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Posts posted by Pyromaniac116

  1. You cannot use anything that you haven't created or have permission from the rights holder for, the site is UK based and under UK law the copyright remains on music for 70 years after the death of the author.ÃÂ



    But arent there other mods that allow songs that are copyrighted? The mod I linked doesnt say that they have permission, and lots of other mods also have songs that arent credited or shy anything about copyright.

  2. So I made my very first mod today and was really excited to upload it. It is a radio mod for NV though, and includes some copyrighted music obviously. I made sure to stress that I didnt own it and make no money off of it So it is now been deleted and my questions are: If I upload it with what this mod has [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51827(I]https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51827 (I dont use it, just looking at other radio mods for reference) would it allow my mod? What tools or tips would allow it? And can those even be uploaded? I do live in the US so I would be covered under US laws. The mod in question had some Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin songs, stuff like that.


    Sorry for the poor phrasing and stuff, I'm bad with words. Any input from mods or admins would be very appreciated. I worked hard to figure out the mod and want it to be on Nexus.

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