Hello, first time posting a request, not gonna waste time: My idea is simple, a new vegas companion mod.....Agent Fox Mulder from the awesome show X Files. Should be made by a fan of the show and please contact me if you are a mod author and interested in making this a reality. ATM I am currently working on making this mod........but I only ever made a few gun mods for myself n never uploaded one here and im quite novice at this, however there is not a single AFM....you should know what that stands for by now if not, context clues are magical things............so don't hold your breath for me to do this, im also not asking for creative control on it n the char n such belong to their actual owners without question, I just think it would make a killer mod and provide a good thrill for X files fans like myself. So please if you are good at modding and making companions, contact me here or also you can if u wish leave a comment on one of my youtube videos ( Liono Liony) my channel icon thing is the Umbrella logo from resident evil, not trying to bolster views, its just I don't want to put my email in here, anyways thanks for taking the time to read this.