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Everything posted by newgate5255

  1. This would have made my first play through as a warrior so much easier -______-
  2. if you don't ask you don't get, even though there's probably more chance of winning the lottery lol XD But you never know, there may be a huge Attack on titan fan out there who loves to mod.
  3. I would prefer a colour wheel to be added to the editor rather than just more colours. It should be possible, maybe for skin also to give more freedom for your characters.
  4. Warriors shouldn't be able to use bows and arrows. but i agree with making them more balanced. If you want to use a bow switch vocation; otherwise there is no point. You might as well have a mod for no vocations if you want to switch weapons like that.
  5. If they did this, they had better give the players and pawns access to the Omni-directional Mobility Gear. I would love flying around the trees to get to an enemies weak spot. (Would probably make a new save file for this since it definitely breaks the lore of DDDA). Maybe they could even create a new world space similar to the environment from the anime. (This would be more ideal, but more in the long term.)
  6. so say your character learns all the mage and sorcery spells and augments. Would they be able to be used when your a mystic knight. For example when wielding a stave you could use some of the more powerful spells still like Bolide? or Maelstrom?
  7. This is definitely a good idea, it would somewhat speed up the modding process. Especially for those new to modding whom lack the experience to find everything themselves. Maybe categorize it into 4 main groups: Textures Meshes Sounds Scripts Then list where to find specific files under each category
  8. There does need to be better customisation for the player and pawns, when i say this i don't mean changing the hairdresser, changing hair is what its for, not full body. I mean adding more choices to the actual customisation screen, for example adding a colour wheel rather than colour swatches. And re-modeling and re-texturing the body and hair as well as adding new hairstyles to the game. The more choices we have during the creation process the better it will be.
  9. There should still be a limit but 10 is definitely too low, around 15 would be more ideal to get around the map easier. I do like to travel on foot most of the time but they come in very handy when playing on hard and escorting npcs somewhere within the world.
  10. yeah it does seem like post game should have more monsters out in the world, after seeing the scene with monsters pouring out of the hole its kind of what we expect. However if this is done, they need to be very careful what spawns where to make the game maintain its lore. For example we cant just have death spawning outside Gran Soren (would be cool though), since he belongs to Bitterblack isle. Will probably be a while before this kind of mod is made though. They seem to be focusing on ENB's and armor changes, and not any of the actually useful script edits people are requesting.
  11. 200 is a strange number to stop at really, it should have gone all the way to 999 to be honest. when you do reach that level i think your done playing lol XD
  12. 10 sounds like a good amount of slots, i think a mod for the pawn should also be made for those who don't mind sacrificing the pawn's online compatibility.
  13. yeah i've noticed this too, it becomes very noticeable when like me you have an ENB that makes the world have realistic lighting. There's a glow but no actual lighting of the meshes. If they do this they would have to do it for everyone, not just the pawns. This would add to the overall immersion of the game.
  14. I also want to mention how unfair it is for the pawns to be left out of the best vocations, if at all possible i would like to see a mod that gives them these vocations even at the cost of the pawn losing online compatibility. And before i spoke of immersion which is why i'll also mention that there should really be an option for 1st person views.
  15. As far as mods go, what dogma really needs in my opinion is for the world to have less load screens and more grass. An ENB can only add so much to the immersion and beauty of Gransys. The main keeps such as Gran Soren and Cassardis, should be integrated into the actual world rather than being a load screen apart. This would open up many more possibilities for modding; for example having travelers bringing supplies back and forth showing a working economic system between the holds. I have always wanted to run from the Inn in Gran Soren to the main gates and just push them open, to reveal Gransys' open world right before my eyes instead of waiting for a screen to load. I hope this can be done as it was with games like skyrim (even though that was made to be modified); i am sure some of the great modders out there will be capable of such things.
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