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  1. True, the way the camera is there would have to be some pause put in to allow the animation to play. (I assume that is what you're refering to) I thought maybe the character was in frame enough after the choice to still partially see the animation (at least see the chin moving) but looking back only the beast races could possibly benefit from it at all. Maybe a different approach than to add some involvement? Like rather than lip sync the player will preform some simple animation (nodding, gesturing, etc.) to imply speaking with a short delay before the npc speaks? There are mods that do trigger an animation but I've yet to see one that triggers during all conversations and not just the ones added in a quest. To be clear I'm not actually in dire need of a mod like this or anything. It's more just something I thought might be interesting even if nothing comes of it. Would something like this even be possible? Even if it would ultimatly be useless?
  2. Giving this a bump just in case someone hasn't seen it.
  3. No worries, though that does help as I'm basically wanting something similar but for the player character. Maybe someone with more modding experience than me could take inspiration from how Fuz Ro D-oh works in order to make what I'm proposing?
  4. I was wondering, is there any sort of mod that exists or can be made that adds lip syncing to the player character? The Alternate Conversation Camera is awesome but whenever it moves over the player character they just stand there staring while the npc somehow infers an entire conversation from their glare. There are mods that give the player facial expressions and even some mods trigger an animation when the character replies but the lips remain nonetheless unmoving. Of course it would be fantastic if each line of dialogue had appropriate lip movements but that sounds like it would be a pretty large scope mod to do. (And of course actually voicing every line would take forever, even if you just wanted one race/gender option.) Instead maybe a mod that had a handful of "mouth flap" animations that randomly play after you select your option? Maybe even animations taken from the game itself. Just something really short to play in an equally short pause between when you select the option and when the character speaks. Just to give your character a bit more movement and involvement without trying to voice or animate every line in the game. (I hope that makes sense) Is a mod like this even possible? Would anyone else be interested in this sort of mod? And is there anyone willing to put in the effort to make it? (Cause lord knows I can't make heads or tales of the creation kit)
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