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About FNVGeek2012

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  1. yea i think it would be better if there was more buildings to constuct and more enemies to kill as it gets boring just having the same buildings to make and same enemies to kill. hey maybe even add a few quests to upgrade your fort more?
  2. Im looking for a team to design a mod what that is yet i do not no but we can decide on it once we have got the team together. I'm know how to do weapons armour basic npcs and notes, keys etc and im very good at creating a storyline in the form of notes or terminals. what we need in the team is a interior/exterior designer and someone that is more familar with npcs such as setting more advanced AI packages and AI Data, and someone who is good at making quests. Like i said before i dont quite know what the mod will be about but it will contain 2 rival factions maybe and them fighting it out or something along those lines. If you are interested in this please add me on skype my username is hellovamatt Thank you
  3. Yea but the reason that i choose the US Armed Forces as they have history in Fallout and they if i remember it rightly they have camps and bases scattered around the mojave and washington so it would make sense to add them but a good idea thanks :)
  4. So im thinking of adding some factions to the game which is pretty simple mod to do but i want to make this a bit more detailed and with more storyline. I have come up with a few factions that could tie in with the lore of fallout but you can think of others if you want to. Or what what i might do is select a few factions and improve upon them. Characters in the fctions may have quests later in the mod but at the start of it it will just be the factions with their base and maybe some way of telling the player about the lore such as notes or terminals. I may need need some help with the reputation images though for the new factions. If you are able to do these i will include you in the mods description. If you need to contact me add me on skype my name is hellovamatt
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