True, the way the camera is there would have to be some pause put in to allow the animation to play. (I assume that is what you're refering to) I thought maybe the character was in frame enough after the choice to still partially see the animation (at least see the chin moving) but looking back only the beast races could possibly benefit from it at all. Maybe a different approach than to add some involvement? Like rather than lip sync the player will preform some simple animation (nodding, gesturing, etc.) to imply speaking with a short delay before the npc speaks? There are mods that do trigger an animation but I've yet to see one that triggers during all conversations and not just the ones added in a quest. To be clear I'm not actually in dire need of a mod like this or anything. It's more just something I thought might be interesting even if nothing comes of it. Would something like this even be possible? Even if it would ultimatly be useless?