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Everything posted by Ech057

  1. Hi all, so i recently finished Akame Ga Kill and always thought of Koro being a cute companion pet and wished for it to drag it over the wastelands vast ground like seryu did. i dont mean to retexture a behemoth for his beserker trump card, just the little guy. but i suck at coding and being able to get TTW to run on my maschine with only a slight help of tutorials is as much as i can do. so im asking the more expierenced pros for help. https://akamegakill.fandom.com/wiki/Hekatonkheires#Dormant
  2. Late to the Party but Hey Yall. ive already skipped through most of the mods on here and already made a keyword search but it returned no match. Im looking for a mod that changes/tweaks the UI in a way that all my missions are displayed in one long list like in the ME's before, with a prefix indicating what planets or comps mission it is ''havarl, voeld, nexus, eos, kesh, liam, cora, peebee etc'' just like it was in ME1, ME2 and ME3. why did they even changed it? i thought it to be so handy, because i think it absolutely sucks that i cant easily see what my last aquirred missions are and have to click through several submenus to get to the corresponding missions and than theyre all mixed up. Anyone knows about a mod like this, is planning on doing something like that or willing to do some kind of contract/freelancing?
  3. ok, ill head over to their wiki and if needed then to their support. thanks for helping y'all Althought, vortex isnt the problem. vortex DOES show the files only when i launch the game thru vortex the saves dont show up. they only do in vortex' save editor and the game launched solely by steam
  4. hmm, i thinkl you missed my point, or the tilte is misleading. but as you mentioned it, how do i fix vortex pointing at the wrong direction?
  5. Hey, when i lauch FONV from vortex and want to play, it show *no save games found* despite vortex showing me the saves. only if i launch nv via steam i can play my old saves. how can i resolve this? worked fine the last time i played NV (4 month ago or so)
  6. Y Sorry about the error: player.additem id -ff000xx ---- Should read: player.additem id -amount to remove. ( again use the - sign. ) yea, thinking logicly i figured out a solution by myself. The Inventory was thinking i had 1 hat in my inventory since i looted it before i removed automatron. somehow it stayed there but the game thought it was away. so the game said i had 0 hats, and the inventory said i had one, which appearently caused an integer overflow or so. resulted in a absurd amount of semi existent hat. by forcing the game to actually give me one, my inventory updated from 0 green hats to 2 green hats (the one i tinkered wiht and renamed but it still didnt show up for trade in menu) and then i was able to put the in an chest and then scrapped them just to be sure
  7. yea, i already tried remove item but didnt knew i had to place a minus behind the base id. goona try that asap
  8. So, yea, the mod doesnt work as nothing allows me to remove the hats from my inventory manually. i tried getting rid of them using removeallitems (into chest XY) but it just crashes the game inot freeze frame - to many items i guess. SO i guess, another run for the scrap yard, right?
  9. Hey, ive read about the guy with the leather armor bug and now i have the same bug with green rag hats. i know where the first one came from: i looted it at the start of automatron but had to uninstall automatron and reinstall it cause one of the bots went of and was nowwhere to be found. but while making a clean save, i noticed the hat and some other clothes stayed with me (weird) after reinstalling, i was able to get rid of the hat, which only showed up in armor workbenches. and now i have 4 billions of htose weighing me down and making me permanently overencumbered which su**s. anyone knows a solution for this? im looking more for something like willowtree for borderlands because using console commands to get rid of it even displayed the message 'getitemcount >> 0.00' and even 'player.ive' lsit 0 grenn rag hats in my inventory but still these 4 billion rag hats are wasing my inventory. and going back into an old save, i could restart all over havent even finsihed the game once. and i quite like the stuff i found so far and i dont want to cheat all compangions to max and cheat for items in a new run because i consider using console to fix bugs the game caused and making my run bad not as cheating instead of *ill just use the heck out of console to get to the point i was in the old run* Thanks in advance
  10. i might gonna try that and come back if it worked. why didnt came that to my mind, duh ^^
  11. ive already taken a look at this mod, but as NVSE doesnt work for me and my game runs without it, i just can take a guess that the mod disables only when a gun is drawn or holstered but i think it doesn't disable the snipervisor crosshair when aiming. if tried being fast but either its not possible and the visor comes back immediately or im simply not fast enough to do it
  12. **First off, yes this is a repost but wouldnt be if i knew how to delete the other post in the wrong thread; but as i dont seem to be capable of doing this, i hope a moderator finds it and deletes it for me - thank you in advance** So, my question is: im looking for a console command or a mod that removes the crosshair that appears during aiming a sniper rifle still while having 'tm' and 'tfc' on because i wanna take some nice shots of ''me'' while aiming the rifle cuz i dont wanna look like a idiot crouching there with the big A-M rifle at my lap. toggling the tilde key while aiming DOES remove the crosshair but than i got text saying: tm tfc GetVATValue XXXXX tm tfc GETVATValue XXXXX GETVATValueXXX tfc tm in the picture which looks pretty ugly too. So, is there anything that does that what i require? and yes i know, the attached pic itself looks ugly af, but simply squeeze it into paint to get it to the right file size was the fastest way
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