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Everything posted by andrew68

  1. how do you do the second thing for the charging quest for the horse and how do you control the speed for the horse goes way too fast at least to me goes way too fast.
  2. try this might help the whole web link tell you how to help tweek the game idk if it help me but ill find out. http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1543988-a-data-vault-of-tweaks-and-fixes-for-the-pc-version/
  3. this old post but idk if there been new one since the last 3 years but im at 155 total mods and 139 active plugins is there a way past this without getting the red ! on NPC'S and buildings and stuff? or is there a mod to fix this issue? or something.
  4. how do you copy and past your load order from NMM im not sure i can do that but ill try do it tomorrow after all this pc im using barely makes the min requirements for skyrim or at least i think it barely make min.
  5. oh because i was having infinite loading screens before i installed that mod and i have the latest SKSE installed then why the game doing infinite loading screen when leaving the first cave after the dragon attacks in helgan
  6. like the title says having issues with the mod Safety Load and don't know were to put the command "EnableOnlyLoading = true" in data/SKSE/Plugins/SafetyLoad.ini. at or what to do prevent any more CTD'S since i installed http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46465/? safety load mod. any help will be greatly appreciated.
  7. idk try watching gopher videos on issues and how to mod the game.
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