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Everything posted by phillipjohnmc

  1. re disabling and checking mods...i've done this before and it is time consuming but it can give answers. i'll save it as a last resort Hietanen...thanks for the latest crash logger link, will do that Afkmods...i've been to the site but had a little trouble searching for mods. maybe i need to sign up or something xedit...i'll give that a try at some point, thanks for the tip
  2. i have the latest skse address library arthmoor mods...i think i use one. alternate start. arthmoor fled nexus, he was unhappy with the way they run the site. xedit...i kind of know how to use it. it's fascinating, but i'm not confident enough to analyse the conflicts. but maybe i'll give it a try i redo my merged and bashed patches when i add a mod that requires it (high level enemies, etc.) IC...you might be onto something
  3. actually, i don't think crash logger's been updated yet, so i don't think it'll work for me
  4. oh cool, i hadn't realised they had updated. i've been looking at .net's page. i used to use that a while back. i'll give crash log a try. thx!
  5. Res: 1080p and i usually have 1-2k textures. Ram: 16 gb. Masters cleaned. I rarely have ctd's. Crash logger and .net are great, but my game version is latest and they're behind by about one update i think. This issue pre-dates skse actually. It'll happen if i fast travel to, eg darkwater crossing, then ride up to the windhelm gate. If i quicksave or open the gate, the screen will freeze and i'll have to pull up the task manager and force close the game
  6. Res: 1080p and i usually have 1-2k textures. Ram: 16 gb. Masters cleaned. I rarely have ctd's. Crash logger and .net are great, but my game version is latest and they're behind by about one update i think. This issue pre-dates skse actually. It'll happen if i fast travel to, eg darkwater crossing, then ride up to the windhelm gate. If i quicksave or open the gate, the screen will freeze and i'll have to pull up the task manager and force close the game
  7. Yes I do all that. My aim is to make a fix, a separate .esp, and not change the actual player home mod. The new plugin goes into my mo2 overwrite folder which is correct. And I create a new mod and activate it. But the new .esp is literally blank. I loaded it in xedit to have a look, and it lists only a header subtab. One change I making: raising a set of stairs a bit so my followers can step onto the 2nd floor. So, you'd think there'd be a record in xedit pertaining to that change. There is not. I think what's happening is mo2 and ck aren't getting along well. I've heard they can be fussy when used together. I'll try it again and load the new .esp with it set to active and see if my changes will register then. Thanks for your help
  8. thanks for replying. curious ... what are the events? is one 'blood on the ice'? which involves the high elf npc who walks from the stables into the town? i've completed that quest. 1) mods that affect that npc are shiva's hair replacer (i think). my dragon mod is diverse dragons. 2) windhelm mods...i use noble skyrim, and i have a tree mod that puts trees inside the city. i don't use open cities. nothing that mods quests 3) my laptop isn't low-end. nvidia rtx 2060 6gb, i7 2.6ghz processor, 16gb ram, nvme ssd
  9. i have a player home with a few issues. for example, followers can't get to the second floor because the top of the stairs isn't quite high enough for their feet to make it onto the top landing. so, i open ck and i set out to make a patch this. i make a separate .esp, as i don't want to edit the main file, and i nudge the staircase up a little bit. i save the changes, but the .esp patch ends up being completely blank. what am i doing wrong?
  10. yes, although it's something that's happened in the past before i had survival mode. however, i did use the frostfall mod back then
  11. has this happened to anyone? i get a recurring game freeze if i travel overland to windhelm. i'll arrive at the front gate and i'll notice something's a little off. if i try to save, the game freezes. load order active mods
  12. oops, i didn't get the full title in the discussion header. crashing with nicamera, worldroot camera, shadowscenenode errors below is a .net script framework crash log. i don't really know how to read it, but they certainly 'seem' useful. it's a crash that's happening when i enter the bee and barb in riften. seems like maybe some npc's mesh/texture is messed up? i use shiva's hair replacer and deselected some facegens, but it still crashes
  13. hmm, that's unfortunate. wish there were a tool that would just tell you exactly what's wrong. i have a random ctd problem at the moment and it's frustrating to fix it. did you install enneadshield.esp? maybe it needs to be in the right order
  14. well at the end i see a lot of issues with 'enneadshields.esp, doesn't exist or is not currently loaded'. that might be a problem. i see that you have a patch for it loaded, but i didn't see the mod in your load order. so, maybe you need to get this in your load order? i'm not familiar with this mod, but i guess it's a mod for extra shields
  15. i don't know if this might help you...if you turn on papyrus logs and read the last lines of it to try to find out if you have a mod that depends on something that's missing. i'm not sure if a papyrus log would generate with this situation. i'm not sure if it will tell you anything helpful. i assume you use loot for your sorting and you've addressed any problems that loot has flagged. that's a really long list of mods though, so the potential for problems is certainly high
  16. i've done lots of things like clean master files, use loot, use merged/bashed patches, use resaver to check for bad instances/elements, use papyrus logs (which i can't really read but don't seem to be a good source of random ctd info anyway), and so on and so on. i love skyrim but it's getting depressing to go on wild goose chase to hunt down the cause of a random ctd. (thankfully i never have ctds on a save or when exitiing a building, and my games almost always load fine. it's always the random riding around in the tamriel world space then bam staring at my MO2 and watching it go back to unlocked mode.) why isn't there some tool that can just tell you 'your game crashed because of xyz reason'? the inventor of such a thing should get a nobel prize in gaming. i mean just reading how many people are asking for help about a ctd, what a remarkable invention this would be!
  17. skyrim is one dirty game! i've yet to have a single ctd in fallout 4, and only 1 freeze, which was a couple of days ago after installing the dlc which i hadn't cleaned
  18. well, i started playing and encountered a game freeze within minutes, so i cleaned them and now all's fine, so i guess it's necessary
  19. i just recently downloaded the season pass (was on sale). have been playing the base game for a while now. vortex/loot is telling me to clean the dlc's...should i do that? i've done it more than once for skyrim so i have no problems doing it. i run fo4 with maybe 10 mods
  20. the mod author may have clicked something in whiterun accidentally and moved it, although that means they would have loaded that cell for some reason, even though they were in winterhold. it's very easy to move things in ck without realising it.
  21. thanks for the detailed method. i have done that method before, to discover why, with a dawnstar overhaul, there were big gaps in the land in the northwest corner (i found out it was immersive citizens; load dawnstar overhaul after IC and all was good). i haven't done this method for the dragon mound ctds. i did run around a dragon mound near kynesgrove. sort of directly south of windhelm and in that marshy area. i didn't ctd. and, i killed the dragon near the mound by the falkreath/markarth crossroads mound in whiterun hold, where I was having ctds, and so that mound might be OK now. not feeling up to a big PITA for just this. damn it I wish there were a program that would just tell you...this is your skyrim problem, this is your skyrim solution. oh well.
  22. playing without skse64 enabled didn't help. oh well, it doesn't crash if i don't walk near it, so i'll live it for now and keep searching...
  23. do you run a papyrus log? it might say something at the end that could give a clue, although not always. you could also try opening your save in Resaver (fallrim tools) which might tell you you have some undefined elements in your savegame which can be removed, although that's usually from when you uninstall a mod. but I often check these things when I have a problem to try to narrow things down
  24. thanks for responding. yes i use skse64. so i have a lot of checking to do. i use 150+ mods. should I only check the ones that use scripts? i wonder if there's a way to troubleshoot, for example, loading the game up through the regular launcher and not through skse64, then running around the mound, see if it crashes. if it doesn't, then that's a good clue. if it does, then i'll sigh and keep trying lol
  25. i had posted in mod troubleshooting, but maybe it's more appropriate here. at any rate...I have a problem with ctd'ing near dragon mounds. load order: textures etc. (in reverse order): I had maybe 2-3 mods that I removed and then cleaned save with resaver. maybe this issue is baked into my save. if anyone has a fix, i'm all ears. I've gone with Delphine to kynesgrove without problems. the particular mound is on the way to rorikstead from whiterun, just to the right of the road near the falkreath/markarth junctions (I've also cleaned masters/sorted with loot and all that from the beginning. i'm seeing multiple lines of this at end of papyrus log, not sure what it means or if it's a prob...Error: Cannot call StartCombat() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [ (FF000EA2)].WitchlightActorScript.OnDying() - "WitchlightActorScript.psc" Line 106 [01/27/2019 - 01:40:37AM])
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