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About remystemple7days

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  1. i don't remember the name of the game but you started out as a cell and evolved your way up into whatever kind of creature your choices led you to become. but it had the same little planet, the mod idea is that old game that i can't remember the game of and dysons mix. you would evolve into something that can build the mech and then dysons would start. spore, that's the name. a mix would be super cool.
  2. stop putting your tag in the front of the config file, it's so hard to find half the time. you can't sort by alphabetical order so you sit there reading these messy config titles until you find the one you're looking for. please.
  3. the only 2 build camera mods i know of both break destroy. hard to build much more than a box without it. probably super hard for the devs to implement their own eh? lol
  4. Remember that old meme from the show Dexter? "Surprise Mofo" to replace i have arrived would be fun for servers
  5. I spent hours removing and re adding mods to see what was giving me the Shaders not in blob or whatever it says. quick google search brings me to reddit of course and someone posted they were having a similar issue and the fix was to disable vulkan, and it worked. gpu runs a bit hotter but at least i can go back to playing with the mods i like. hope this helps someone.
  6. Would it be possible to add clay to the game for an early game building material? it would be like between wood and stone. idk if they have units of water and dirt in the code for such a recipe, but i would be a neat addition to construction progression.
  7. I changed a few key bindings to use the keys for mod functions. the one that i've notice and the only one i really care about changing is V. when i change it to any other key, V still toggle auto pickup. is there this a me bug or a valheim bug?
  8. i tried planbuild but it seemed over complicated for what i wanted. buildshare is perfect for starting over so you can just plop down an empty shack someone made and not feel too cheaty lol
  9. I was under the impression that you had to be a paid subscriber at nexus to be able to dl packs. i'm not sure tho. i tried and it said i need to be "premium" and i am not paying nexus to break my game with a pack lol.
  10. like keys for doors? or am i totally not getting what you're saying?
  11. make sure Jotunn library is up to date and installed properly. that one is a requirement for a lot of the custom items and such.
  12. Sorry i'm a little late here, but I looks like some of the "backbone" mods required for custom type spawns and such might have gotten messed up or installed wrong. like i just realized a couple days ago that i hadn't followed the instructions on a few mods, like the Mhook thing and like i see in your list vbuild or buildshare whatever it's called now. I just went over each of them "backbone" mods like "spawn it" for example. and just made sure to install everything correctly. my red text went away. good luck. hope it helps.
  13. ok, this mod Land Animals i found on thundersomething or other, and tired it out. wow it's great, very great. an amazing amount of talent went into making this mod. i can't say it enough, it's a work of art. BUT since the mod is not posted here, and you can't post on thunderwhaatever i'm assuming the mod author looks here regularly as well. so, buddy i need to tell you about the downside of the mod. the spawn rates are insane, i figured out how to fix that so that good for me. also racoons only come out at night. i would suggest making that change for sure. the last thing, i live in northern canada, animals are sparse, they hide from you, they don't jump all around you like house cats. deer have no reason to attack a player with threat. there needs to be a "fear factor" added. just like the vanilla deer, they're afraid they run and you can't kill them until you get a bow or are very sneaky. So i suggest revamping the mod after doing some research on the actual animals. i realize valheim is a fictional world but the animals are from a real world so they should act the same. spawn rate needs to be dropped dramatically, make the animals afraid of you. even wolves irl very rarely attack a person, it's usually attacking the persons dog. which brings me to another point. i was watching the shark from the Sea Animals mod and waiting to see if he would try lunge at a dear or lizard standing on the shore, and he didn't. if you could add animal vs animal agro would add a whole new dimension to the game. last time AMAZING mod. the talent, just wow. but these things take too much away from the brilliance that is within this mod. I also see you are looking to be paid for it to be used on a server. i think until those changes are made a charge for this mod is not realistic. lets be honest the devs should be paying you for this mod lump sum to add it to the game. you are obviously a very talented person. but it seems like you might have little experience with animals in the wilderness. unlike myself and many others that live in the boreal forest lol. I hope you read this. the mod is so great i thought i would take the time to make some suggestions that would make it better. Thank you.
  14. so for the first time ever i realized the torch actually makes a good stater weapon. dot is nice. then i started thinking that it would be nice for early game to be able to, for example kill a lizard or bore with the flame and rather than dropping raw meat it drops cooked meat. don't even know if it's possible but would be great mod, and by now i'm sure ideas are running thin. I was already imaging how someone could turn it into a space game lol.
  15. Thank you, I tried looking through the bug reports for each mod but was not having very much luck. Thank you for the reply. I do not see a delete option. So ill rename it. Thanks again. no delete option? just delete the .dll file from the plug ins folder lol
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