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  1. UPDATE: For anyone interested in the same issue, I figured the merchant morph file, it is: qm_trp200cr_merchant.morI then used A year with Sten by Talagen and choose one of his excellent morph files, renamed it "qm_trp200cr_merchant.mor" and the result.
  2. I have encountered an issue with the Qunari Update Mod and the Qunari Merchant Armaas, is there any mod to fix this?
  3. I guess it might not be to hard to add another dog companion, there lots of companion mods, I don't know how to make one but I figure you would just have to add another "wardog" class companion.
  4. Not to my knowledge, I don't think it might be to hard to mod crossbow to work like a gun but I'm not a modder...
  5. Can anyone tell me what UTC file to search for Brother Burkel? Edit: Spoke to soon again, already found it, it is orz200cr_burkel for anyone wondering.
  6. I added several items to list 0, both weapons and armor, some tomes too, and all of them showed on the right tab, just maybe not on the proper order.
  7. Is there a way to change the item cost? I added a few items to a merchant but I want them to be expensive(make you work for them), and I just don't know how, is it possible to do without the Dragon Age Origins Toolset?(Using Tlkedit for example) Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out. Thanks for everyone who might have seen this and was willing to help.
  8. So I was looking at store_camp_bodahn.utm and I noticed under "StoreList" he has several folders containing different "ItemList"(See attached print screen) What purpose does that serve? Why not use only one folder with "ItemList"?
  9. Thank you so much for putting up with my noobness, you are a godsend!
  10. Did you find a solution for this? I have the same problem the battle will simply not end... And I have already searched the map thoroughly. Edit: For everyone who had the same problem, after much and tiresome troubleshooting, I found out that the culprits were Dragon Age Rules Fixpack by gastank and Dain's Fixes by dainbramage. The important part is I just deleted all "engineevents_*.gda" from Dain's Fixes by dainbramage, and kept the rest of the fixes that don't use that script. It seems the scripts were stopping some more complex vanilla game scripts from executing. So I ended with most of Dain's Fixes by dainbramage working and with Dragon Age Rules Fixpack by gastank fully working.
  11. I have a problem I have been troubleshooting for awhile now, and that is the redcliff siege won't end even after all enemies are dead, I know you can use "runscript zz_arl_debug" but I want to avoid using the console. Is it possible to make a mod to skip the siege, or better yet, run that script after a few minutes from the start of the siege? Edit: Maybe it would just be easier to spawn an elite zombie that ends the battle after being killed. Edit 2: Thank you for everyone who intended to help, I figured the problem was a conflict between two of my mods and am working on fixing it.
  12. Is there a deocumented list of propertyID? Am looking for restrictions specifically, (The ones I am looking for right now are Restricted Mage, Restricted Male, Restricted Female).
  13. A couple more questions: 1) Do you know the property ID for Mage, Male and Female? 2) Can you add several restrictions at the same time?
  14. That requires DA Toolset right? It does. (That's the same toolset tutorial I linked to above, and the method used to add LCF items to the Ostagar quarternaster.) For some reason I can't seem to get the toolset working on my windows 10, so I gave up, anyway TLKedit2 and gff4editor-1.0 are doing the job.
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