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Everything posted by TheKussh
Hello everyone Well last night I was wondering "why there aren't many mods focused on shields" what I meant was that there aren't cool shield. And I remember there was one of the coolest shield in the Bigger and Badder LICH KING Collectors Edition mod. It was the Claw shield. Sadly the mod now is down and I'm not pleased with any vanilla or modded shields. And what I would like to ask is if someone could make a cool looking shield like that one or something unique like Spellbreaker in vanilla skyrim.
Yeah just like that, I mean there are a lot of modders that are porting or rmaking mods from Fallout 3 to Fallout NV, or Oblivion to Skyrim and no one has ported Helmet FOV yet? *sights* and adding up the perspective mod to would be great for inmersion lovers but I'm not sure if it is compatible with mods any way thanks for pointing that mod out I'm eager to check that out
There are many immersion and realism mods out there, other aim to expand gameplay and such. Back when Fallout 3 came out, a group of modders made Fallout Wanderes Edition and its precursor in Fallout New Vegas, Project Nevada. One of the features that I liked the most back when I was playing FNV with Project Nevada were the visors for the different helmets, mask, and glasses in the game. A while back while I was playing Skirym with the mod "No more enemies in compass", I was going from Markarth to Rorikstead inside the woods a werewolf came at me from the side (I saw it like cut in half in the border of the window) so I deffende my self and then thought "Wait how on earth did I see it", pressed F to go on thirdperson view and realized that I was wearing the Nightgale Armour set, and as you know it has a hoodie and a mask with tinny hole for the eyes, but the hoodie reaches at leats the level of the nose off head. So waht I thing someone should make is something similar to the visors in first person view of PN, but for the borders of the face area of helmets in Skyrim. Thank you. Note. I'm no english speaker so excuse my english if you find some errors :wink: Update. I found the link to Project Nevada's modder guide and specifically the part of the Visor Overlays: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FPIuZGoh5acg433cywGo1vi1dNFTJPXG6rNRgzCUoyc/edit?hl=en&authkey=CNicvuIF&pli=1#heading=h.ly0ybq-mpns2e I'm might start researching this and see if it is in my abilities' reach hahaha
Good guess, I actually was thinking about using that mod but my computer can hardly handle ENB so I can't use WarZones
C'mon guys...... seriously none cares about this issue?
Hi guys, If you have played enough Skyrim you probably had the chance to experience the following event at least once:: You derping around Skyrim, when suddenly you hear a battle and you decide to step in, you are the Dragonborn and the savior of all that are in the same side as you. Finally you arrive in the heat of the battle, and star to fight alongside of your allies, slash after slash, block after block, you and the one you are helping start to beat the op-force, when all of a sudden, you hit a guy you were helping, watch it!!! he yells and everyone starts to attack you. The HELL!!! So Why in The World would I ever help anyone if the pay me like THis..... Ok Alduin lest team up!!!! Dragonborn So, I remember seeing a mod that turned of all friendly damage but that was a long time ago, I couldn't find it in these days neither the other people that was discussing this with me. So what I am trying to suggest here is that someone should make a mod based on the damage parameters of the Mount and Blade franchise, in that game due to the massive battle and the ability to create chaos and make all participants to congregate at one spot of the battlefield, the programers made all melee friendly damage something not to worry about and all the range attacks kept their properties, so you wouldn't hurt your allies in the middle of the fight with any melee weapon, and I thing one person has to be a total wreak if he hits an ally with a bow (seriously whats the point of aiming then?)
Hi guys, If you have played enough Skyrim you probably had the chance to experience the following event at least once:: You derping around Skyrim, when suddenly you hear a battle and you decide to step in, you are the Dragonborn and the savior of all that are in the same side as you. Finally you arrive in the heat of the battle, and star to fight alongside of your allies, slash after slash, block after block, you and the one you are helping start to beat the op-force, when all of a sudden, you hit a guy you were helping, watch it!!! he yells and everyone starts to attack you. The HELL!!! So Why in The World would I ever help anyone if the pay me like THis..... Ok Alduin lest team up!!!! Dragonborn So, I remember seeing a mod that turned of all friendly damage but that was a long time ago, I couldn't find it in these days neither the other people that was discussing this with me. So what I am trying to suggest here is that someone should make a mod based on the damage parameters of the Mount and Blade franchise, in that game due to the massive battle and the ability to create chaos and make all participants to congregate at one spot of the battlefield, the programers made all melee friendly damage something not to worry about and all the range attacks kept their properties, so you wouldn't hurt your allies in the middle of the fight with any melee weapon, and I thing one person has to be a total wreak if he hits an ally with a bow (seriously whats the point of aiming then?)
Just like a New Game+, I love ur idea!!!!
Here you go people enjoy http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6703 the mod Skyrim Unlimited Rings And Amulets was made by glock9mm
Next thing to come "Make your own orphanage " Mod
with the update 1.7 that was aimed to allow the DLC work properly its possible, it also included the official skyrim editor so say bye to GEEK
Here you go http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9464
LE white walkers of skyrim
TheKussh replied to RaktoastTheSandwichTopper's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
So...... What are the news, someone is interested in creating the mod? -
LE white walkers of skyrim
TheKussh replied to RaktoastTheSandwichTopper's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Hehehe is Fallout New Vegas, love Bethesda or Bethsoft games -
LE white walkers of skyrim
TheKussh replied to RaktoastTheSandwichTopper's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Can't wait for third season!!!!! also can't wait for this mod to come out. This has nothing to do with the subject but I went back to play FNV XD -
It happened to be that there is a decent quantity of guilds in Skyrim, the Companions, College of Winter of Winterhold, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Imperial Army, Stormcloaks (these last 2 for the civil war), other 2 joinable but smaller are Blades and Bards College. Also there are 8 non joinable guilds like the Pisijic Order, Thalmor and the Silver Hand (remindme of the White Hand of Lord Of The Rings XD) these last three to mention the most known. So I was thinking, if you are the badass dragon killer, slayer of the undead, tomb rider (Lara Croft's ancestor XD ), reaper of giants and mammoths and conqueror of either The Empire or The Stormcloack (depending on your choice, that's why I didn't mention the vampires, cannibals and werewolves). So if you are all that and more why in the hell don't you create a badass guild and stop hanging around with those criminals, fur balls, blood suckers, and weirdos that wear dresses? Pretty much what I ask for is that if someone could make a mod where primarily you can build and organize your guild. I will be happy if I can at least have a bunch of guy and girls, that wear what I want and that their ID will say i.e. " (some random and lore friendly name ) of ( The Ratstormers hood, Wine drinkers guild) " But in a much deeper way the mod could have: -Name editor -Uniform selection (Choose the style of armor or clothing from predetermined sets, or create it from scratch) -Admissions (what type of NPC's can be admitted, or maybe generated like in the mod Mercenaries ) -Guild affiliation (What does your guild do i.e. , if is a guild of Thieves, Merchants, Alchemists or Warriors, but could be more possibilities, like XD ... farmers, fishermen, hunters, body gards ) -Run errands for your guild (costs of maintenance) -Scripted aleatory missions for the NPC's i.e. script randomly picks the main body of the mission from a bunch of options; lets say "Deliver a " or "Retrieve a", then again script randomly picks an option but for the second part; lets say "package" or "letter",hen again script randomly picks an option but for the third part; lets say "from" or "to", finally script randomly picks the end of the mission structure; lets say "Whiterun" or "Winterhelm". in the example I gave 8 options so the possible result will be: *Deliver a package to Whiterun *Deliver a package to Winterhelm *Deliver a letter to Whiterun *Deliver a letter to Winterhelm *Retrieve a package from Whiterun *Retrieve a package from Winterhelm *Retrieve a letter from Whiterun *Retrieve a letter from Winterhelm so there we go we got 8 random missions already, but there can be lots more, related to trading, assassinations, and countless different jobs WITHOUT FORGETTING THE TYPE OF guild YOU CREATED, would be funny if a bunch of assassins have the job of decorating a cake XD -A hideout, could be the property you own in game, a new place like a dungeon or some sort of fortress (once picked and cleaned up from NPC's no more respawns) (personally I would use the mod Build Your Own Home) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit 23/07/2012 -Probabilities (The success of every mission depends on the level of guild member and the quantity) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well this is all I can think of, but I will be updating if new ideas cross my mind, and of course your ideas are very wellcome. BTW (Excuse my English)
LE white walkers of skyrim
TheKussh replied to RaktoastTheSandwichTopper's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Hehehe there was a scene in the 1st movie where the skeleton pirates were walking underwater and it looked just the same . -
How in the hell did I just miss clicking the reply I wanted
besides, there is already a climbing mod but this one uses ropes and a hook, the problem is that it doesn't have animations so the third person view is disabled when climbing. its called Sneak Tools by Bogurt1337. Here is the link http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19447
LE white walkers of skyrim
TheKussh replied to RaktoastTheSandwichTopper's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Ok, I'll keep on the monster mod idea, but I'll also try to contact another modder with the same basic idea, reskin draugrs, maybe change name, new spawn pionts (snowing areas), and if someone does it, i recommend to you to use enhance weather systems mod, it will look just like in the video they posted, that happened to me but with a bunch of necromancer and their pet skeletons :confused: , anyway it was cool!! and at the same time it reminded me to the first movie of Pirates of the Caribbean -
LE white walkers of skyrim
TheKussh replied to RaktoastTheSandwichTopper's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
My God, Game of Throne is amazing I've been watching the series the whole afternoon <img src="http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":P"><br><br><br>Edit<br>BTW the Monster mod idea is not bad, the author is not only adding new monster into the game, for example he added a re texture for one of the Falmer types,also the spawning point are different from the rest of the Falmers<br>this can be traduce to the Draugurs in the way that they get a much cooler (in all sens of the word XD) and zombie looking, and the spawning points placed in the snowing areas.<br> -
I'm no modder but I have a vane idea of how it could be done. When a body dies in game the mechanics applied to it's skeleton are disabled, to start climbing the body of the player, more specifically the skeleton of the player should have to enter in a spacial state were the mechanics are disabled because if the body is not int that state at least the bigger part, it will start clipping into the surface, so if some one scripts that the head and arms are not disabled when entering in this state and the proper animations the body can slide on the rock, wall or mountain .
It happened to be that there is a decent quantity of guilds in Skyrim, the Companions, College of Winter of Winterhold, Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Imperial Army, Stormcloaks (these last 2 for the civil war), other 2 joinable but smaller are Blades and Bards College. Also there are 8 non joinable guilds like the Pisijic Order, Thalmor and the Silver Hand (remindme of the White Hand of Lord Of The Rings XD) these last three to mention the most known. So I was thinking, if you are the badass dragon killer, slayer of the undead, tomb rider (Lara Croft's ancestor XD ), reaper of giants and mammoths and conqueror of either The Empire or The Stormcloack (depending on your choice, that's why I didn't mention the vampires, cannibals and werewolves). So if you are all that and more why in the hell don't you create a badass guild and stop hanging around with those criminals, fur balls, blood suckers, and weirdos that wear dresses? Pretty much what I ask for is that if someone could make a mod where primarily you can build and organize your guild. I will be happy if I can at least have a bunch of guy and girls, that wear what I want and that their ID will say i.e. " (some random and lore friendly name ) of ( The Ratstormers hood, Wine drinkers guild) " But in a much deeper way the mod could have: -Name editor -Uniform selection (Choose the style of armor or clothing from predetermined sets, or create it from scratch) -Admissions (what type of NPC's can be admitted, or maybe generated like in the mod Mercenaries ) -Guild affiliation (What does your guild do i.e. , if is a guild of Thieves, Merchants, Alchemists or Warriors, but could be more possibilities, like XD ... farmers, fishermen, hunters, body gards ) -Run errands for your guild (costs of maintenance) -Scripted aleatory missions for the NPC's i.e. script randomly picks the main body of the mission from a bunch of options; lets say "Deliver a " or "Retrieve a", then again script randomly picks an option but for the second part; lets say "package" or "letter",hen again script randomly picks an option but for the third part; lets say "from" or "to", finally script randomly picks the end of the mission structure; lets say "Whiterun" or "Winterhelm". in the example I gave 8 options so the possible result will be: *Deliver a package to Whiterun *Deliver a package to Winterhelm *Deliver a letter to Whiterun *Deliver a letter to Winterhelm *Retrieve a package from Whiterun *Retrieve a package from Winterhelm *Retrieve a letter from Whiterun *Retrieve a letter from Winterhelm so there we go we got 8 random missions already, but there can be lots more, related to trading, assassinations, and countless different jobs WITHOUT FORGETTING THE TYPE OF GUILD YOU CREATED, would be funny if a bunch of assassins have the job of decorating a cake XD -A hideout, could be the property you own in game, a new place like a dungeon or some sort of fortress (once picked and cleaned up from NPC's no more respawns) (personally I would use the mod Build Your Own Home) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit 21/07/2012 -Probabilities (The success of every mission depends on the level of guild member and the quantity) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well this is all I can think of, but I will be updating if new ideas cross my mind, and of course your ideas are very wellcome. BTW (Excuse my English)
LE white walkers of skyrim
TheKussh replied to RaktoastTheSandwichTopper's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
The second season is out?.... :woot: ....I do hope it's available in Australia too, I have been counting the days since I bought season one.... :biggrin: Note: Europe has the first release, I got the 10 DVD's sent from England -
LE white walkers of skyrim
TheKussh replied to RaktoastTheSandwichTopper's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Hehehe just to inform you, I just bought the 1st and 2nd seasons of Game of Thrones XD