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Everything posted by musegravemind

  1. I have the same problem as well. For some reason going from a default feed of tracked files, to site news fixed it for me. However, my tracked files tab is also in an indefinite loading state.
  2. I'm looking for a better upgrade for the ebony blade. I wanted a simple one-handed katana that looks like the ebony blade with at least 30 base damage, 50 health steal, victims don't treat attacks as a crime, and unlimited charges. And it should fit into one esp, otherwise I would need 5 different esp's for a single sword. Please and thanks for any help or comments made.
  3. Correct :smile: Regarding perks, I would love to have new perks for the spears but I haven't looked into it. I'm not even sure if you can add new perks to the skill trees, but I'll have a look :smile: Also I should be able to replace ALL the animations :smile: It's just the regular attack animations I can't replace. I would like to have new 1st person animations too. However I'm not even sure if anyone has made a 1st person animation before so I'm not sure on that one (For now I just use that immersive 1st person mod) there are plenty of 1st person animation replacers. people just don't use them often because they play in third person (aesthetics, cosmetics, etc). though weapons with third person animations replacements should have a 1st person replacements as well.
  4. I'm really excited for this! It's like a dream come true.
  5. hello nexus modders! I am currently trying to get a specific sword from an anime into the world of skyrim. and that specific sword is a wakizashi. and that wakizashi looks like this-http://galleryplus.ebayimg.com/ws/web/250986992161_1_0_1/1000x1000.jpg here's another image just for the context of it- http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__VmPQzv483c/TOCJcGq3QII/AAAAAAAAAg0/VtEH6y27QDY/s320/Gin-Ichimaru-Shinso-Zanpakuto-Bleach-Sword.jpg so far, I have a .pdo 3d model with textures, but skyrim does not support .pdo's. Nobody wants to make one in blender (or at least that I know of). I know it's a long shot, but please help me. pwetty pweez? edit1: forgot to mention, the pdo model I have looks like poop. I could upload it if any of you like to see it.
  6. does anybody know which sword this is? http://static1.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/49036-2-1388169595.jpg
  7. is this what you're looking for? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19961/?
  8. it looks like a retex of the silverlight armor. i'll go look for it. edit: this is the original, not the retex. though i'm sure you'll need it. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10251//? here we are, the retexed version. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15329//?
  9. for samurai - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24704//? for women - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/43281//?
  10. the point of crops not being counted as stolen is so that the player can "harvest" the crops, then give it back to the land owner so he/she can pay you for your "hard work". but of course, if that's how you feel about the crops i don't blame you. bethesda never really gave us more depth on helping farmers out.
  11. hello everyone! i'm looking for a weapon(s) with animations on swing (ex. miraak's sword).
  12. just letting you know right now i know nothing of coding or programing. all i know of this is from reading and first hand experience. the chaurus and spider spit attacks are actually shouts, not spells or powers. i read somewhere that the ability to shout is a perk that you must give to an npc in order to cast shouts. that's how this mod works. the npcs aren't using powers or lesser powers, of course. they're "shouting". i'm not too sure if any of this will actually help, but i hope it does to any extent.
  13. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23876//?
  14. hey everybody, again! i know what i'm about to ask for sounds crazy, but is there a mod that removes all the vanilla weaps+armor from the forge menu? this way, there'd be little to no clutter.
  15. hello everybody! would there happen to be a mod that lets the player become ethereal, and still able to attack and activate objects? and maybe something with no screen tint as well would really make my day :D
  16. so i disabled all my mods, and skyrim works fine. it's not an animation bug, it's a mod conflict. i have about 200+ mods so i'll lotsa fun finding out the culprit.
  17. thank you for responding, but unfortunately your solution did not work for me.
  18. hello everyone, sorry to bother you all. i have come across a problem where any mods activated, and dependent on the update.esm master file will cause skyrim to crash to desktop upon loading the logo title screen. i'm not too sure what i did, or how to fix this. my major recent activities in my data folder include the attempted installation of dual sheath redux, running skyproc, running boss a lot, uninstalling dsr, deleting skyproc, reinstalling mystic knight animations, uninstalling fore's new idle's spells, and changing my load order a lot. if you need more details, i'll be sure to inform you.
  19. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34981//? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1356//? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6566//?
  20. nexus mod manager is easy to use. download a mod, then put it in your data folder (which is in you steam/steamapps/common/skyrim folder). run nexus mod manager, then click the box next to the mod you want to install, and now a mod is installed onto skyrim. the program "nexus mod manager" does not have many configurations. clothes don't need a specific breast size, they have weight sliders that are linked to the character skeleton (unless the mod author says it is incompatible with a certain breast size). breast movement- http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10458//? i'm not too good or familiar with hair retextures. and lastly, bethesda provided players with an hd retexture package- http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:High_Resolution_Texture_Pack HOWEVER, there are many retextures far better than the official on the nexus mods website. if there is anything else you need, just make a request on this forum.
  21. there might be a mod that retextures/meshes the skeever to look like a chicken, but i'm pretty sure there will never be a mod that completely removes the spawning of a creature.
  22. well, theres this - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9380//? but i have no idea whether this mod works or not. but if it's a "gem", it's probably good. there's also civil unrest http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9494//? which is random encounter battles between soldiers, bandits, necromancers and all kinds of crazy bat sheet. buuuuut, i've heard about it being outdated. i use it anyways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  23. that would be the merging feature from wyre bash. it merges esp files. but weapons and armor didn't work for me, so you might want to look into that a little more. Blugh... I tried using wyre bash but It just seemed too complicated and I gave up. Looks like I gotta stay under 255. Now...the 255 applies to the plugins index number, right? yes. 255 mods limit only applies to those activated.
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