against a brick wall, et cetera. At this point, I feel it necessary to get some things off my chest about the state of the Nexus and the direction that it’s heading in. Some of this is me blowing off some steam, but I hope that most of it comes across as the constructive criticism that it is intended as. 1. Is the Nexus slow because Robin has overreached himself? I’m going to start this by saying that I hold a huge amount of respect for Robin Scott. He runs the #1 fan site for one of the most popular games in the world. He’s definitely doing some things right. I’ve always been impressed by the professional approach that he has taken. I don’t imagine that he earns much income from the Nexus, so I am very grateful for the dedication that he has shown to the mod scene for Bethesda games. But I can’t help but wonder if the recent slowdown on the Nexus has been due to the expansion of his operation, i.e. support for more and more games. I don’t know the first thing about web design or hosting, but I can’t help but wonder if choosing to support 25 games (and counting) instead of 5 (3 elder scrolls and 2 fallout) has caused a slowdown in service, either due to a drain on resources or bugs arising from a more complicated setup. 2. What does the Nexus do well and what do other sites do better? When it works, the Nexus is fantastic. The Mod Manager is the best mod manager I’ve ever seen for any game. User-generated categories enabled the program to hit new heights and enable a level of customisation hitherto unheard of. I think that’s because the Nexus is a system for modders and gamers, made by modders and gamers. No suits involved. That gets mighty respect. But there is room for improvement. For example, in the NMM, is it really necessary to have to download a mod that you like just so you are notified when an update is available? Couldn’t you have mods on your list that you are subscribed to, but haven’t necessarily downloaded to your hard drive? Would this approach save on bandwidth? Additionally, couldn’t I save my mod list from NMM to the cloud, so that it’s available when I reinstall the programme? Those two features, taken together, could really improve the user experience. I know that you can track files on the website, so it makes sense to be able to do it in the mod manager as well. I know that Robin and his team are working hard to make the Nexus experience better. I know that work progresses on the Mod Manager program. But there is competition. The Steam Workshop has an obvious advantage in terms of corporate support, which gives it the money for a huge amount of technical expertise, not to mention raw bandwidth. Steam Workshop is actually very good. What makes the Nexus Mod Manager better is greater customisation, e.g. the aforementioned user categories and support for SKSE and you don’t have to go through the launcher. But Steam definitely has the advantage in terms of reliability and up-time. The Steam Workshop does occasionally have some downtime, but it’s generally a fast and reliable platform. 3. Should the Nexus be more streamlined? I’m going to put my cards on the table. I’m here for Elder Scrolls, and to a lesser extent the Fallout series. I don’t believe that the Nexus should be supporting other games series. I’ll acknowledge that is partially selfishness on my part: if resources are tight, I would like them to be focussed on the games that I play. But, more significantly, I feel that Bethesda’s games are more worthy of a strong modding scene because they ship with strong modding tools to begin with. There’s simply more that can be done with Skyrim than the Dragon Age Origins or Witcher 2. Don’t get me wrong, DAO and W2 are two of my favourite games, but they don’t benefit as much from modding as Skyrim does. Because so much more can be achieved with Bethesda games, that community deserves the time and money that Robin has invested into the Nexus. The return is a great modding scene for a great game. The modding scenes for other games don’t have as much scope because their modding tools aren’t as good. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze. I feel that this should be a criteria for choosing which games to support, rather than a seemingly open-ended platform that will support any game as long as one person uploads a mod for it. 4. Who am I to be saying all of this anyway? I’m a long-time user of the TESNexus, from soon after its launch in 2007. So I like to think that I’m a committed supporter of the project and I’ve seen a lot of things change, most of them for the better. I’ve been a Lifetime Premium subscriber since September 2009. I didn’t buy the premium membership because I was in love with the site. I bought it because it got me access to special servers that gave me faster downloads. In other words, I’m a paying customer. I don’t for one minute regret paying that fee. Over the last five years, it’s been good value for money and I’ve been happy to contribute to the costs of running the site. I know that some of you are furiously typing responses along the lines of “premium doesn’t guarantee uptime!” I understand and accept that. But there comes a point where you do think “Hang on, I’ve paid money for this”. And here comes the rub. At this stage in my life, I’m a bit more financially secure than I was in 2009 and I would happily donate more money to the Nexus – if I thought it was going to an Elder Scrolls site. But I’m not happy to pay more money into an open-ended setup that will support any and all games that come along. That seems like it will generate infinite complexity and problems and I think I would just be throwing money away. There seems to be no end in sight to this expansion in operations: no “end game”. All I can see at the moment is that I can’t download my favourite mods and thus I can’t play Skyrim the way I want to. I work full time, so it’s upsetting when the Nexus is down/sporadic/slow all weekend. It’s almost, not quite – but almost, enough to make me start using Steam Workshop as my main Skyrim modding portal. But that could certainly change. I have a fairly hard core approach to my mod list, with lots of mods big and small and lots of customisation. I can see myself sacrificing that in favour of a smaller number of larger mods, a list that’s more easily maintained, and downloaded through a more reliable host/platform. Of course, it could very well be the case that the increased number of games on the Nexus has had no bearing on the server reliability and it's purely down to number of visitors (probably for Skyrim). If that's the case, then I just need that reassurance. But it seems too much of a coincidence, that's all, ******************************************************************************************************************************************* Okay, I’m just about finished. I realise that some people will flame me. Some people will ignore me. But on the chance that I’m not the only one thinking these things, I hope that some good can come from what I’ve said here. If I’ve come across as ignorant or rude, I apologise, I really didn’t mean to. I’m just frustrated. When the Nexus works, it’s great. So when it doesn’t work it seems like wasted potential. Robin has done tremendous things for elder scrolls modding and I hope that he continues to set the standard.
  6. I too am having this problem. Windowed mode did not work, said my display adapter does not support it. AMD card.
  7. Ah yes, cloth items with real physics: the holy grail of video games.
  8. In the fomod info.xml file it looks like you can set Category ID. For example, Climates of Tamriel has 79 for it's category ID, whilst Guild Outposts has number 25. Unless those numbers mean something else?
  9. I noticed that NMM assigns categories as a number. Would it be possible to get a list of categories and what their corresponding numbers are, for making fomod configs prior to creating a mod page?
  10. I've found it convenient to repack certain mods so as to make installation easier for myself. I thought that these fomods might be useful to other people. I would like to put a page up on the Nexus and upload these NMM installers there. This is mainly so that the packages can be assigned to the correct categories and have version numbers within NMM and users can be notified of any updates. As an example, I created a fomod for http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/38889//? and posted a link within the comments section with the suggestion that the mod author integrate it into his files page, but it's just kind of lingered there. Granted, mod authors don't have to use my fomods, but I'd like to put them somewhere a little more visible. I would, of course, maintain the original author's name and version number. So, what's the word? Is it allowed? Is it welcome? EDIT: forum screwed up my topic title - too long, perhaps.
  11. Whilst I'm here, does anyone know of any mods that add mounted NPCs? It's wierd that I'm the only one with a horse. I'm using the Better Horses mod by LtMatmoo so I don't really want any new horse features, just NPCs on the road on horseback.
  12. There's the Real Shelter mod. It used to be on the Nexus, but for whatever reason it's no longer here. It's now on the Steam Workshop - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=161161409 (requires Project Reality Climates of Tamriel)
  13. The question is in the title, really. I'm thinking Steam Workshop here, mainly for ease of installation (I'm used to the greatness of NMM now).
  14. Does anyone know what happened to Benjamin318? Why he got banned and what happened to his mod pages on the Nexus?
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