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Everything posted by riko3

  1. Are you using? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/97674?tab=description ? Update Nemesis, run it. I randomly got my potions to work. I disabled animated Potions and Poison and got: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/97674?tab=description instead seems ok for now. I can drink skooma, etc. now.
  2. I strangely have the same issue, I can eat, drink, etc. But when it comes to "using" Skoma or Potions. The sound effect is made but the potions are never consumed or go into effect. Super weird. I feel the culprit maybe animated potions/poison I played around with that mod a lot. Enabling it and disabling it. If I find a solution will post it here. I wish I could use "Spell Hotbars" for potions, etc. would be an awesome cure. I also can't use favorited potions, so no luck there.
  3. I would like this mod in SE as well. Bump :)
  4. RYYZ!! LOL I've so happy ! I've been looking for a: Purple Quen-like spell. I just want to have a purple barrier(shield/orb) w/e you call it for so long I'd check like hundreds of times but never found one. Then... I thought to myself why don't I just type quen skyrim mod and... TA-daa I'm a bit closer ! How could a purple colored quen spell that just adds 40/60/80 defence be possible? http://hiledostu.blogspot.com/2014/01/metin2-kara-buyu-sura-efsunlar-wslik.html this is my dream. All I want is defensive buffs :D
  5. Ahhh I have the same problem transforming takes my character around 15-20 seconds it's really annoying.
  6. I just had this left my character to chop wood for 20 minutes and... bamm not "top left corner messages" looked at my bag *0 firewood* then saved reloaded the game tried again and... ta daaa I was getting firewood. Idk ever since I turn Vampire Lord strange things are happening to my game. (curse of the dark side I guess ) For example: My char goes bald every once in a while.
  7. Holy so that's why I can't find the quest. Damm it now I see.
  8. Hey guys how could we change a quest's rewards. Let's say the reward is 500 Gold. How could I change this to 200 Gold with TESEDIT5 ? This is pretty much the only thing I need because player.additem f XXX is ruining all the fun for me :(. I havebeen try to find this for the last 5 days. :D
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