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Posts posted by K177J0Y

  1. I like some information about this to. i am not bothered by the npc's looking away while talking to me but i like the head tracking to stop when animations are triggered so the actual animation controls the head and not the tracking overruling it. there is no point for me to even animate head movements because they are somehow over written by something i can't find it. I tried to add it to the papyrus script but has no effect. i did find something about that the SetHeadTracking does not stop the head tracking at all and appears to have no function as far as i could find. If anyone can point me in the right direction to search for it. it would be nice. thank you.

    Hum, I found out that, if you make a animation marker on CK and add on the package: HeadtrackIgnorePlayer or sumethin like that, I will help. However, I want to go deeper and disable the torso rotating stupidly when the NPC rotate their heads. Welp, put this thread is almost dead it seems :/

  2. So I'm trying to finally fix the most unnimersive thing on skyrim: The way NPCs headtrack.

    What do I mean: Have you ever noticed that when you're talking to a random humanoid NPC, when they are not exactly facing you, they just snap their spine and turn their head at the same time?

    Normal human beings don't move their entire torso to talk with you. They just turn their head and then only their neck. Amazingly, OBLIVION did that better ;-;
    So yeah, I would love to get some tips on how to do that... Hopefully it's possible...
    What am I asking for: A way to make, when npc's head track, they move only their head, not the torso.
    How is it probably possible: A behaviour file? Maybe it's a game setting? Something in between?
    What I do NOT want:
    Disable completely head tracking (I know it's possible, but that is a race edit, so it would be uncompatible to most mods and make the already robot-like skyrim NPCs more idiotic...)


    Anyways... Thanks for answering! Hopefully there is a possible way...

  3. So I'm in love with Kenshi, since release I'm playing it daily, something I don't do since Skyrim :v, actually, I'm quite astounded that someone didn't issue the big, fat and old elephant in the room... I'm talking about the vanilla meshes and their...um...defects. So since no one already volunteered to revamp the models for the humanoids and since we already have a pretty good community part map (https://www.nexusmods.com/kenshi/mods/279/) some tweaks would make the body more...interesting.

    I'm not planning on revamping the textures but the models would be a nice start, (at least getting some...details into it)


    But first I need to know how to import the OG files into my 3dsmax to export to zbrush... And since i know fudgeall about scripting and programming I can't figure out how to make Ogre work...


    What I'm trying to say is that if someone would kindly help me figure out how to import .mesh files into 3ds max it would be a nice start for a major revamp :)


    Thanks for answering!

  4. So, long story short, I"ve made a custom evb body for personal use but as I can't use properly some clothes(bathrobe, grognack outfit, harness...etc) I'm now making conversions for it on Outfit Studio, since it seems far easier than 3ds max for example. However, thiis body spawn 120 above the other outfits, not a big problem, I can rearrange to match the outfit to the body after deleting the weights and copying them again after moving them, but that doesn't work on physics clothing (silver shroud, labcoat and the damn grognack outfit), it messes up the weighting to a point that the weighted parts, or become stiff and solid, or they appear 100 feet above my character ingame ;-; I have no idea how to fix this but maybe i can get some leads on:


    Get the physics to work on the outfit




    Get my custom body to spawn on the right place (hopefully it would fix the physics clothing)?




    EDIT: I just opened it up on 3dsmax, moved the editable mesh 120 above, 0,800 back and now it works perfectly! Not a problem at all it seems... Anyway, I'll keep this post for research purposes!

  5. Hello, I'm struggling a lot on some mods I'm working for, you see... I know shiat about Blender so, I don't dare to use, and since BS uses 3ds max anyways (and I'm vastly more skilled with it), I wanted to just work with that, outfit studio and nifskope. The problem is I can't seem to find a good tutorial on how to import, edit and export .nif meshes without the models bugging up (on nifskope, I can clearly see that the mesh appears below ground, making it bug a lot ingame).

    If someone know a good tutorial on doing that (without Blender for goodness sake)...can be a video, another topic here on in other site, I just need a good guideline.

    Thanks :smile:


    Edit: Now I'm capable to work them out, but If I don't convert the mesh to an editable poly, the body weirdly shove itself under the grid...

  6. after typing a command in the console, you can press the up arrow key on your keyboard with the console open, to bring up the same command you just entered, thus making you only need to press 3 buttons to repeatedly unequipp the targets equipped gear, and eliminating the need to ever type the command, Example:


    Press Tilde Key, (console is open), type Unequipall then press Enter, press Tilde again to close console (thus activate the unequipall command), now


    Press: Tilde key, Up Arrow key, Enter Key, Tilde key, Rinse and Repeat, to continuously unequip the targets gear. the target will always be marked as the target in console as long as you dont click on anything else with console open, so this will be extremely quick and effortless to repeatably test new clothing on the target npc.


    this is the quickest and less accident prone approach to what you are asking. playing around with the race flags, means you will also need to change the race flag for the armor addons as well as the armor itself, which will inevitably take longer to do, then what i mentioned above this paragraph :wink:


    especially if you wish to test multiple clothing, as each armor addon and clothing entry itself will need to have their race flags changed. and ofcourse the actor you are testing, will also need their race changed, you could potentially create a custom race for said actor, but then every single clothing you are testing, will need to include that custom race flag, thats 2 entries for every single piece of clothing you wish to test.

    Thank you for answering :) It's sad that it can't seem to be able to visualize the slot 33-BODY on NPC's, or is it? I'm already using this method you said but there's a annoying bug that makes the equipped clothing unequipped but visible, like, the body doesn't update to the unequipall command and show the actor clothed, so I have to open the trade menu, equip a random armor for it to update. Anyways, modifying the BODY slot to be fisible on human NPC's would solve it better...

  7. Hello, I'm working on a clothing extender for companions but opening the console and typing (unequipall) is just troublesome when you do it hundreds of times testing how your outfits work (specially when is bloody Deacon). I wonder if there's a way (modifying the vanilla HumanRace register maybe?) to make equipped underarmors visible on the trading menu.

    Thanks for answering!! :)

  8. I have a fairly high end PC (evga nvidia gtx 1070, quad core processor and 16gb of RAM) but, even having all of that the FO4GECK is unbearably slow and crashy. You see, I'm making a mods that needs some custom NPCs, like 12 or so and the bloody thing is taking a minute or two to update the facial change I made, the outfit file and the script too! Maybe that's because I'm using the GECK trough Mod Organizer, maybe not, but I'm almost pulling my hair off on these bloody menus ;-;

    Is there a way to make the thing go faster or am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks for replying :)

  9. Hey mate,

    All non human creatures (that I know of) use the same bone names in their skeletons, so by changing the race entry in the armor and armoraddon records in creation kit - any clothing or armor can be worn by any race, but expect it to be all stretched out and rubbish.


    So, not that I've actually* tried it yet - but in outfit studio, you can for example start a new project, and use the super mutant body nif as your reference and make the outfit as normal and it should work fine :smile:


    Hope that helps mate :smile:

    Many thanks m8 ^^


    Well, I tried using outfit studio to convert the yao guai bone necklace to a supermutant, but when I visualize the mesh on CK, it shows that it's corrupted (big red exclamation mark) It seems that or I'm a twat that don't know how to use OS properly or it doesn't support creature skeletons and/or meshes.


    Mention of my Doc Drumlin flagged this, so the easy fast way to do this once:


    1 Create a new Message DOC_NAME in the title put the Doctors name you want to appear: Doctor Who

    2 Create a new Quest DOC_QUEST [ ] Start Game Enabled

    3 Create a new Reference Alias DOC_LOCATION ForceRefTo a placed object in the world where you want the doctor

    4 Create a new Reference Alias DOC_ACTOR CreateRefToObject WorkshopVendorDoctor01 [ ] Create At the location reference alias DOC_LOCATION
    5 Display Name DOC_NAME
    Any doctors in the world spawned using WorkshopVendorDoctor01 (Random Encounter Doc Anderson) as a template will share a single vendor chest of inventory. Setting up new npcs with the doctor dialogue factions and separate vendor chests with faction links is a faff and beyond my interest in typing.
    ps I don't watch youtube so no idea what instructions you have been following.
    PPS "the problem is that it uses the travelling doctor, " is not correct, it uses the template to create a copy.


    Thank you for the tip :)

    Will I have FemaleOld voice that Doc Anderson uses or can I add a workshop doctor "settler" voice?

    Anyways, I think it'll do, it's the only thing that is preventing me for releasing an alpha.

  11. If it was me. I would delete it. Then start the tutorial again. You might could fix what you did wrong, but you can also drive yourself crazy trying to fix something that isn't there or you can't find. Looking for a needle in a haystack. If you make something once, that's one thing. If you make the same thing 10 different times, and 10 different ways hopefully. Then you have an idea how to best make something. The practice of making it is what you need to be able to make a better version of it. Now I'm just guessing. You want a dialog for a doctor, but someone said don't use the one already in the game? Drumlin Doc comes to mind. It's just putting a doctor at the Drumlin Dinner, but it's very simple. I'm not sure what it is you are trying to make. You don't want to drive yourself crazy. I know that. If something isn't going well, I usually delete it, and move on. I would say relax. If you were wanting to spend time dedicated to creating specific piece, then relax & do that.

    Thanks for replying firstly :smile:


    I'm creating a mod that adds a worldspace with a medic I created on it. I just need a doctor, like doctor Sum on DC that sells chems and cure rads/diseases. I heard that's not a good idea to tamper with the vanilla scripts and I'm kinda new on scripting business since I just edit models and add worldspaces... But now it's kinda essential this doctor there.

    I'm not planning on adding more dialogue than the basic chems/doctor merchant, at least not now or near. I know I need some practice. The NPC just bumbles around now ;-;


    It's somehow like the mod you quoted, the problem is that it uses the travelling doctor, Doc Anderson... maybe I could try to use that on my NPC? I'm slightly lost



  12. I'm following some tutorial on YT (

    ) on how to make a simple doctor script but I have no idea what happens. I follow trough everything, but when it comes to visualizing the scenes tab, everything is blank! I'm almost modifying the already made script but every modder I know on the internet says that it's really risky.

    At first I tought it was my MO2 but even when I moved all .esp's necessary for my mod, the bloody tab is still blank!

    Sorry for my english, I'm trying this too much...(and I didn't even want to bother with scripting, but is essential that Doctor)


    Important Images








    PS: I did take more screenshots of the process but heck this forum does not accept them





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