There are a few mod ideas I have for Fallout 4 which I was wondering if anybody would be interested in... 1. Normal: Saving and Duplicating - Gear and Uniform loadout (to Minute Men) or faction of your choice. 2. Automatron: Saving and Duplicating - Saving a custom design for an Automatron (robot) and recreating that exact design. 3. Automatron: Drone Robots/Flying Robots - ( generally being able to design drones for ariel combat (themed: Aircraft, Flying Squid, Kryptonians ship) with new additional/new parts). 4.Titan Sized Robots (additional/new parts) Which can look more unique (like snakes, or Birds, or mythical creatures, or more sci-fi), and being able to design own flying bases (blimps, Aircraft) or Sea Bases (own battleships, submarines) or Space Stations, Or Ships... ect.. 5. Automatron: New Parts - generally a higher range of themes (examples: Iron Man Helmet, Geth (Mass Effect), Shockwave (from Dark Of The Moon), Corpus (Warframe), Tenno (Warframe). 6. Patrols - Being able to command on a map where you're Robots/Minute Men/Factions patrol - and getting to see them in action if you pass by. Also being able to control the amount of people/NPCs per unit. Anyway thanks for running through if you took a look.