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About PeterComputer

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  1. Thank you! I already noticed some other people are also grateful for the mod, so that's really nice to see. So far, I haven't found any bugs, but I'll report back in case that happens.
  2. I also know a few people who won't touch Skyrim because of the spiders and I honestly cannot blame them, Frostbite Spiders are kind of terrifying. Weirdly enough though, I've never had a problem with gore, so you could replace skeletons with corpses and I'd probably be fine with it. The textureless armor works just fine too. I do worry that replacing skeletons might interfere with some EVE animations and AWOP self-destruct collars. There are a couple of situations where corpses turn into skeletons for a split second or into bone fragments so I would assume that could cause a few conflicts. That said, I'm not a modding expert so I might be wrong. If you need my load order, I can post it here.
  3. I was actually going to try renaming the skeleton folders, as Dubious suggested, but I wasn't expecting someone to volunteer to replace the skeletons! Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you vforvic, that's really kind of you. Exploring the wastes without worrying about having a skeleton possibly show up around any corner seems like a dream come true, I cannot thank you enough. I can wait however long you need, so take your time.
  4. I've never been too keen on skeletons, in-game or in real life. In fact, that's actually one of the things that put me off Skyrim and Fallout for so long. But a few years back, when I finally decided to give New Vegas a try, I had a really good time. One of the few issues I always had with the game, was facing skeletons and grabbing loot on/near them. I knew what I was getting into when I started playing, but I guess I underestimated the amount of skeletons that there are in the game. That said, I built up my courage throughout the game, and got through the main game and DLCs slowly, but surely. There were some extremely uncomfortable moments in Dead Money and I just bailed out of the facilities in Big MT that had those skeletons in radiation suits, but somehow I lived to play another day. Until Honest Hearts. You see, near the start of Honest Hearts, you get given a quest to go gather some pieces of pre-war tech (if I'm remembering this correctly), and one of those items is in a school bus that fell into a pond. Thing is, between you and said item, is what looked like a child's skeleton floating in the water. I know I probably mistook a regular (most likely dismembered) skeleton for a child's one but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't bring myself to get close to the bus. So I didn't. I just... stopped playing. And I never finished that playthrough because of that. To be fair, I was already kind of tired of playing NV after finishing all the other DLCs and I hadn't really heard many good things about Honest Hearts, but I wanted to play it so I could be done with the game and be satisfied with my playthrough. So even though I wasn't going into Honest Hearts with a healthy mentality, the child skeleton caught me off-guard and finally broke my desire to play any further. Recently though, I've started a new run, this time with a few mods and although I'm enjoying the game once again, dealing with skeletons is actually tougher than I remembered and I'm afraid I'll just quit playing once again because of them. As such, I'm writing this as a way to ask if there is a mod out there that replaces or just deletes skeletons from the game entirely. I've searched for one myself, but I haven't really been lucky, as you would expect. So, if you know of a solution to my little problem, then by all means reply! I'm all ears. TL;DR: Is there a mod that replaces/deletes skeletons? Thanks.
  5. I tried renaming and removing that file, but as expected, ReShade just moved on to a new .fx file and the same error popped up. I also tried to move the effect search directory to a new folder altogether but for some reason, it just keeps loading the .fx files in the root folder. I'm not sure what to try next. I could move every single enb*.fx file to a new folder, but then I'd have to mess with enb's search directories, right? That thread also mentioned removing the game file from the effect search list, but I thought that's what I had done by changing the effect search directory to a new folder. Thanks for replying.
  6. Using: Ruby's ENB, ReShade 3.0.8. (moved from enhanced shaders because of visual glitches) Every time I open New Vegas, the screen freezes for roughly 10-15 seconds, then an error log pops up to tell me that something's wrong with the "enbbloom.fx" file in the root folder. The message is the following: "warning X5000: global variables are considered "uniform" by default." Thing is, that's not even the reason why I'm writing this. No matter what I do, I cannot get the error log off my screen. I've tried clicking everywhere I can but all that does is occasionally dragging the window to somewhere else; I can't close the log. However, even if I drag the window out of the way, if my cursor is on a certain part of the screen, it will freeze (on the menus/in-game) and grab the window. As I've mentioned before, I can get in-game with no issues (well, that I have noticed at least), but the message is always there and every few seconds, I'll grab the window without wanting to. I've opened the ReShade UI, opened the log from there but all it does is open up a new error log which I can (thankfully) close. I'm probably just missing something simple, but I've looked in so many places and haven't really found anyone with this isse, so I had to ask for help. Anyways, thanks in advance to whoever replies.
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