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About Sasha1378

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    Skyrim SE
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    Skyrim SE

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  1. Hmmm... Okay, I'll try to fix that then (I have enhanced character edit SE 1.5 installed). Thanks for the tip =) EDIT: You were right, 3aq. I had to reinstall XPMSSE and then it worked flawlessly =) I'm just confused though. If a file is supposed to change something in your skeleton, why not let it do so? I'm using both ECE and a female bow size fix... Both wanted to change XPMSSE's skeleton.
  2. Hello, I have a fresh new install of Skyrim SE with mods installed via Vortex, but have the boobs and butt of my character sagging to the floor (almost not exagerating here). I'm not sure if the original CBP physics works as intended, but I have a few mods in here, plus a couple fixes for widescreen (2560x1080) so... Can anyone (english or french) hot me on PM so we can sort my case out please? I am living in france by french daylight hours. BTW, CBBE without physics works as intended. The problem occurs bot naked and using physics clothes. Pic of a basic NAKED character ingame: https://orig00.deviantart.net/b3eb/f/2018/104/4/6/screenshot2_by_sasha1378-dc8rrnz.png
  3. Did you try to play the game before attempting to mod it? I think you need to actually get into the game to have the ini file and be able to mod it. Try lanching a game in Skyrim SE, and exit the game to desktop as soon as you can (on the cart to Helgen, spoiler alert :wink: ). Then try modding with NMM or Vortex or whatever :smile:
  4. I've got an issue with model modding... Don't I need to invalidate older texture files? Or rather, actual new game files? CBBE Bodyslide doesn't seem to work for me. I"ve tried to make bodies, and it seems to work, but when I get ingame, no change. The outfits are vanilla and body is CBBE v3, not bodyslided. Is there something I'm missing? Sorry for the bump and possible (probable) out of subject. I'm just desperate. I'm playing Skyrim Special Edition btw. Edit... NVM. I know where the problem lies. It's between the chair and the keyboard. I didn't set the proper game path under settings in bodyslide. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  5. I would like to see a mod that provides with a new mask. It would be based either on the Star Wars Knight of the Old Republic "Vacuum mask" (see attached file, maybe without all the 3D of the mask) or easier, the "Synth field helmet" without top piece, so that I can see my character's hair with a mask that looks cool :smile: Of course, I'd like to attach add-ons and legendary mods to it. Maybe a armor level (light, medium, heavy) too... Okay, I'm asking for a lot of things xD Sorry :tongue: In any case, thank you Nexus Community :smile:
  6. When I said "fed", I meant "the first stage of vampirism" (what potions of blood already do). I drink those potions daily, but I find it a hassle and want to get rid of that. With vanilla dawnguard vampirism.
  7. Hello, I am looking for a mod that will extend vampirism stages, or even better, stop it completely, for dawnguard vampirism. I would like some kind of cheat that allow me to stay fed for a longer time, or even better, permanently. Eventually, for a broader range of people, a TOGGLE spell that disables stages of vampirism for a very long time/forever would be great. That way we could be what vampire stage we want forever or not, without the need to feed or drink blood potions. Thank you for helping me if you can :)
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