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  1. i guess i mean how do i call already made effects or abilities in a script, setting magnitude and numbers of seconds. because there is a damageRadiationLevel effect. i just dont know how to call it in a script.
  2. anybody seen this? funny montage contains swearing and may have spoilers
  3. if i open a fallout3 mod in fo3EDIT i can just change the file header from fallout3.esm to falloutnv.esm and copy the esp to falloutnv data folder and the mod works. i have both games installed. if you open fallout3.esm in GECK and mod quest and objects, change a value and change it back, so GECK thinks that youve edited them but its still same. and save esp. then open esp in fo3EDIT and then change the file header from fallout3.esm to falloutnv.esm. so what your trying to do is copy quest and object from the fallout3.esm and put them into an esp. change the file header so it can be used in falloutnv might be a way to transfer stuff from fallout3 to falloutnv and once you have changed the file header for the mod, the mod can then be opened in fallounv GECK and for legal issues, if you edit any fallout3.esm stuff and release it on fallout3 nexus. then it shouldnt be a problem? and give instructions on how to copy it to NV directory.
  4. im pretty sure fgunspreadcrouchbase and fgunspreadcrouchmult and fgunspreadrunbase and fgunspreadrunmult do not work in new vegas fGunSpreadSkillBase and fGunSpreadSkillMult do not work in new vegas either fDamageGunWeapCondMult and fDamageGunWeapCondBase these do no not apear to have an affect in game anyone found any other settings for gun condition for damage and accuracy that work or do not work? these are ones i found that seem to affect accuracy in and out of VATS. fWobbleToSkillConversion fStandingSpreadPenalty fRunningSpreadPenalty fUnaimedSpreadPenalty fWalkingSpreadPenalty
  5. how do you damage radiation in a script? i found DamageAV RadiationRads 10 but this will change the radiationrads value only, and wont apply any radiation resistance or show the player that his radiation level has been damaged i would like to be able to apply radiation damage X amount for T secs, and have the player aware that they have taken radiation damage. and have the damage taken modfied by resistance. i was going to script an effect that applies radiation damage on a random chance calculated by the players luck skill. so each time a player ingests food, the radiation amount they take will be varied and the player will not always know how much radiation each food item will do.
  6. is there an easy way to view changes made by an .esp or .esm in GECK? eg. i download a mod, how do i find out the exact changes it has made? is there just a simple one click way to show changes made by the esp? gamesettings changed, items/actors modifed/created, scripts etc.
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