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  1. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48351/ SKS Simonov
  2. For myself Texture Load Workaround tweaks increase game load times significantly, but the trade off is well worth it. No more muddy, low quality LOD textures anywhere.
  3. Sim Settlements "Find Unemployed" or "Find Homeless" feature spell does that. There was a bug in old versions that would make the Switch item break if left on while not in a settlement, but has been fixed.
  4. try this, select piper in console disable resurrect 1 enable
  5. If you are used to playing modern games, anything before GTAIV/EFLC will be sub-par regarding graphics and visuals. The RAGE engine was a huge step up for Rockstar.
  6. There's many different leveled lists for raiders depending on what is being distributed, weapon, ammo, armor, misc object, food etc, so you need to put it in the right one(s). Chance None is the percentage of a chance the game has to not choose an item marked so. You can use chance none on the list itself or individual items within the list. [0006D4B9] Conatiner_Loot_Cabinet_Garage <--- this LL has good examples of using chance none. If you want to make certain that an item spawns on an npc via leveled lists, do not use chance none. Using FO4Edit can make this very simple.
  7. Unlimited Companion Framework has a feature called "Quick Recruit" and "Quick Recruit Eligible Only" which lets you recruit almost any npc in the game. Non-eligible followers don't have any follower dialogue, so you have to dismiss them with "Dismiss Ineligible Companions" in the UCF holotape menu.
  8. Please post a source of information for that statement.
  9. Pipe 'B' Gone will also remove pipe weapons from the game and replace them with normal weapons.
  10. I have no idea, however looking inside every other ba2 in the game, including DLCs, no other archive has any duplicated folders like this one.
  11. As the title says, has this been discussed? Is it a problem? They contain different files.
  12. In response to post #47649005. #47778130 is also a reply to the same post. Indeed.
  13. Inigo is the greatest npc companion for any game ever created, by far. You should stand proud and tall Gary for all you've done with him and all you continue to do for him, I thank you.
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