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Everything posted by slauterer911
I will start work on the navi hunter stuff as soon as I can, I had a crazy weekend so I didn't get much work done, I did get a fairly realistic recreation of aragorns sword though :). I think I figured out why my armor wasn't working so now it's just matter of creating this stuff, bows are hard make... very hard. Btw I eat kudos they make me happy ;)
GROGNAK ARMBENDER! new character in the game, he is the 7 foot tall imperial legion task force commander who can kill Na'vi with his bare hands and horrid looks
sorry for the double post but feel free to post any more suggestions below
here are the characters that we have so far: Alisa Cuthbert Anna Kournikova Zoe Saldana (yes Neytiri, you thought i could leave her out?) Zooey Deschanel Antonio Banderas Jude Law
i decided i would switch to my actual profile =D Hey Taggis, the race is playable at this time just search operation Pandora Navi race on the nexus site and you can download the current release for it right now, i will be releasing an update for it pretty quick though, I'm working today then going to a party tonight so i wont have much time to work on it until later, as a team we have decided that a teleport has opened in tamriel and you go to pandora from there there will be no flying mounts as the ingame physics prevents that but there will be horses in the game feel free to post anymore questions that you may have oh and all of you who don't know who anna is here is a picture of her: http://www.topnews.in/files/anna-kournikova.jpg
no im using the default install local for the teeth so even if you just install it normally it will still work with my mod
yeah you need to install the teeth file also its just the merged file but im not sure about the dots yet i haven't tested it yet but i have classes tomorrow so im gonna go to bed here pretty quick feel free to try it out though see what happens
Hey guys i did allot of work on the female Na'vi race today and i got the stripes on the body and head as correct as they ever will be and i made it so the nose looks flat (take off the shine from it) for just an overall better looking race its not done yet though so if you want a copy of the beta just check my crazy haat file on my profile (keep in mind i haven't tested the newest dots again and they may not work but the stripes appeal to me allot more) have fun Cheers, * EDIT * THE CRAZY NAMES ARE SO THAT NOONE WILL DOWNLOAD IT and you need the newest uploaded file to play as well as the tail fix the description says it has a trojan but it actually dosen't
yeah i was working on the same concept with my navi race trying to make the nervous system dots glow except i later figured out that unless i modified the original mesh data there would be no glow, you have to set the emissive color to pure white in nifskope then create a glow map that will cause them to glow in the dark and not just all the time. Oh man how easy this mod would be if we just had the original model data from the movie. this is probably redundant info as you guys already know this, but i posted this just in case.
Hey Robert can you send the files to me i just watched a couple tutorials on how to make extremely realistic leaves and plants in 3ds and i wanted to see if i could change around the plant files to make them just like in the video e.g. with diffuse glow, slight transparency and such. My email is [email protected] Cheers
yeah after screwing around with the files for like 2 hours i realized i messed up something in 3ds involving tri shape data or something so basically i have to do it all over again, i probably will but not today i have a fair amount of homework that i have to do. BTW Xaulete who are you talking to me or Rayne?
yeah it seems that no matter what i do CS keeps crashing every time i select the custom headmesh i made in the facedata collum it just crashes i think i must of messed something up when i edited it in 3ds
ok i just got another idea on how to do it if it works ill add another post and you guys will have a custom head mesh to play around with until we make our official one (even though i think this one is pretty damn good) haha
yeah i think so i used 3ds max 2010 and imported/exported with nif scope if you know of a guide that tells me how to convert it back in detail it would help allot
yeah i know that its just when i load up the meshes using nif files they are really weird like the head is in the improper spot and it doesn't have proper skeleton or anything i tried replacing just the head model on an already made nif file (imperialhead) and positioning it properly, when i tried loading it into CS it just crashes
hey so i tried my luck at doing some head modeling and i whipped up some pretty nice meshes for my race, (i am not planning to release these unless they are really good as i will be making improvements) but i so far have been unable to find a guide on how to get them into the game, I'm no good with the technical stuff so if anybody has a link for a guide or can explain it i would appreciate it allot! :biggrin:
I added a male version today so you guys can check that out, even though i hated doing the retexture, there's just something about turning guys junk blue that really doesn't appeal to me, but don't worry i put as much care into this one as i did the last. cheers,
hey thanks for posting it on the front page, i just hope you don't leave me in the dust when you start making the headmesh i would like to work on the textures as well
Hey guys i just developed a new race mod it took me the better half of the day to finish so here it is Link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30867 P.S. can you endorse it too please i want some downloads this time around =)
yeah it still sounds freaking amazing, i picked up oblivion the day it came out and i still play it to this day, I watched Avatar the day it came out and i still go see it almost every week if we combine the best of two worlds then i will never leave my desk!
This is just a thought but what i think would be really neat is like a Dwemer avatar link thing like the RDA ones they use in the movie except that's how you get onto Pandora, because i really don't see any other way except if they rode dragons with a huge magic air sphere around it to Pandora or a portal. And doing the link would also allow you to make an environment unmarked by human presence on Pandora which is really what i want to see.
Yeah i know were going to make a much better race. I thought that most people on this forum would just like to have a na'vi in there game before we start working on the actual one i was never intending for it to be permanent.
Hey i though you guys might want to know that i have created a fairly primitive version of the Na'vi tonight, the textures look great that i made (they have the full stripes and "stars" the stars are a bit random but ill deal with them tomorrow) i cant get the meshes to be the way i want them i will upload the files tomorrow and somebody can tinker around with the height/ weight thing i would do it tonight but I'm way to tired. i know you guys weren't planning to do the race right now but i thought you might like an Na'vi race that actually looks half decent to do beta testing or whatever with. you can check my uploads to download it and if you could tell me what i can improve on i would appreciate it. Hope you like it :biggrin: Link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30695 Cheers.
if you guys do need help with anything just send me a pm i would love to help the person making the Na'vi race to do textures, i have already made my portrait and a couple others into na'vi (check out my profile to see mine) and i would love to use my same method on the race
if you guys do need someone to texture i can help out too i can make a pretty good Na'vi body/face texture as well as most of the animals. i am better at making textures for animals and people but if you need someone to help out with plants i can too