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Posts posted by thousande

  1. It depends.


    Ask yourself: Do I want to override an existing LoadingScreen or create a new unique LoadingScreen?


    Copy as New Record Into.. is the same as creating a new unique record (Labeled Duplicate in CK)





    Yes, I guess you are onto something with the transform values (see the linked documentation earlier in the thread).

    The creationkit.com may be a bit lacking sometimes so you may have to try out stuff to see what works ;)


    Creation Engine/Fallout 4 uses the DDS format for almost anything bitmap related.

    You have to export your image to DDS.

    There is a DDS read/export plugin for gimp, but I am not sure if it has been updated to the latest greatest version of gimp.

    All I can say is that it works with gimp 2.10




    Else there are other export tools. I think Paint.net have built-in support for DDS


    The texture/bitmap then needs to be applied to a 3d model. E.g a simple plane geometry.

    I guess this goes far into 3d modeling etc. and how the nif format which is another topic ;)

    There are information out there, but it is mix of old and new versions, Fallout and Skyrim etc. etc. which may be confusing at first.


    I guess you should first try create a new mod with a new or an override LoadingScreen

    E.g. Duplicate an existing LoadingScreen and only change the loading screen text.

    Save and try it out.

  2. I haven't done this myself but as far as I know the loading screen in Fallout 4 is a an object pointing to a Nif/3d mesh.

    You create and configure a new loading screen form and the game will do the rest.


    Not sure if there are 2d loading screens in Fo4, but you may work around it with e.g. a 3d plane and LoadScreen configuration.


    Eg. A bitmap image/material on a plane and use the no rotate/transform configuration in the LoadingScreen form.


    A basic understanding of how nifs and materials work in Fo4 is required.

    You then need a a static nif with a proper uv unwrapped mesh that can show the image (3d material/texture).

    Physics and collisions are not needed for loading screen art( ref. existing loading screen nif/meshes)


    I guess you could come a long way with any 3d application and OutfitStudio or try finding an existing 3d plane/nif that fits your requirements.


    Once you have the nif you need to create a new LoadingScreen form in Creation Kit or fo4edit.

    Also, by looking at the docs it seems like you can to some extent control when the screen is shown using condition functions / checking various states in the current game.

    Eg. Only show this loading screen if some quest stage is larger than some stage index etc. etc.



    Loading Screen



    Conditions General



    Condition Functions

    The Fo4 page is mostly undocumented, but most functions from Skyrim are more or less available. You may have to try figure out what works here :wink:


    Fo4: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Condition_Functions

    Skyrim: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Condition_Functions


    Hope this helps.


    Edit: links

  3. Some of the skeleton poses may have been set up in a 3d tool(e.g. 3ds Max) Then the pose data is exported and injected using some script they have on their computer(s).

    The public version of CK may not be that different from what BGS is using. They probably have a lot of extra tools 'in their drawers'.

    E.g. Some of these tasks may be one-timer tasks that are not worth implementing into CK or the tasks/code depends on 3rd party code/license that restricts them from releasing the tool to the public. A mix of applications, scripts and procedures.

  4. >> what I do know if you delete an item in the CK, then run xEdit it restore that item and disable it, but it restores it at Z level -30000.0000. I figure it knows something I don't


    So it is xEdit that does this? It makes sense to me now :wink:

    I have had this jet inhaler 10000 units above the ground for a while. I delete it and sometimes the inhaler resurrected later.


    I think CK do a soft delete on the record. Then on the next time the mod is loaded CK nukes the records flagged for deletion.

    I guess xEdit have not implement the nuke-records-marked-for-deletion function or somehow resets the 'deleted' flag.


    Next time try load the mod with deletions in CK before loading it to xEdit.

  5. Try RGB Axis' Fallout 4 Workflow Tutorial

    If I remember correctly the video shows how to bulk export from Max using the official plugin + other plugins


    Have you looked at nifly? It is the code that deals with Outfit Studio's nif reads and writes.

    An idea would be to create a 'convert task' using the library




    PyNifly is a blender plugin that uses the library. There is some extra info on the project's github wiki



  6. As South8028 said, it is sprite animations using UVs


    The author of Videos of the Wasteland author made a tutorial about the workflow here




    I tried to follow it, but I experienced some problems with FFmpeg or something back then. It was not important so I never completed the tutorial :wink: I guess there are other encoder tools that can be used too.

  7. You may explore Talking Activator


    AFK. I think interactable intercoms etc. are TalkingActivators.


    Add a voice type and you can use the the TalkingActivator for quest/dialogue.


    Also, as everything activator I think the nif must have collision data in order for the activation to work.





    Skyrim (some more info):


  8. Yup there it is. And yuck, it's an installer. Have to see what it creates. I can't do much with an exe.


    Collisions are on my want-to-do list too, but FO4 collisions are represented as a byte array in the nif and I have *no* clue what's in there.

    As I currently understand it Fallout 4's engine only reads Havok physics/collision.

    The official Max Nif exporter exports collision data in an older nif collision format which by default does not work in the engine.

    After Max export, the nif has to be processed via the Elric application which creates the Havok collisions.


    I guess the task is to figure out the format that the exporter. If lucky, it may be a more familiar format :wink:



  9. I'm in contact with DocClox.


    What I'm thinking is, a plugin doesn't care who calls it and it's designed to be called from an external program. So if I can reverse-engineer the 3DS Max side of the plugin, I might be able to figure out how to call it. Then I could build a Blender plugin that calls it the same way.


    I have CK but I'm not seeing a Tools folder. It should just be there, no special download required?


    The installer should be in <game root>\Tools\NIF_Exporter\


    I do not remember it is an option during Creation Kit's download/install








  10. The Rise of Psykers Project made a simple tutorial for particle workflow in 3dsMax a while ago
    From the video author:
    > Create -> Geometry -> Particle System -> Blizzard, PCloud, SuperSpray, PArray. (Spray, Snow, PF Source didn't work for FO4)
    Also, the official nif plugin adds Gamebryo specific parameters in 3dsMax's panels


    Maybe we should petition you to make some tutorials, since you have mastered the animation of modifiers and controllers.ÃÃÃÂ ÃÃÃÂ

    I'm not that against it, but in fact I understand this less than you. ) You probably did not understand what I meant. We discussed before with Chuck that the animations of modifiers and controllers were not written to nifs. Only simple mesh manipulations were recorded. He said that animations for modifiers, motion controllers and particles should be baked.

    Usually scripts are used for this, respectively, bethesda used some kind of hkt script or its own for this case. But it turned out that there is an easier way. I described it.

    For example, you made an animation using the motion/"path constraint" controller, like in this treadmill. This controller is often used to animate tank tracks. If you just save such a nif, the animation on it will not work in the game, because the controller is not supported by the engine.

    Therefore, you need to bake it. Convert all data to mesh motion. To do this, we export this animation to fbx and then import it back. All data from controllers, modifiers and particles will be converted in data helpers. This animation will now become a normal mesh animation, retaining the manipulation of controllers and modifiers in this normal animation.

    Accordingly, such an animation will already be recorded in the nif. Which can be seen in my treadmill animation.

    I apologize again for my English. Poor knowledge of English is my main problem. )


    > Therefore, you need to bake it. Convert all data to mesh motion. To do this, we export this animation to fbx and then import it back.


    That is interesting. Thanks to TroiKamikaZetan, https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/hzixj7/fo4since_i_found_the_way_to_create_a_custom/ I was able to export particle effects like Array, Spray, Snow. Maybe baking and exporting to a fbx will make PF Source work too. I am going to try this next.

  12. It may come in handy ... I have mastered the animation of modifiers and controllers for fo4. This is easy to do. Export animated meshes to fbx with the "animation" checkbox checked and import back. The animation is baked on import. Imported fbx contains ready-made animation of modifiers, particles, controllers. It can now be assigned sequence, assigned materials, added collisions and exported to NIF. All animation will be preserved. So you can create water, conveyors, smoke and all that.

    That is lovely. I see the waving flag (e.g. FlagWavingMinutemen01.nif) is using bone data and a controller manager.


    Do you happen to know if that is created using the Havok plugin or something? or is it possible to do with transform animation.


    I am trying trying to create a windsock but my animation attempts have failed so far





  13. I think this is the character light (cl), a kind of rim light thing on characters.

    It is a switch that is on by default.


    It can be toggled from the console(PC) and turned off permanently by modifying the Fallout.ini file.

    Not sure if the ini file is modable on Xbox


    In game console: cl off


    ini file:


    sStartingConsoleCommand=cl off


    See this page for example:


  14. Difficult to say what causes the problem without the nif.

    There may be some issues with the mesh.

    Before exporting to obj from Blender try remove double verticies (merge by distance) and run a mesh > delete loose.


    You can add path to material from Outfit Studio. See the From the OS menu: Shape > Properties

    See the Shader tab in the properties window.

    There is no magic with the file path. E.g the file name does not need to correspond with nif file name or anything.

    Just place the custom bgsm somewhere in the data/materials directory.


    If you haven't already make sure to tick off Sub Index in the OS/Shape > Properties - Geometry tab before export.

    The 'Sub Index'/ BSSubIndexTrishape node is (mostly) used for clothing and I think it will crash when used as static / furniture etc.

  15. Open the nif in NifScope and navigate to the *ShaderProperty node for the shape node. Usually it is a BSLightningShaderProperty node.

    Select the Shader node in NifScope and in the Block Details panel find the Name property.

    The name property holds the path (relative to the data/ directory) to the material file.


    Click the icon labeled "txt" in order to change the string/file path.





    Not sure how you made the final nif after modifying the mesh in Blender.

    Why not do all mesh work in Blender?

  16. AFK, you may check if outfit change works.
    If I remember correctly changing an Outfit with papyrus is buggy. The outfit will not change.
    You may need to mess around with adding single clothing/armors.

    > I am trying to get an actor to change clothing to a random outfit either from within their inventory or a custom array of outfits at the start of a package.
    You need a script on the Package, not the Actor.

    Example code using a Papyrus file:

        Scriptname MyNameSpace:MyPackage extends Package
        Outfit[] property TheOutfits
        Event OnStart(Actor akActor)
            Outfit SelectedOutfit = TheOutfits[Utility.RandomInt(0, TheOutfits.Length-1)]

    I guess the namespace is auto generated when using inline/fragments.
    Notice the typed Array[] for TheOutfits property. Besides being an Array CK will let you add multiple values in the UI - property window.

    If list reuse becomes a requirement or some other case you may plug a FormList type instead of an Array.


    Again. Test wether outfit change via Papyrus works as expected.

  17. >> I created the DDS file for the normal in Crazy Bump and the other two files (d and n) within GIMP by exporting them (Compression BC1 and generating MipMaps)


    I guess you meant d and s.


    AFK, irc normal maps compressed with BC1 crashes the game.

    Normal and specular maps are usually use BC5 compression (only exports the red and green channel data).

    Also, Textures with a dimension that are _not in the power of 2 causes a CTD in Fallout 4.

  18. I think part of the transparency here is done with mesh vertex colors (see the use of effectShader flags)

    Assuming you have converted the nif to obj/fbx, imported to one or more 3d editing applications, modified/scaled the mesh and exported it again etc.


    I _think MAX w/official plugin preserves the vertex colors properly. From import to export.


    Also, try use .fbx (instead of obj) as the transport format if you haven't already.

    Vertex color is usually better supported and implemented in that format.

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