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  1. That's interesting, I've been trying to make it work and I mainly used unrelenting force during my tests whiiiich might explain why it didn't work lol But thanks anyway!
  2. Hello everyone, I'm going for a ghost/banshee-ish character for my next playthrough and I wonder if it would be possible to give the player character a spectral appearance for like a second or two when shouting? It's just a small detail but I like it, I just don't really know how to do it, if someone could explain it to me or make it if it's not too tedious I'd be grateful Thank u guys I hope u have a nice day
  3. Hey everyone, I've always really liked the idea of transforming into a bird to travel quickly in Skyrim, I've tried to achieve that with mods like Polymorph but Hawks and Bone Hawks aren't considered as NPCs by the game and therefore you can't turn into them to fly... I know that flying in Skyrim can be complicated without creating collision issues so I would be totally okay with something like hovering a couple meters above the ground or something like gliding maybe. Maybe it could be possible to add a toggleable power that would allow you to transform into a bird (I like the idea of a raven or a crow) while sprinting (kind of like this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/135906 or this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/103432). I would do it myself if I knew how, sadly I don't have the skills nor the knowledge in modding to do this. If anyone could make something like that I'd be the happiest possum in the world :] Thanks for taking time to read my weird ideas
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