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About Zenchii

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    United States
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    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

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  1. You just said that to someone who made an entire Overhaul mod. What would you consider "stepping up" in this case?
  2. I'm surprised I haven't found a mod that does this already after 3 years. :tongue: I'm looking for a mod that allows Melka the Hagraven to be a fully functioning follower, complete with inventory access. I tried myself using edited Hagraven dialogue, but the creation kit was being an antsy little thing and wouldn't get the dialogue options to work right or even, in some cases, appear. the idea is for her to be recruit-able only after you help her retake her tower from Petra and complete the quest.
  3. Does anyone know if there's a mod to make Melka a full fledged companion with dialogue?
  4. Thank you kindly, my good man, and have a good day!
  5. The game believes I have an animal follower despite not having one. I've been trying to find a console command similar to "Set followercount" for animal companions to no avail. Does anyone know of one? If not, do you have any idea what could've caused the problem, and how to fix it? I want to try the new Husky and armoured troll pets introduced with Dawnguard but I'll never be able to at this rate. I'd appreciate any help given. Thank you for your time.
  6. Honestly, I've been a bit frustrated with this too. The frustration is mostly based off of personal opinion. Now, I don't mind revealing stuff or mods that show cleavage. In fact I think that, if done right, it can actually make a female character look more bad-ass (This Daedric corset, for example). What I'm personally frustrated about is that in my opinion what ends up taking up the spot light most of the time isn't done right in that sense. The other thing that frustrates me is that I feel like there's really cool armor mods out there that, for example keep true to Skyrim's original feel (See above, and This little gem for examples) that people might like, and they get left in the dust by bikini mods and whatnot. Makes me wish the site had a system that high lighted more underrated mods on here somehow, ya know?
  7. That wouldn't just be a re-texture. That'd be a full remodel! And a glorious remodel it would be. I'd love to have that female armor for sure! Unfortunately, I have no modeling experience at all. Hopefully, someone with experience sees the image and, after he/she stops drooling, decides to work on it! :biggrin:
  8. I can just see it now: A mod that allows you to forge custom armor for your dog. Daedric Doggy armor FTW! EDIT: This just hit me after I posted this: Actual Horse armor! Forge-able Horse armor made from any material that you can use to craft Humanoid armor with. :dance: I am so not kidding either. I would totally download a mod that adds Forge-able dog and horse armor like that.
  9. I need help removing the follower limit for two custom companions that use the vanilla follower system. Apparently, removing the faction "currentfollowerfaction" doesn't help. Any assistance or advice is welcome. Thank you.
  10. I was trying my hand at making a skeleton spell sword companion when I remembered that the skeleton race did not allow speech with the player. I then decided to create a special copy of that race that not only allowed speech but was statistically more in line with the playable races and thus, more balanced. When I changed my companion from the regular race to the modified copy, his model disappeared! I then went to check the race itself and -- despite all the changes being purely in the stats and none of the model data being tampered with (It even shows the proper paths to the models and everything) -- the skeleton's model could not be seen. If anyone could at least help me get closer to a solution, I'd be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time. ~Zenchii
  11. Looks great! I like the style of the undies. From the looks of it, I assume it uses default undies texture, yes?
  12. The extra polygons definitely fix the issue. It looks odd without actual nipples, though.
  13. Looks really good! There's an odd looking area near the under arm in the back, though. You can see it on the second set of pics. It doesn't seem to morph right. Was that present in the vanilla body too?
  14. Ok. Just thought I'd ask because I use one of the normals from the female muscle mod and I wanted to know if it was compatible. Oh, I also recommend that you update the thread with an image of the new body using an In-game texture to better get a feel for what it would look like in Skyrim. Again, great work and I hope this gets more attention. :thumbsup:
  15. I heard of this a little while ago. It's nice to see that they're learning from their mistakes and improving their testing phases by using a more accurate audience (That being the players themselves). Hopefully, This will allow them to improve their patches from here on out. Good move, Bethesda! :thumbsup: Looking forward to the full update and the creation kit when they release.
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