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Everything posted by LucasTomak

  1. Hi there! I've been trying to find a way to make the hands on my character invisible. To be specific... a wearable item that will only make the NPC/Player wearing the article appear with no hands. This means no replacing the vanilla hand texture. I have made my own custom meshes, put in game, and they work as they should. They override the body but the hands are still floating there, even if I don't want them. I've seen mods and vanilla pieces that obviously override the hands but I don't know how its done myself. I guess my question is... What is the easiest way to have the hands not show up in a particular armor / clothing piece. Can I adjust something in the NIF file of my mesh. Is it done through the FO4 Edit / Creation kit? The 3D program I used (Maya)? If you can give me any incite at all... PLEASE message me back! Thanks for your time! -Lucas
  2. Alright, I have a few questions regarding playing animations played through the console command. First off: I know from Fallout 3, you could play animations through the command "playidle xxxx" pretty easily. I also know Animations could be played on creatures they were not originally meant for. I specifically remember making a feral ghoul dance and a super mutant do something stupid! I made a made a bad ass video using these tricks so I kinda know my stuff! :D ( ) I'm Now messing with fallout 4 and trying to do something similar. Lets say I wanted my character, or another Human NPC to play a ghoul animation. Shouldn't this work? Can't I have my player play a ghoul attack or something. I tried this with a bunch of different animations and only a few worked and they played the human version of the anim. (ie. the character was the victim of the "bit death" animation...not the ghoul attacker) So I guess I'm asking if anyone knows anything about the in-depths of animations and what not. Is there any way to make this situation work? Do ghouls and humans have the same skeleton? Please list anything helpful! This is all towards a huge mod project I've been working on for over a year! thanks for your time and Thanks for the help!!!
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