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Everything posted by cyka22

  1. So I was wondering If any mod authors would be willing to make a Darkwing Duck mod for FO4. I was thinking it could be one or more of the following: 1. Darkwings Gas Gun, a totally unique from scratch one would be epic, but it could also just be a retextured grenade launcher / pistol to make it easier to put in the game. Maybe a 40mm one with diff ammo types and optics and some upgrades and skins. 2. Costume, Darkwings iconic purple outfit cape and hat would be amazing to have in FO4 for any DWD fan. Maybe it could have customization to add stealth and other benefits n take balistic weave etc. 3. This one is mostly just a silly cosmetic thing, but maybe something that turns vertibirds into the "Thunder Quack" Jet. It could conflict with a lot of mods that edit vertibirds, so this idea is really just intended for ppl who dont really use or care about vertibirds and dont have other mods for them. Im just incredibly surprised there are no darkwing duck mods for FO4 at all. With as popular as the show was and is, I woulda thought at least 1 or 2 wouldve been made. Ill include some links to images for the items from show. Costume: https://s24195.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Screen-Shot-2016-08-17-at-8.00.58-AM-1024x687-1.png Costume and gas gun: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/d/d5/Vlcsnap-2015-08-17-18h46m18s481.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20150819163548 Thunderquack Jet: https://i.imgur.com/wdCo8W3.jpeg
  2. Yes I was aware of this when I asked for my idea, Agent Fox Mulder companion, which is why when I asked for it here as a request I also started on development, atm its id say in early alpha, but I got the char n some dialogue, besides even if someone said, aye ya smashing idea! n started dev. its not like it would be done in a day anyway lol, but i do agree with your post here n its nice of you to point it out to those who don't know.
  3. Im trying to make a Agent Fox Mulder companion atm.........which is rather hard but its in alpha .2 so that's good, I did ages ago make some custom guns in counterstrike source and a few in NV , idk if I could do this here, but if you could possibly give more side to the rifle and without the nice dinosaur...alien dinosaur? without Lolo there....(just the gun) on sides left right it would help ppl get a better idea of the design, and just my idea here but with the rear mag...bullpup type of design her rifle has the bozar might be a nice base start model ...bozar + 12.7mm smg + Antimat rifle oh big thing to......need to specify what if anything you want it to be repaired with, and even tho you say suppressed, would you want that only or a non sup. vers and an iron sights ...so would u want a scope n suppressor as a addon, so possibly 2 of them 1 you can add stuff on and 1 that's what you initially asked for as a....*special*-"Unique" rifle.
  4. Hello, first time posting a request, not gonna waste time: My idea is simple, a new vegas companion mod.....Agent Fox Mulder from the awesome show X Files. Should be made by a fan of the show and please contact me if you are a mod author and interested in making this a reality. ATM I am currently working on making this mod........but I only ever made a few gun mods for myself n never uploaded one here and im quite novice at this, however there is not a single AFM....you should know what that stands for by now if not, context clues are magical things............so don't hold your breath for me to do this, im also not asking for creative control on it n the char n such belong to their actual owners without question, I just think it would make a killer mod and provide a good thrill for X files fans like myself. So please if you are good at modding and making companions, contact me here or also you can if u wish leave a comment on one of my youtube videos ( Liono Liony) my channel icon thing is the Umbrella logo from resident evil, not trying to bolster views, its just I don't want to put my email in here, anyways thanks for taking the time to read this.
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