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  1. Im ashamed this hasnt been thought of yet, the idea is so awesome :D Just add in a playable ocarina and music from the games.
  2. adding on there could be multiple ways to go about it. Either torturing all the Jarls at your forts or fighting them in fair combat so they submit to your cause and become your allies. and thinking way ahead when the province mods roll out you could take your own warband across the provinces of tamriel.
  3. Features definitely needed for skyrim. Take the holds for your faction, defend them until you eventually take all the holds and become the high king or general of the legion in Skyrim. Horse combat is a give-in. Start raiding parties, set up camp, maybe even optional survival features like eating, healing, and feeding your warbands/legions. Would make thia already extremely awesome game so beyond awesome and perfect. Suggestions, ideas, anything else.
  4. I see where the problem lies now. Could this be fixed by say modding werewolves to be 95% disease resistant or such? Or prehaps just making it so Vampirism beyond sanguinus vampirus is no longer considered a disease? I remember in Oblivion it was a disease at the first stage and not a disease beyond that more of a permanent effect. You mean to say using it once breaks the ability to feed forever? Well I guess we'll just have to wait for the Creation Kit for this one sadly. Speaking of which
  5. The only problem I had with skyrim at all was not being able to be both a werewolf and a vampire at the same time. I guess they conflict or whatever, but I don't care. My Dark Brotherhood dude is an evil esoteric bastard and I figure he deserves to be both. If this has already been done by now, sorry for my ignorance, if not Im surprised this wasn't one of the first mods (next to killing kids of course, what with that damned Battle-born kid).
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