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About MuhammadRizky17

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Father Godwin's face model included. Thank you
  2. Frostborn is a nordic themed survival mobile game. I think this armor design would make good addition for the modding community.
  3. Frostborn is a nordic themed survival mobile game. I think this armor design would make good addition for the modding community.
  4. Hi, i maybe the only few people that really enjoys the rugged, worn out look of The Adrestia. It would be great if there is a Forger-based mod that gives you options to choose which Adrestia's hulls, ram, crew shields/armors you want to use without sacrificing the stats. So you can get maxed out Adrestia, but with the old, worn out look of the default
  5. In the trailer also shown the weapon magnet that white light circleto be at the back. In the game it's behind the shoulder. Why not turn on all of them? Wish i play it in PC
  6. Need help installing "EDI new head" properly. I use ME3Explorer 3.0 from Nexusmods. Have installed the .tpf files too. No success, EDI just turn white black.
  7. Hey, is it possible to make a small change of texture from default MaleShep N7 armor? here's the only error: -red painted left hand N7 armor is recognized by its red stripe on the right arm (from right shoulder down to right hand). Left hand is not painted but the dev made it such. example of how it should be: unpainted left knuckle guard and red right knuckle guard what it looks in game: Can't find a good in-game picture of the armor, so probably this one could explains everything. http://hexedprops.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/armors-4.jpg anybody make this change happen will be much appreciated. Thanks
  8. I'd like to see a mod that changes the color of Iron Armor set to match the pauldron on the leather studded armor, just like in the wallpaper
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