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  1. I tried the Nifskope method, but I warn you, it does NOT work in that it only caused the armor/clothing mesh to be completely ruined, like parts of the mesh going into several directions. Instead, the current version of Outfit Studio does allow you to remove unneeded TBBP bones safely and cleanly, thus making conversions to SSE much better.
  2. Sorry for the necro. I see nothing converted even if it seems I entered everything correctly. How did you do it?
  3. 502 error while trying to download certain mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49015 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39870 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101900 Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Request timed out.Reply from bytes=32 time=167ms TTL=55Request timed out.Reply from bytes=32 time=167ms TTL=55 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 2, Lost = 2 (50% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 167ms, Maximum = 167ms, Average = 167ms
  4. Intriguing. I gotta try this since I'm getting sick and tired of watching horses fly and fortunately I have a copy of Wrye Bash.
  5. Been trying to get meshes of corals show up in the CK worldspace editor as grass and painted as a landscape texture instead of handplaced models (and doing so would take a lot of time trying to cover much of the Sea of Ghosts), but it seems that I'm missing something as they don't show up, even if they loaded intact in the preview window. Yes I tried everything: opened the models with NIFskope and taking the NIF characteristics of grassrocks and trying to apply them to the new models, adjusted the density and frequency of the models, but to no avail.
  6. Go to Settings > General > tick Advanced and change the Download directory.
  7. This thread should be somewhere in the New Vegas subforum, but what's your full system specs? Download Speccy to determine what's your setup -- and you're supposed to know much about the PC in question.
  8. OP, read this on how to set up ENB properly: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:ENB
  9. Sorry if I necro'd this thread, but I feel that those two words can be quite ambiguous. Fans of this saga (and other works of fiction) tend to have their own personal set of standards rather than a unified "official" set of rules and standards of what constitutes as "lore". Of course, it's a complete violation of "lore" if anachronisms are introduced such as electronics or assault rifles, unless it's for comedic effect or for unusual screenshots. But what about characters, especially followers? Or houses? I find it rather frustrating to try classifying my mods through those "rules", it's becoming frustrating no matter how much I try to put backstory and explanation behind those mods, that I don't bother using the "lore-friendly" tag because end-users, just as I said earlier, have their own stronger definition of "lore" because of mods and more than what Beth defines as "holy writ": their "lore" can be a dark, bloody, cold, and dirty Skyrim. Or a Skyrim with vivid colors, clear skies, and characters in the pink of health.
  10. Because end-user demographics, and making a simple female follower has become easier if only for the sake of achieving Hot Files. I try to add some backstory instead of merely introducing characters into the game without a purpose and a reason of existing.
  11. Just came here to say much thanks; the enable/disable script was like discovering another form of fire (the first being the use of trigger boxes to strip and equip NPCs).
  12. /r/Fallout is literally fuming red, short of revolt and possibly a consumer class-action suit. Not so much in /r/skyrimmods.
  13. The FX processors were seen as a laughingstock in regards to gaming performance and power savings, causing a migration to the Intel lineup and forcing AMD to reconsider its processor design, so producing the Ryzen. Did you bought that FX processor from the bargain bin? I personally run a heavily modded game using a rather dated Athlon II X2 processor and an RX470, which of course I get a processor bottleneck penalty, so I'm looking at the upcoming budget Ryzen R3 series.
  14. You better off request it at that Site That I Cannot Mention.
  15. If you have deleted vanilla objects in the plugin, after every edit you have to run the plugin through FO4edit to convert the deleted objects to disabled. The reason why the objects reappear in the editor is that it reloads the objects you deleted.
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