I've never been too keen on skeletons, in-game or in real life. In fact, that's actually one of the things that put me off Skyrim and Fallout for so long. But a few years back, when I finally decided to give New Vegas a try, I had a really good time. One of the few issues I always had with the game, was facing skeletons and grabbing loot on/near them. I knew what I was getting into when I started playing, but I guess I underestimated the amount of skeletons that there are in the game. That said, I built up my courage throughout the game, and got through the main game and DLCs slowly, but surely. There were some extremely uncomfortable moments in Dead Money and I just bailed out of the facilities in Big MT that had those skeletons in radiation suits, but somehow I lived to play another day. Until Honest Hearts. You see, near the start of Honest Hearts, you get given a quest to go gather some pieces of pre-war tech (if I'm remembering this correctly), and one of those items is in a school bus that fell into a pond. Thing is, between you and said item, is what looked like a child's skeleton floating in the water. I know I probably mistook a regular (most likely dismembered) skeleton for a child's one but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't bring myself to get close to the bus. So I didn't. I just... stopped playing. And I never finished that playthrough because of that. To be fair, I was already kind of tired of playing NV after finishing all the other DLCs and I hadn't really heard many good things about Honest Hearts, but I wanted to play it so I could be done with the game and be satisfied with my playthrough. So even though I wasn't going into Honest Hearts with a healthy mentality, the child skeleton caught me off-guard and finally broke my desire to play any further. Recently though, I've started a new run, this time with a few mods and although I'm enjoying the game once again, dealing with skeletons is actually tougher than I remembered and I'm afraid I'll just quit playing once again because of them. As such, I'm writing this as a way to ask if there is a mod out there that replaces or just deletes skeletons from the game entirely. I've searched for one myself, but I haven't really been lucky, as you would expect. So, if you know of a solution to my little problem, then by all means reply! I'm all ears. TL;DR: Is there a mod that replaces/deletes skeletons? Thanks.