I'm having a weird issue with SMP Constraints and initial positions of bones on a piece of armor. Logically, I would have thought that the initial position (i.e. the position at which the constraint considers the distance to be zero) would be dictated by the bones' relative position in the NIF file. However that's not the case. It looks like the initial position of the bones is their position when the armor is equiped by an actor. Is there a way to fix this? Kind of hard to explain this. The armor I am working on is the HDT-enabled leg chain from ZAP 8.0, which consists of 2 shackles around the left and right ankle, connected by a chain. My SMP conversion has the chain split in 2 parts: one on the left ankle, one on the right, with each link connected by an SMP constraint. The basic physics of this work fine with SMP. When I load my game with this chain equiped, the 2 ends of the chain are connected and line up properly, presumably because during loading the game, my avatar is in T-Pose, which matches the leg positions in the chain's NIF exactly. However if I equip the chain while playing, the ends of the chain do not line up, though they are still linked by SMP physics. This is because when equiping the item, my legs are not in T-Pose position, causing an offset in what SMP considers to be the right relative position of the 2 chain halves. This seems like a bug in SMP to me, I would think the initial position should be whatever the NIF dictates, not whatever place my avatar's limbs happen to be in when I equip the armor. Is tehre a way around this?