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Posts posted by churtado82

  1. This is a bug i encounter while i was using a bloodrager steelblood.

    the prerequisites of unhindering shield are fighter level 4 o BAB 6
    and shield focus or armor training.
    bloodrager steelblood gain armor training at level 5, but i couldn't take the feat, even when i have all the prerequisites.

    I hope Holic92 can read this (or someone could send it to the call of the wild bug report, i can't do it and i don't know why)

  2. That's curious.


    Which version of Vortex are you on and what was the exact sequence of events that lead to this outcome?


    How are you verifying whether the plugins are active in game?


    Ok, the problem was apachii skyhair. when i installed the mod for females before the mod for males, vortex give the message "not a valid plugin" now i installed them ods in correct order (main - male - female) and didn't have the problem.

  3. I'm installing mods for Skyrim Special Edition.

    Yesterday, i instaled a lot of mods without problem, but today, the new mods (plugins) were installed but not activated. When i try to activate, the load order the program gave me is -1, so they're enabled in vortex, but they're not activated in the game.

    How can i fix that?

    thanks in advance

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