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Posts posted by Will58448

  1. After doing a bit of research, I managed to find how to resize a item's mesh using Nikskope (very easy as it turns out!).


    However, dropping the item in-game it floats on the ground slightly, I realised the collision mesh is still the original.


    After some more research I'm still unsure how exactly collision meshes are edited, it seems more complicated, especially for a complete novice as myself!


    Would anyone with the skills and resources be willing to amend the collision meshes for me? It's two resizes of the brahmin meat.



  2. Basically I was trying to make it so eating raw meat would give the player a 'disease', in this case food poisoning. I did actually manage to get it working by making a script to equip a potion with the disease effects, when the player ate certain items.

    However, I couldn't find a way to dispel the effect through certain chems. Even using keywords in the dispel section of the magic effect.

    I read online that dispel wouldn't work as the effect didn't come from a spell, it came from a potion.

    Therefore I tried to apply the disease as a spell rather than adding a potion effect.


    I should probably go back to the tutorials and keep learning, this is my first time playing around with scripts!

  3. I've made those changes, but it's still failing to complie with the same error message.


    Scriptname FoodPoisoningScript extends ActiveMagicEffect
    SPELL Property FoodPoisoningSpell Auto
    Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
    Keyword Property FoodPoisoning Auto
    Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) native
    If (akBaseObject.HasKeyword(FoodPoisoning))
    PlayerRef.AddSpell(FoodPoisoningSpell, false)
  4. I'm trying to complie a script and getting error: no viable alternative at input 'if'

    Still trying to learn about scripting and not sure what this means. Script is as follows:


    Scriptname FoodPoisoningScript extends ActiveMagicEffect


    SPELL Property FoodPoisoningSpell Auto

    Actor Property PlayerRef Auto


    Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) native

    if akBaseObject.HasKeyword(FoodPoisoning)

    PlayerRef.AddSpell(FoodPoisoningSpell, false)





  5. I'm trying to add an effect to Med-X to make it ignore crippled limbs for a duration, much like it did in Project Nevada for FNV.


    Whilst exploring the creation kit, it seems most things are already in place to allow me to add it. In fact it currently exists on Mounted Minigun Furniture, which ignores crippled limbs when activated.


    So far I've created a new magic effect and attached a new script:



    Scriptname IgnoreCrippledLimbs extends ActiveMagicEffect
    ActorValue Property ignoreCrippleValue Auto const
    Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    akTarget.SetValue( ignoreCrippleValue, 1 )

    I've attached the magic effect to Med-X, but nothing happens. Anyone know what I'm missing?

  6. I've spent the last couple of days trying and failing to get what I thought would be a simple mod working. It does invlove some scripting, which I'll admit, I'm a complete novice with! I've been looking at how other mods do it as well as searching forums but can't seem to figure it out.


    I'm trying to add the survival mode disease parasites, to raw food. Eat raw meat, get parasites.


    So I've added the already existing magic effect 'HC_Disease_NeedMoreFood_Effect' to a raw meat, Bloatfly Meat for example.


    The actual potion also already exists - 'HC_Disease_NeedMoreFood'.


    I've created a new magic effect called 'HC_AddDisease_Parasites', and added a script to it:


    Scriptname ParasitesDiseaseScript extends ActiveMagicEffect


    Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
    Potion Property HC_Disease_NeedMoreFood auto


    Function ApplyPotionToActor()



    Nothing is happening so clearly I'm going wrong somewhere! Not sure if I'm close or I've done it completely wrong and am way off.


    Any help would be appreciated.


  7. Changing the name of the weapon when you add a mod, is done through keywords and 'Instance Naming Rules'. If you look at a mod, some of them add a keyword beginning with dn_. For example, when you add the 'Huge Propellant Tank' mod, it adds the keyword 'dn_HasMag_ExtraLarge'. If you then look at 'dn_CommonGun', which is located in Instance Naming Rules, the text 'Maximum Capacity' gets added to any weapon which has the keyword 'dn_HasMag_ExtraLarge' attached to it.


    You can add new entries to this, although you would have to create new keywords as well.


    I only started playing around with Instance Naming Rules myself a few days ago actually! So I'm no expert, I had a bit of trouble with it myself. But above is the basics of it. This page might help a bit more if you have issues with it: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/161/

  8. No problem! Glad to help.


    As for your other question, I'm assuming you want mods to increase those stats, rather than just buffing the flamer weapon directly?


    For fire rate and range, I believe you need to edit the actual projectile, rather than add stats in the Object Mod. For example, if you look at the Object Mod for the standard barrel for the flamer, in the Property Modifiers box on the right it says Override Projectile - SET - FlamerProjectileStreamMedium. So if you go and open the projectile 'FlamerProjectileStreamMedium' you can edit various stats including range and speed.

    When you equip the Long Barrel onto the flamer, it overrides the projectile to FlamerProjectileStreamLong, which if you look at that, has an increased range.

    So you could either edit the range on those projectiles to increase the range, or just create new projectiles and new flamer mods and make the mod override to your new projectile. If that makes sense?


    As for accuracy, I'm not 100% sure for flamers, but for guns I just add 'fAimModelConeIronSightsMultiplier' for sighted accuracy, and fAimModelMaxConeDegrees / fAimModelMinConeDegrees for hip fire accuracy, to the Object Mod.

    After a change just keep going in game and check the stats for the flamer to see if its changed how you want it. But you might have to spawn a new flamer to check.


    Not sure how well I explained all that! Hope it helps. Let me know if you have another question.

  9. Is it possible to add additional items to a default object?


    For example, I created a 'handmade Fusion Core', but as the regular Fusion Core is set as the default object for Power Armour Battery, the handmade one does not work. Is there away around this to have them both work?

  10. Have you read through the tutorials on the Creation Kit pages? https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Tutorials. That would be a good place to start.


    Also, there are a lot of videos on YouTube which can be very helpful.


    I like to download mods and open them up with FO4Edit and TES5Edit (SSEEdit) and the Creation Kit, just look through them and see how things work. There is quite a lot to learn but I've found it pretty fun, frustrating sometimes as well!

    I don't consider myself a skilled modder, but have learned a lot from experimenting, reading and watching tutorials, and asking questions on forums like these when I get stuck with something.


    Hope this helps a bit!

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