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Everything posted by DarkPl4yer
As the name suggests, whenever I become a vampire, the eyes normally appear like those of a vampire, but after changing the armor or leaving the game and returning, the appearance returns to human form.I used to use a mod called skin racial variance which had an esp capable of preventing this reversal but I no longer use this mod and I don't know what causes this currently
I already searched about this on Google and currently there is no right answer to my problem because I only find people who have this problem with all the dragon priest masks but for me it is only with the Miraak mask she is invisible when the camera is in third person with normal zoom, but when I move the camera away from the character she becomes visible, the only mod that changes her is the unofficial skyrim patch. I don't know if it happened before because I never played the dragonborn dlc questline in my saves (honestly I wasn't even going to meet the greybeards)
the solution I found for this is to simply go into the game, load the preset and then overwrite it, saving the preset over it. Even doing this, these lines appear in the preset when using notepad++ and the skin shines stop appearing (honestly, it's better than having to write these lines in each preset using notepad. ty for ur time :smile: :thumbsup:
idk if u going to se this comment but almost all of my downloaded presets do not have these lines, they only appear after the shiny texture appears and I save the preset with the shiny texture, so I went there and added these lines that you showed(except TiniaaXL presets from Groanth they already have these lines). the lack of these lines that you posted in the presets would be a problem with my game or with the presets being saved incorrectly by the creators who post them?
problem solved, apparently a racialskinvariance esp that fixes vampire npcs was causing this, before I used it too but it didn't cause such a problem because it was way up in the load order and was being replaced by other mods, but now it's down of all esp was working and causing this.(my theory)
I created a new save and went to the same cave and it entered normally then I went back to the old one but before starting the dawnguard mission and it also entered after I started the mission and I went again the dark screen came back , it is probably some of the vampires that the game puts there
from this list I only have a lighting mod ELFX-HARDCORE(now i use normal versionthe only one diference) , but i always used this mod before and no problem ,also removes the mods that change the npcs and even then it still continued
I would like someone to enlighten my ideas regarding this problem , because I have looked in several places and the ways that cause this so far are caused by mods that I do not use. i just reinstalled my skyrim recently and never had a problem with it before, at the moment this problem occurs when i try to enter DIMHOLLOW CRYPT the loading screen ends but everything is dark with just the noise of the wind from the entrance to the cave and the running water :confused:
well its back again , i will delete all and start from 0
well i found the problem ,unfortunately my favorite mod -wet function redux- f*#@ed my game
I had already started a topic about the same problem and I thought it was solved last time but this hell is haunting me again, I researched this bug and found several solutions for this shiny skin that seems to be underneath the normal texture that for some reason manifests itself only on my character, at the beginning of a new save game she doesn't appear but for some reason later on without any warning she always appears after I save the game and exit and come back later and she seems to vote on all saves even though she doesn't have similar Just a example: even though I removed all conflicts with skin mods that changed the femalebody and the racemenu presets that caused this when loaded
ty , the only thing i just found out is that forcing the vampirism infection through the Better Vampires mod and then trying to cure the vampirism using the mod makes the glow manifest for me, i went back to a save before forcing vampirism and retraced all the way to where the texture started glowing and this time it didn't happen, i rarely force vampirism and every time this bug happened it was after i forced heal through the mod
:huh: I just wanted to know if anyone has come across this problem and could help me with a solution (I don't have anything replacing my body texture mods) in fact it looks like this shiny texture sits below the skin texture I use and simply manifests itself during the game indefinitely. :confused:
eu troquei de computador mas quando baixei o jogo também estava na versão que você esta usando , ai também deu esse problema então pensei que ele estava assim por não estar atualizado ou porque estava faltando algum mod que devo ter deixado passar, que havia no meu antigo computador e não baixei nesse ainda
atualmente atualizei meu skyrim da steam e obviamente mudei meus mods para a versão AE , e notei que sempre ao carregar qualquer preset de personagem ao tentar usar os slider de corpo ou mesmo sair do racemenu e cruzar uma área que inicia uma loadscreen meu jogo trava e para de responder .Sinceramente estou sem ideias , pois se eu nao usar nenhum preset ele funciona normalmente :confused:
mudei a resolução de tela e parece estar funcionando melhor mas aceitaria uma sugestão de qual processador ter em mente para se comprar
So the problem would be him
So the problem would be him
Nome do dispositivo DESKTOP-NHHOH82 Processador AMD A8 PRO-7600B R7, 10 Compute Cores 4C+6G 3.09 GHz RAM instalada 8,00 GB (utilizável: 7,47 GB) Existe algo que eu deveria mudar aqui para jogar especificamente skyrim , pois eu troquei de computador e comprei um mais moderno mas ele roda skyrim pior que o antigo , queria saber se esse processador é o problema.(algumas opiniões para abrir minhas ideias plz) :happy:
Essa pode ser a textura de qualquer outra forma ou erro. Se como um erro, como posso consertar? Vou deixar uma imagem de como um está está aparecendo Link Image>> https://prntscr.com/lsfpi8 Não sei se a imagem vai aparecer por não poder colocar aqui
Could someone tell me what might be causing this problem. I was playing skyrin normally more then I turned off the computer and when I called and went to generate the FNIS appeared this and the game does not start because of this.
Estou tendo um problema quando vou finalizar o movimento de morte em um NPC quando estou na forma de Werewolf. Gostaria de saber o que pode estar causando isso e se há um mod quer conserte a finalização do werewolf
Muito obrigado pelo esclarecimento!
Sempre ao instalar um modelo na posição 262 do MO.Ao entrar no jogo e clicar no continuar aparece uma mensagem dizendo que está faltando algum mod sendo que o último mod inscrito não entra em conflito com nada.Não importa o mod todos que são instalados na posição 262 do MO,