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  1. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5184015-guide-replacing-vanilla-hair-with-modded-hair/ Lock the thread Mr. Moderator <3
  2. So i've been trying to find a mod that would replace all the vanilla haircuts with better looking ones, but i failed at doing so, so i have figured out a way to do it myself. Yes, i could make a mod and upload it on nexus, but with this tutorial you can customize it to your will. 1. Go ingame, write down names of all vanilla haircuts 2. Still ingame, write down names of which modded haircut was to replace the vanilla ones (I used Lings Coiffure NV) 3. Go to GECK, open the fonv main esp and your mods esps http://i.imgur.com/GeLdJ1z.png 4. Check every texture and mesh file that you want to replace and put it all in a neat table in excel http://i.imgur.com/Ku8UJRg.png 5. Extract the bsa of the mod you are using via FOMM, then take meshes and textures to your New Vegas data folder (Without doing this you wont find .NIF and .DDS files of the modded haircuts in GECK) http://i.imgur.com/Fcl1CTz.png 6. Go to character -> hair in geck and replace the vanilla textures and meshes with the ones you wrote down in the excel table. http://i.imgur.com/cBjOkJi.png Save as an esp, activate and voila, no more ugly hair in both Mohave and Capitol wasteland (If you use TTW) Some screens: For some NPCs the hair can be a bit missplaced, can't find a fix for it as of now. PS: I hope that it's the right subforum PS2: Im polish, so grammar can be bad sometimes.
  3. Yeah, i know how this stuff works, don't worry.
  4. I'll do it per first step, second step and so on 1. Went ingame, writed down names of all vanilla haircuts 2. Still ingame, writed down names of which Ling's Coiffure haircut was to replace the vanilla ones 3. Went to GECK, opened the fonv main esp and the Ling's Coiffure esps 4. Checked every texture and mesh file that i want to replace and put it all in a neat table in excel (ill upload images tommorow) 5. Extracted the Ling's Coiffure bsa via FOMM, then took texture/character/hair and mesh/character/hair into the Data folder (otherwise GECK couldnt see the files from Ling's mod) 6. Went to character -> hair in geck and started to replace the vanilla textures and meshes with the ones i wrote down in the excel table. Saved as an esp, activated and voila, no more ugly hair in both Mohave and Capitol wasteland It might be not understandable or feel very complicated, but it should be clear after i upload the images, also im gonna make an diffrent thread just for the tutorial so more ppl can see it.
  5. I have menaged to make the mod a diffrent way, but thank you all for trying to help me anyways. I would upload it on nexus but it's a very dirty edit, and im not sure what you would have to do to make it work on your machine.
  6. There is a reason why i wrote "REPLACER" using caps, i dont want it to add new hair, i want it to replace all the vanilla haircuts
  7. Hello, i've been looking for a mod for a long time, but with no luck. I can't believe noone has ever done one tbh. I want it to replace the vanilla AWFULL hair, i swear the only one that i like is the Wendy The Welder one. It does not have to be a complete new hair mesh, it can use Nouks and Apachiis hairstyles. Yes, i know about Wasters Overhaul, but i use TTW, and want the DC npc's to be diffrent too. PS: If noone want's to do one themself, just tell me how to do it.
  8. Hi ! I wanted to make a pixel art of vault boy as seen in trailer, but i have to make 20+ large power generators to make it work. Now i'm asking someone to just make large/medium/small power generator product 500 power, so i can just put one and don't care about making more, thank you.
  9. thank you sir, *gives sweet roll*
  10. someone was reading this post for 1 hour and then leaved, hope you get an arrow in the knee >:C
  11. Hi there, fellow adventurer (or poor lil' guard) if you love skyrim like me you probably started new game 1000000 times by now. After all this i like to be good from the very start, so i use Alternate Start mod for start game with house in riften and Skyrim character editor for having all perks that i want. Only thing that bothers me is having to do all that boring thieves guild missions to get that nightangle armour and money (<3), so there is my question. Can anyboydy pleeeease do a mod or bat file to automaticly be guild master, get nightangle armour and all the money from guild quests ? Sorry for my gramar, POLAND STRONK!
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