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About homo1145141919810

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  1. PlayerRef.Moveto(PlayerRef) This worked! Thank you Here is my mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/54681
  2. I want to disable sleeping when the player is either hungry or thirsty to certain degrees(global variables configurable in MCM). Is there a function that lets me abort the sleeping event? Or should I bind another script to a different type of event? Here is my code; Event OnPlayerSleepStart(float afSleepStartTime, float afDesiredSleepEndTime, ObjectReference akBed) ; if Hunger and Thirst values are equal or bigger than the threshold values, abort sleeping ; Value example: 1 is Peckish, 2 is Hungry, 3 is Famished, 4 is Ravenous, 5 is Starving currentHunger = pPlayerREF.GetValue(HC_HungerEffect) currentThirst = pPlayerREF.GetValue(HC_ThirstEffect) If (currentHunger > THTS_HUNGERTHRESHOLD.GetValue() ) Debug.Notification("You feel too hungry to sleep.") ; Abort sleep return ElseIf (currentThirst > THTS_THIRSTTHRESHOLD.GetValue() ) Debug.Notification("You feel too thirsty to sleep.") ; Abort sleep return Else return Endif EndEvent
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