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Everything posted by rylog9

  1. What this guy did. Made a downloadable mod here
  2. So, I've been reverse-engineering a script from another modder, and he has a script like this; ;marksman switch if ( player->GetMarksman ) == 100 ; means skill has progressed if ( marks < 100 ) ; if skill is less than 100, skill up set value to ( marks + 1 ) player->setmarksman value else ; if skill is 100 or above, only set to 100 player->setmarksman 100 endif else player->setmarksman marks endif And I'm trying to move it to have the same effect for magic (Illusion, Restoration, Alteration, etc.). But, I've noticed the keywords <marksman> (name of the skill) AND <marks> (abbreviation?) are used. This pattern is repeated for other skills, like <HandToHand> with <hand> and <bluntweapon> with <blunt>. --What are the abbreviations for the magic skills?
  3. I've had this mod on for a while and had no problems with it. I stopped playing for a few months, then I had this bug. Now I don't have any save before the mod and can't transform at all. Is there no fix for me?
  4. So, I'm new on the whole modding scene. How can I make a mod that would start someone in, say, a new worldspace? Would someone have to download and overwrite their Skyrim.ini in order to use it?
  5. What do you mean by reinstalling? Reinstalling Skyrim or reinstalling Throwing Weapons? And it's happening with me on annything I drop, not just weapons (vanilla books, modded armor, etc.).
  6. So... what if you got the GOTY edition instead?
  7. It's really weird that Bethesda didn't make him adoptable in the first place. He's practically the only significant child NPC that doesn't have a parent
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